Nightin dream was to become a great cultivator who pierces through the sky and shatter the barrier as he heads towards a higher realm, one that exceeds the mere upper realm they know now. If he heads within that illusionary world now, wouldn"t he have whatever he had wanted for much more easily?

Right when Nightin was about to fully immerse himself in that cultivation world,a system"s message shocked him and snapped him back to reality.

"Congratulations to host for awakening the law of Samsara,one of the top ten great intents in this world which holds great power."

"As a reward,the host will receive a new martial technique of the Saint grade once again."

Dimensional Slash was the move the system had awarded him with. The move was divided into three different levels. The first level was capable of piercing through s.p.a.ce and causing ripples wherever it travels. The second level was capable of freezing the void around that person,rendering that person incapable of defence,which was also what Gaven had did to him. At the third and final realm,one would be capable of piercing through any arrays,any boundaries and kill their opponent from afar.

Nightin was amazed by the strength of this move. He was sure that if he cultivates this sword technique,his combat skills will leap up to a much higher stage.

Next up was the Samsara sword law. His previous sword intent had actually evolved into a law. To his surprise,he actually skipped past the stage of second cla.s.s swordmaster and arrived at the first cla.s.s swordmaster realm immediately. His next objective would he to shatter through the gates once he feels that he"s ready, it"ll determine the final growth and potential of his Samsara law,a single mistake wouldn"t be tolerated here.

The samsara Law he has cultivated,is one that revolves around reincarnation and the cycles of life. Unlike intents,law can only be cultivated through a greater understanding and comprehension of the law one has. For example,the water law of the five basic elements which is also one of the laws in nature.

The deeper one understands water,the more their law grows. In the law stage of water,the cultivator would understand many things about it from many different perspectives. About how water is actually a precious resource even for those mortals,how water can cause great destruction at high speed. There are many things to know about water itself,way too many for cultivators to delve themselves within.

As for Nightin,his samsara law could be said as one of the highest difficulties law to cultivate, yet it brings about immense force and clean destruction. Attacks won"t cause any damage to the surrounding,but they will towards the enemy as all the strength of that one swing gathers together.

On top of that,Nightin miraculously found that his samsara intent actually merged with one of his five swords,making the sword rank much higher than the others. Nightin could feel that the sword itself,contained a tremendous amount of power which can be equivalent to him at full strength.

When Nightin raised his head up, Gaven who had been sitting beside him looked at him in both amazement and astonishment. Gaven definitely must have been thinking to himself, just what did I do? All I did was told him about my story...

Gaven looked at him as he posed a question,curiosity and self doubt lit up within him "Nightin,what happened to you there. When I finished showing you my memories,you went in a daze. Were you perhaps in the mysterious state of enlightenment?"

Enlightenment. Something which every cultivator knows about,yet few people are able to get into the state of enlightenment. It"s said that when a cultivator manages to break free from the state of enlightenment,they would come back much stronger.

If they fail however,it results in their death. Many people call it a double edged sword,yet many are willing to risk their lives just go undergo this process. It"s said that the more enlightenment a cultivator undergoes, the higher his underlaying potential to grow.

Nightin who was sitting on the ground,exhaled from his mouth and cold mist could be seen. Rubbing his hands together as he hugged his own legs and pulled them towards himself,he replied without a single change in his expression "I was indeed in the state of enlightenment. Thank you senior for sharing your memories with me,it was your backstory which made me see the world from a contrasting view."

The man laughed out loud as he stood up and took his hammer out,swinging it to the ground which caused cracks to appear. The man pointed at the ground as he observed Nightin.

Nightin sat down there without moving, thoughts were racing around in his mind. Nightin felt like an ant trying to compare itself to a huge elephant,many folds it own size. Even if he grew and became a killer ant,he would be nothing but a stomp from the elephant.

The man gave him a weak smile,as he released his cultivation aura. Outside of Nightin"s expectations,Gaven"s aura wasn"t dominant or overpowering his, his aura were peaceful yet calm. Nightin was sure of one thing,even though Gaven"s cultivation might not place him among the Saints,his strength is much more terrifying than them.

Gaven released out wings from his back the next moment. The wings spanned for about two metres on both sides,the wings were crimson red in colour and were made from the wings of the Blazing Falcon. The Blazing Falcon was one of the ten great aerial beasts In this world and was stronger than even two Martial Saints combined.

Giving Nightin a deep stare,he started to recollect his thoughts to Nightin "When I first followed Phoenix,he told me that he has a gift for me. One that will help me out greatly in this cultivation world. What he gave me were the feathers of the Blazing Falcon..."

Nightin was shocked,but he appeared to be much calmer this time. He had expected no less from Phoenix.

The succubus walked up to them as she stood before them,swinging her brown hair behind her head as she arched her back.

Nightin subconscious placed his eye on the succubus body,focusing his gaze on her attractive body as she slowly walked up to him in a graceful way.


"Ba Thump! Ba thump!"

Nightin could feel his heart pulsating faster for every step she took,he started to pant more and more heavily,blood was rus.h.i.+ng to him down there as his face started to flush red.

She gave off the demeanor of a woman who craves a man greatly, a woman who"s a vicious scorpion however was her true ident.i.ty. She was a beautiful rose,covered by sharp thorns which takes life mercilessly.

The succubus ambled behind Nightin and wrapped her arms around him, whispering into his ear "Is the fort.i.tude of your heart this weak? I"ve not even used any of my charm abilities yet. Hehe."

Nightin snapped back to reality as the succubus released her domain. The domain is something which only a few saints are competent of manipulating.

The succubus sat down as she crossed her right leg over another,her long slit dress barely covering her a.s.s,which continued to tempted Nightin.

The succubus broke out in laughter when she saw this "Seriously? Who would have expected a genius swordmaster like you to be afraid of a woman, you"re still a young boy after all."

Nightin"s face went red as he puffed his cheeks just like how a young boy would. "Who is a young boy?"

The succubus didn"t laugh this time,but broke out in a sly smile "It doesn"t matter, you"re just a young boy in my eyes. As for my name,the name"s Stella Mist,you can just call me Stella or Star."

Nightin turned around and faced Stella with her back as he asked her "Star,why are you willing to follow Gaven? With your cultivation,breaking through the s.p.a.ce and heading off into the higher cultivation world should be possible.

Stella smiled as she turned her neck to look at Gaven who was behind her. Having spent time together,Gaven gave her a nod as he stepped back and went inside the cave. Leaving Stella alone with Nightin.

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