Back on that fateful night, Nightin"s parents enemies from the upper realm had somehow managed to breached past the laws of the lower and upper realm boundaries and sneaked down.

Nightin"s father Wisteria Gale and his mother Crystal Blue had sent him to the mountain that day to collect some wood. But of course,this was just a lie to get Nightin to stay away when their enemies arrive.

[Wisteria"s Gale POV]

Looking at my dear wife Crystal Blue,I told her affectionately "Crystal,you should leave now before they arrive."

Crystal being Wisteria"s wife, wasn"t willing to leave. They had went through so much together, experienced countless life and deaths situations,braved through thick and thin together,what else could she be afraid of? If she really has to say one thing,the only thing or two persons be scared of losing is her husband and son.

I sighed as I looked down, only to see my wife"s eyes watering up. I walked up to hug her and pulled her into my embrace as I whispered into her eyes "I"m sorry for making you go through this with me. If only they came five years later,my injuries would have recovered by then."

The previous moment,I was just a husband who loved my wife dearly and wanted to keep her away from harm. But now, I"m nothing but a person filled with killing intent and resentment towards my enemies and,G.o.d.

Stepping outside of the room with Crystal with who was laying in my embrace,I stood in front of the whole family as I gathered them in front of me.

I may not be able to defeat the enemies,but tricking them wouldn"t be a difficult task for me. In exchange of my son"s spiritual roots that day,I had made enough subst.i.tute puppets to replace for everyone in the family.

Those few who know,including my wife and Jaxson kept their lips shut about this and for the other few who know, they"re definitely willing to die just to keep this matter a secret.

Sometimes I ask myself,am I still a good father to my child? Many people know that my son is someone who aspires to become a great cultivator who shakes the heaven and earth. In his life,all he wants is to step onto the true path of cultivation. Yet as a father,I robbed my son of his aspirations,his dreams,his future. I"m a failure aren"t I?

Standing in front of everyone,I told them "Members of the Gale family,take heed of my next orders. Our enemies have somehow managed to make it down into the lower realm,in order to keep my son who is your young master safe, we"ll all escape back into the upper realm."

One of the four great elders of the family stood up and questioned me "Wisteria,you may be the family head,but don"t your think that your current actions are just way too selfish?"

No one disagreed with this elder,in the four great elders,he held the greatest authority and respect beneath their family head. Everyone recognises him for his fair judgements and thinking for the whole family under every circ.u.mstance.

Looking at everyone and turning my gaze towards the great elder of my family "Y"all may not know this,but I"ve still yet to recover from my injuries then,I won"t be able to keep everyone safe with just the strength I have currently."

A low ranking family member somehow had the guts to pose a question in front of everyone as he stepped out and ask "Family head,how are we going to escape?"

I sighed,countless emotions were going through me at this very moment. I sacrificed so much of my son"s future just for them,only to get questioned back.

Giving all of them a deep stare,I told them this "So me sacrificing my son who has spiritual roots of the half G.o.d grade isn"t enough for the family?" My voice could be said to be shouting out at all of them at this time,yet I made myself make it sound as calm as possible.

Soon,a chain reaction went through everyone in the family with one elder taking the lead.

"Family head,what did you just say? Did you just say that the young master was a half saint talent?"

"Holy s.h.i.+t! If so,then why can"t the young master cultivate?"

"Family head,I...We..."

I looked at them and kept my mouth shut. The whole area was filled with a intense pressure in the air that seemed to be pressing down on everyone. Is it the pressure their family head is emitting towards them right now? Or is it the curiosity within them that seems to be devouring them for curiosity.

Looking at them,I started to tell them about everything from the beginning. How I wish I could turn back the hands of time,I regretted my selfish yet selfless decision,yet what can I do?

I told them about how my son was found to have a half Saint rank spiritual root,only to be extracted personally by his blood father to make sacrificial puppets for everyone in the family. To escape from their enemies who are constantly on the hunt for their lives.

How I have expected this scenario and situation to happen and this being the backup plan for the worst case scenario. My thoughts proved true as they have already made their way down here,on the chase for us.

Closing my eyes,I announced "Members of the Gale family, we"ll evacuate right away!" My heart was filled with pain when I heard this,I didn"t and wouldn"t have the chance to ever tell my son the truth again,about how I have to leave him right now.

I didn"t have the time to get my son back,all he"ll see are the sea of corpses of the family when he returns. Would he be able to handle the pressure?

Before we left,my elder son Crever Gale walked up to me as he asked "Father,are we really going to leave Nightin behind? He did nothing wrong to deserve this. In fact,he deserves credit for sacrificing his own future!"

I could tell,Crever wasn"t willing to accept my decisions,even though Crever wasn"t that close to my younger son Nightin,they were blood brothers after all. Crever could even be said to be one of the best older brother in the world.

Ever since young,he cared for Nightin despite him being unable to cultivate. Whenever Nightin was oppressed of needs help,he would always be the first one to step out and help him.

And with that...

[Back to Nightin]

Nightin looked at Jaxson as he said "Uncle Ding,is what you"ve just said true? About my spiritual root,my father extracted it from me against my own will?"

Jaxson returned Nightin"s gaze as he answered his questions slowly,one by one.

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