Feeling the pressure from having to avenge his family within a month, Nightin knows that he can"t afford to waste even a single second. Picking up his sword from the ground, he decided to enter deeper into the Nascent mountain in search of food and water and most importantly, cultivation resources.

After around 10 minutes, he arrived at the outer area of the Nascent Mountain. Here, it"s where all the Martial Apprentice realm beasts gather. Ranging from the first suh realm to the ninth sub realm. Looking up ahead, he saw a sparkling clean river and decided to obtain some water from it.

Even though the system had given him a weak cultivation base to start off in this world, it was still far from enough to survive in this cultivation world as a weakling.

He was only stronger than a mortal at best right now, even the weakest demon beasts would be able to take his life easily without any difficulty.

Demon beasts are a wild variant and are usually used to refer to any wild monsters found in this world above the Martial Apprentice fifth realm. Only when someone has successfully slain a demon beast singlehandedly, would they have taken the first step in this cultivation world.

He needed water right now, he was already dehydrated from the journey here and the grief hidden within his heart, his body and mental state would soon collapse if he doesn"t hydrate himself.

Bending down, he took out a small bottle from within the system"s inventory and attempted to collect some drinking water.

It was evident that the system has paved the way for him at every stage, the system had clearly antic.i.p.ated him needing a container for water.


A gust of wind suddenly sliced towards him from the side, if this attack were to get him, his body would definitely be shredded to pieces and he would die right here.

Forcing out all the strength in his legs, he leaped to the side in an attempt to dodge the sudden attack of the wind element, one of the basic five elements.


"Argh!" Nightin groaned in pain as he covered the cut on his left arm with his right palm, to take out some bandage which he had took from home before coming here.

Quickly wrapping his wound in a few circles, he tied it with a rift knot at the side and left it there, but this doesn"t mean that he was in the clear.

He needed to get away of even take the life of his enemy now, but his opponent was lurking in the shadows while he"s out in the light.

It was clear that he was at a disadvantage and taking into consideration of the previous attack strength, his target was most likely a demon beast.

As for the demon beast being able to release a gust of wind, the feeling of fear struck him as he realised what was coming for him, one of the strongest first cla.s.s demon beast.

The sky hawk which he was facing might only be an eyas, but its species was acclaimed to be one of the strongest demon beasts with unlimited growing potential.

"Timed quest has been triggered!"

Quest details: Defeat the young Sky Eyas and seal it in the system"s ranch, host will be able to unlock it when you arrive at that stage, do take note that if you aren"t strong enough at that point of that time, this Sky Eyas right now will claim your life right there and then.

"Geez, I"ll die in my own conscious state of mind if I"m too weak?" Nightin thought to himself as his body shuddered in fear, giving him a new reason on his list to never go slack on himself.



The Sky Eyas cried out as it dived towards Nightin from his back without any warning, it was still a newborn which definitely isn"t older than half a month, yet its strength was more than enough to pose a threat to Nightin who was still weak.

Drawing out his longsword from the system"s inventory, he swung it backwards from over his head, if this attack were to hit its mark, the Sky Eyas would definitely be knocked out from the impact.



The sound of a sword hitting the air could be heard, the bird slicing through the air was so loud that Nightin"s ears hurt as it suddenly retreated backwards and flapped its wings, sending another gust of wind towards Nightin.

d.a.m.n it, Nightin raised his sword to block the sudden attack at the very last moment.


Nightin was sent flying backwards, but he forcibly stopped himself by stabbing his precious sword straight into the gra.s.s patch below, resulting in surprisingly slimy soil to stick onto his sword.

It seems that Nightin would have one other annoying trivial matter to attend to after this.

Taking the initiative to attack this time, he stabbed forwards towards the Sky Eyas who had just managed to regain its footing in the air, it may have strong combat abilities and senses since birth, but it still lacked practice and combat experience which led to this.


The Sky Eyas cried out again as it flapped its wings and tried to save itself, but it realised that it was trapped in a cage instead with a timer within it, two years.

The Sky Eyas smashed itself into the cave internal walls, sliced the cage with its wings, sent gusts of strong winds at the cage, but everything was futile as not even the slightest scratch mark could be seen.

It however stopped the next moment when it realised that this place, was actually a cultivation ground meant for future Sky Hawks.

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