Nightin and Winston were still alert even after their well planned surprise attack, even though it might have caught them off guard, it definitely wasn"t enough to claim their lives that simply. That was merely the appetizer of this life and death battle.

Nightin and Winston could hear the spectator"s each and every comment, their clamour sounding beside their ears, but it was far from enough to distract them, they had all their attention towards the ambush which might come for them any moment from now.

The two seemingly in good unison faced their back towards each other, the dragon and sword prepared in a defensive manner as they waited to protect their owner from the impending attack.

"Fools! Die!"

Black Bear and Voldemort appeared to the far end of the battlefield, as a elemental magical array of the fire element formed above them.

The magical array was spinning above them, glowing orange in colour as it gave off a scorching heat which even affected the crowd,

the array above the pair glared at them as energy started to concentrate.

The next moment, a pillar of fire struck down towards them as Winston and Nightin quickly blocked it off at the last moment, they weren"t given enough time to defend themselves, their opponents had given them a taste of their own medicine.

"Heaven tier, Dragon"s s.h.i.+eld!"

"Mystical tier, Firestorm Hurricane!"

The dragon s.h.i.+eld made of water blocked off the first impact of the inferno pillar pressuring towards them, only to release the fire leopard within it as it continued its advance.

A fire leopard could be seen running towards them as it flared it sharp teeth, its razor sharp claws heading down first as though as if it"s alive.

With the shattering of the Dragon"s s.h.i.+eld after the first layer of defense, the two intense heat collided with each other as a strong gust of wind kicked off. A ravaging hurricane had torn the leopard apart into pieces before scattering away as energy.


"Mystical sword of Samsara!"

Nightin took advantage of the thick smoke and sent out his Samsara sword, which had the attack power three sub realms above him, which is comparable to the attack of the average Martial Lord third realm. He had to strike now when the opponent had lost their vision of him.

Even though Black Bear and Voldemort may only be at the Martial Lord second realm and Martial Lord first realm respectively, they both had been through countless battles with their lives on the stake, their combat strength isn"t to be underestimated.

Black Bear bellowed towards them as he raised his axe "If this is all you got, your life will be mine!"

Black Bear changed his axe this time around, this axe was actually at the peak Royale grade, something which even Martial Kings might not own. Black Bear bulging muscle could be seen as his ribbed his s.h.i.+rt apart, it was restricting him too much.

Making use of his Earth Bear intent, his strength doubled immediately as he sent a heavy slash towards the incoming force. A grin could be seen on his face, one of absolute confidence and arrogance.

"Heaven tier, Destruction!"

Nightin and Winston"s face changed immediately when their combination attack was totally destroyed easily by Black Bear. They had everything done well, but it wasn"t even close to getting him injured, all it did was make him treat it seriously.

Nightin had sweat dripping down his body constantly, his robe was sticking closely to his skin as his hair wavered behind him, the grip on his sword was tightening as well.

Voldemort meanwhile laughed out loud as he spread his arms wide open to the side "Guess I got to reveal my true capabilities in the end!"

A array blue in colour flashed in front of him and the attack was sucked in, vanis.h.i.+ng into the seemingly endless black hole.

"Wait what! Voldemort"s a blue tier array master!"

"If he really is a blue tier array master, he has already attained the qualifications to the upper realm! He"s unmatched for in terms of array skills down here!"

Down here in the lower realm, the second method to head towards the upper realm besides reaching the Martial Emperor realm, would be to have talent in one of the nine recognised professions.

Nightin"s and Winston face changed immediately, from the resolution to win to that of slight fear and despair. Even though they may be strong and have heaven defying combat strength, they are no match for a blue tier array master...

A blue tier array master has the strength of a peak grade Martial Lord, as for one capable of doing twin cast, they would be able to contend against the weakest Martial Kings, something which is miles away from our two heroes.

Winston with his Magist skill of telepathy "Hey bro, do you have any plans right now? We stand no chance against them!"

Nightin stood there and stared, his gaze fixated on the array which had just appeared. Nightin didn"t whisper back or communicate back like Winston had expected, but shouted at the top of his voice "We may not be your match, but the match has only just started!"

Even though knowing that this might be a losing battle with his life gone, hr wasn"t willing to back down yet, it was his sword path that brought him here, he wouldn"t destroy it just because he decided that it"s over.

Nightin"s Life sword and Death sword flew out behind him as the Samsara sword joined in, the Gale sword held in his hand as his body was burning with raging flames. He has already gone on a frenzy as he brought out all his strength at once.

It was too much for his body as his skin started to rupture, his muscles were tearing and sounds of his bones cracking could be heard, his body had already exceeded its limits.

Taking a leap, he dashed forwards once again and with a single slash...

"Mystical tier, Penta Mystic whirl!"

In the six months, not only did Nightin increase his cultivation, he has found the suitable battle form for his five mystics.

First Mystic: Slash

Second Mystic: Pierce

Third Mystic: Slice

Fourth Mystic: Trap

Fifth Mystic: Whirl

A fast rotating energy wave whirled towards Black Bear and Voldemort, the air splitting apart as it pursued their escaping foe.

The whirl charged on with unstoppable force which not even a thousand fierce soldiers can withstand, it was clad in raging flames with a trail of wind left behind.

The two of them were scared of this attack, they could feel their lives in danger as they gave it all, they had to concentrate their strength, it was now or never.

The whole world seemed to have frozen at this time, the shock and amazement of the spectators, the exhausted Nightin who have fallen on the ground, the surprised Winston who was at a loss, Black Bear and Voldemort who were experiencing fear from the bottom of their souls.

Black Bear was thinking to himself "Little punk, you just had to force my hand! I swear that I"ll torture you slowly, I"ll rip your skin, break your limbs and bones, I"ll make you experience what h.e.l.l is before death!"

A ring black in colour appeared in front of him as it sucked in the incoming attack, yhe deciding move of this battle had actually been dealt without breaking out any sweat.

The crowd kept absolutely silent at this point, this battle seems to be much more intense than they thought, they should be excited to witness this, but all they wanted to was to leave. The pressuring aura from their pressure seems to be crus.h.i.+ng them.

Black Bear started to pant heavily, he had forcibly activated a n.o.ble treasures with his cultivation, even though he managed to bring out its effects, it would take him at least a month to recover. His cultivation path might even end here, he had to kill Nightin, only then will he stand a chance of advancing further in the cultivation path.

The black ring floated in front of Black Bear, to its right was another thing which was black in colour as well. Black Bear and Voldemort glanced at each other and sent out their attack.

Energy started to gather into the middle of the two rings, just like a whirlpool sucking all the water in. If this attack wasn"t stopped, the destructive force it would bring about would be disastrous.

Winston could sense that something was amiss, the excitement and rage on his foes faces were too obvious, they definitely had the confidence to back it up with this trump card of theirs.

A staff appeared in his hand the next breath, the staff was about one metre in length and had a light blue orb made of gla.s.s as the catalyst gym, the rod was dark purple in colour as it gave off the feeling of endlessness.

"Descent of the Raging Dragon!"

The full form of a water dragon appeared in the middle of the battlefield as it soared through the air, attempting to destroy the black rings before they could finish gathering energy.


Nightin who had half kneeled on the ground could only hope to himself that everything will work out, he"s already too fatigued to fight, Winston has to do this by skills or trickery.

Black Bear smirked as he said "I"m sorry little fellas, but this is the end. Remember not to offend people you can"t afford to in your next life!"

The black beams combined together into one and with destructive force, they destroyed the water dragon as part of the residue energy dashed towards Nightin.

Nightin smiled as he thought "I"m sorry everyone, but I guess that I"m at the end of my road..."

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of him. "Dragon s.h.i.+eld!"

Nightin could feel tears rolling down his eyes, he couldn"t hear anything, he couldn"t see anything but the body which has been pierced through by the black beams, falling onto the ground powerlessly with a loud thud.

He wanted to cried out, but only silent despair came out from his mouth. He could feel his consciousness slipping apart as a mysterious force started to take over his body.

All he heard before falling into slumber was the voice of a woman "Life the rest to me, my chosen one."

"To think that you would have awakened me this early, I can"t reveal myself to you before you reach the peak Martial King realm, but I can bring you out of this crisis."

When Nightin stood up again, a grey energy cl.u.s.ter dived into Winston"s heart without any warning as it stablised his injuries, he would be fine and all he needed now was ample rest.

Nightin"s clear purple eyes had changed into that of dull grey, his long hair had turned grey as well and a scythe with three blades filled with souls and death wrapped around it, long neon purple runes were flowing across the dark purple scythe and his body.

His hair swayed behind him with the coming of wind which his aura brought, enveloping him with a feeling of death and despair.

He gave them a deep stare and fixated his gaze on them, all he did was stood there and look at them, just like a ruler asking his subjects who had committed a grave crime, he asked "Do you two acknowledged your mistakes?"

Black Bear and Voldemort subconsciously got on their knees and said "I do, please forgive us for making such a foolish mistake! We are willing to serve young master Nightin for life, please spare this pathetic lives of ours, it wouldn"t be worth sullying your hands on trash like us..."

Their voice were shaking as the crowd was statued, all of them had lost their senses right now and could only await to be brought back out, after the event is over.

"If so, you may face your punishment."

With a simple swing of the scythe, a slow slash which would take seconds to slice through Black Bear and Voldemort actually rooted them to the spot, they were unable to move or fight back, but could feel death coming for them. They wanted to stand up, but wasn"t able to resist the gravity force pressuring them.

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