(Do take note that the whole chapter would be from the view of Orochi reading to Nightin)

This would have to date back to a thousand years ago, this happened on one of the Overlord realms where the weak are meant to be slaves since birth.

Any mortal or anyone born without the qualifications to cultivate would immediately be killed, all those who fail to achieve the Martial Emperor by the age of eighteen would be killed and those who don"t achieve the Martial Saint realm by the age of twenty five would face the same fate.

That was however a hidden truth to those from other ranking realms, even those from the high grade realms didn"t know about the cruelty going on behind the scenes.

It was truly a world where people experience the true meaning of despair, their cries and plea turns into nothing but hopelessness.

It was a common sight to see cultivators walking about with slaves serving their every needs, the slaves were treated inhumanely and were only given life resources when they truly needed it just to survive, they were always starving and dehydrated.

They were trapped in the bottom of the ocean where light was blocked off from them, no matter how much they try to rise up, the suction force would always pull them deeper in.

This resulted in many youths already being matured at the young age of six. In the Overlord realm, maturing at six means that you"re only average and that the only way to breakthrough to the Martial Saint realm before the age of twenty five, would be to put in much more effort than others.

Those geniuses would already be mature at the age of three, some already knew how to cultivate at the age of one, they didn"t know what it means to rest which is why they despise cultivators from lower ranking realms.

That"s why you"ll never see anyone waking about in those Overlord realms without a cultivation of at least the Martial Saint realm, that"s because those below are already living in h.e.l.l.

The Evil Overlord was one of those slaves himself, he was enslaved at the young age of eight because someone crippled his cultivation, he was the s.h.i.+ning star in everyone"s eyes when he made it to the Martial Emperor realm at the age of seven, many were still struggling at the Martial Spirit or even Martial Master realm at that time.

Yet his beloved parents actually betrayed him as they poisoned him, his father even forcibly extracted his spiritual root from his body and shattered it into energy for his own personal gains before throwing him onto the streets.

It was a old auntie who found him, the auntie who found him was just a mortal as well who has been living in the slums ever since birth, they had formed a small village of mortals secretly of about a few thousand in these years.

When the old auntie brought her back, many people scolded her with the same comment "What do you think you"re doing by bringing back a stinky brat? What if he turns out to be a traitor!"

The old auntie ignored those scoldings and cared for him truly from the bottom of her heart, she would always give him the best food and best clothing she can, she placed herself before him and gave him the chance to experience what love felt like.

Yet this blissful love was short lived, news of their village had somehow managed to spread to the outside world as they slaughtered each and every single one of the old and young.

Those females with prettier looks were kept alive to be used by them, those males who were fit enough were enslaved by them, youths who weren"t willing to give in were treated as child slaves and were used for menial tasks.

The Evil Overlord at that time was one of those child slaves, he hid in the dark and managed to find another way of cultivation without any spiritual root, he made use of the spirits of those people who died innocently as they willingly use their last strand of life to help him build up a catalyst to hold spirit energy.

This was however unknown to the slave traders as they made him do every task which a child shouldn"t be doing, from mopping to sweeping to was.h.i.+ng the toilets and even carrying heavy loads and many more, all these were already too much for even the fittest males, not to mention a young child like him.

This continued on until he reached the age of twelve, he smiled to himself and prepared to embrace the world with his newfound strength, a early stage Martial Emperor realm with the ability to kill anyone at the Saint realm, including those at the completion stage.

Many people treated him as a genius and many forces tried to rope him in, but he rejected all of them and even built up his own force which he names the Evil force.

Many objected to this name and said that it brought about a ominous feeling, but he would always rebut by saying "There"s nothing wrong with a name alright? Has my sect done anything wrong?"

When he first created the Evil force, no one was willing to join him for ten years straight, but he wasn"t willing to give up to fate as he finally stepped past the Martial Saint realm and entered the Great Saint realm.

At the age of twenty, he was walking down the streets every single night and found eight child slaves within that year which were suffering from the same fate as him ten years ago, his eyes watered as he felt pitiful for them. Curse his world, I"ll destroy all these corrupted humans one day!

He took all of them in and even helped them to build a spiritual root with the same method, the child slaves learnt from him and soon, their fame resounded across the whole Overlord realm as well.

They were known as the Eight Evil Lords by everyone and that"s when everyone truly respected him as the Evil Overlord, the genius who stepped into the middle stage Great Saint realm at the age of twenty one.

His eight disciples were also rendered as the number one genius below him, all of them made it to the completion stage Martial Emperor realm at the mere age of eleven, they were already a few years ahead of the most talented demons of their era.

Those eight disciples of him wanted to repay his favour and thus decided to do the same thing as him and brought in nine more child slaves each, they might not have the ability to make them exceed the Great Saint realm, but the completion stage of the Great Saint realm would suffice until they find an alternative method.

They saved all those who were supposed to he banished as slaves, it was only until tens of years later when those slave traders finally realised that somehting was amiss, their number of goods and manpower were decreasing over the years.

After a few years of tracing, they finally realised that the Evil Overlord was the culprit for all this as they pointed their spearhead towards him and called towards the whole realm.

The Evil Overlord wasn"t afraid as he brought all his disciples and stood in front of the Evil Force gate and mocked "Stop acting like y"all that kind and pure with the intention to save them? Who doesn"t know that if you were to bring them away today, they would end up as slaves for all of you!"

One of the ten controllers of the Overlord realm had to step out and rebut "How do you expect us to gather spirit stones and other related resources! It would just be a total waste of our precious cultivation time!"

"So you"re saying that their life isn"t worth anything?" The Evil Overlord replied in a sharp tone as a black vortex started to form behind him, his body was wrapped in a mysterious black energy as he took out a sword.

The sword was heavy and looked like a simple object, yet the sharpness and durability it held definitely exceeded what this Overlord realm should even possess.

All the controllers immediately retreated backwards when they saw that sword and one of them even shouted out "What the h.e.l.l do you think you"re doing by unsealing that forbidden sword?"

"Forbidden sword? You"re only saying it because it once held the same ambition as me!" The Evil Overlord smiled as he screamed back, energy gathered around him and the sword as their minds linked and resonated with each other.

He was one with the sword right now and the sword was him, they were one ent.i.ty who had linked their minds to each other with the same ambition in mine, to h.e.l.l with this broken world!


A black beam of energy pierced through the air, the void and even the s.p.a.ce! Its attack had broken through all the layers of the Overlord realm and it was going to destroy it at this rate.

"Argh!!" One of the controllers feel onto the ground as his head left his body, the moment his soul tried to escape, a black whirl of energy trapped him and destroyed his soul totally.

It even destroyed his soul force which makes it impossible for him to enter the cycles of reincarnation for life.

The other controllers all took in a deep gasp of air as they dashed off into the horizon, leaving all those other cultivators who had came to aid them to die.

"Haha Haha, have y"all seen the true nature of those old fogeys? They"re only acting as controllers of this realm because they"re afraid of those of you who have stepped into the fourth step Overlord realm because they"re only at the third step Overlord realm!" The Evil Overlord broke out the truth which every of those controllers had been hiding at this very moment.

The Evil Overlord then said "My army behind me will all be sent to different parts of the world and they"ll help this world undergo its rebirth, as for all of you Overlord realms including the other nine which are much stronger than this weakest Overlord realm. Just you wait, for I"ll be back to end this whole cultivation universe with my army!"

His laughter drifted off into the sky as him and his whole army including those Demon Lords and Demon Knights stepped through that black portal.

"Hey, do y"all hate me from seperating all of you from me?" The Evil Overlord asked his eight childs and grandsons, they already treated each other as family and thus it wouldn"t be weird for them to feel this close to each other.

"We don"t father, we"ll wait for you until the day you return." It was Orochi who replied.

"Don"t worry father, we"ll a.s.sist you in ending the cruel ambitions of this broken world!" It was the young Casper who replied, the one who attacked the Roc race a hundred years from now.

"Father, it"s only a thousand years of time that we"ll be sealed for, it"ll be over in the blink of an eye." It was a woman with clear blue eyes who replied, her hair was curly as they spiralled down to both sides of her shoulder.

"That"s it, I won"t elaborate on what happened after that battle." Orochi closed the chapter as he asked Nightin once again "Are you willing to join the Evil force now?"

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