"State your condition," Zhao Yuan said in a low voice.

"Be my boyfriend. And I want you to stop all forms of communication with Lin Wenxi!" Chen Wanxin said.

"Impossible!" Zhao Yuan said.

"Then it"s impossible for me as well!" Chen Wanxin replied coolly.

"Wanxin, I have nothing but grat.i.tude for you. I thought of many ways to repay your kindness but it"s not something like being your boyfriend. A relationship that exists only in name has no meaning whatsoever! Why will you slowly reduce the affection between us into dust? We"re at least good friends, aren"t we?" Zhao Yuan said sincerely.

"To me, you being my boyfriend in itself is the meaning of everything!" Chen Wanxi retorted loudly.

"The "boyfriend" t.i.tle is the most meaningless one in the world," Zhao Yuan said.

"I"ll make sure that the t.i.tle will become meaningful." Chen Wanxin chuckled softly. "So is that a yes or a no?"

"I can be your boyfriend but I want to remain friends with Wenxi. We… have always been innocent," Zhao Yuan said.

Chen Wanxin tried her best to control her emotions and asked neutrally, "Who"d believe that? Will Zheng Kai? w.a.n.g Xiang? How about An"an and Shu Xiaoman? Gu Xi and Nannan even less so! More importantly, will Lin Wenxi?"

"Alright. I promise you. Our agreement will last three years!" Zhao Yuan said.

"I have another condition. After Lin Wenxi comes back to Jifu University, you must move out of the dorm. I"ll rent an apartment outside and you"ll live with me," Chen Wanxi said.

"Impossible," Zhao Yuan said forcefully. The reason he wanted Lin Wenxi to stay was so that he could see him and hear his voice every day. If he were to move out, he would rather Lin Wenxi move to another province. If worse comes to worst, he would just meet Lin Wenxi three years later. That was better than moving out of the dormitory and seeing Lin Wenxi only during cla.s.ses and gatherings that the latter were frequently absent from. How could he endure this?

"You have no right to make conditions," Chen Wanxin said.

"Forget it then. Thanks," Zhao Yuan said.

"Are you retreating to make an advance or are you truly refusing?" Chen Wanxin asked.

"I refuse!"

Chen Wanxin chuckled. "You"ll ignore him even though you live with him. Zhao Yuan, he"ll be in a lot of pain, you know? Can you stand it? This is a paradox."

"Don"t you have confidence in yourself? I"m your boyfriend now but you"re asking that I ignore other boys. Won"t you be degrading yourself to ask that?" Zhao Yuan chuckled.

"Not worried, are you? Fine. You can befriend him but you must move out and live with me!" Chen Wanxin said.

"Deal," Zhao Yuan said solemnly.

"Tonight. Mo Capital. Let"s discuss the details face-to-face," Chen Wanxin said.

Chen Wanxin wasn"t the only one waiting for Zhao Yuan. Luo Yang was there as well.

"I believe there"s no need to introduce Instructor Luo," Chen Wanxin said with a smile. Zhao Yuan nodded. The three of them took their seats.

Even after a round of discussion, they were unable to find a solution.

Chen Wanxin speculated that her father and Mo Qian had a level of influence in Jifu University but in her opinion, Lin Wenxi was very mysterious. She couldn"t understand why Jifu University would send Lin Wenxi away as an exchange student. She thought that his punishment would involve things like putting out an announcement criticizing him or asking him to write a public apology letter. However, the punishment was strange. In making Lin Wenxi an exchange student from Jifu University, the diploma that he would receive after graduation would be lacking prestige. This would effectively mar his future. This matter was certainly not so simple.

Did her father pull some strings?

Chen Wanxin and Mo Qian had questioned the former"s parents separately. Mo Qian inquired all of her friends and relatives about Jifu University. Yet, when they gathered the next day, they still couldn"t find the reason why.

"Do you know who"s making Lin Wenxi leave? Whether rationally or emotionally, this punishment is too strange," Chen Wanxin said, frowning.

When Zhao Yuan muttered irresolutely to himself, she immediately said, "Unless you really want him to leave, tell me everything that you know."

"I think it doesn"t matter who wants him to leave. We have to switch our focus," Zhao Yuan said brightly.

"Speak." Chen Wanxin handed him a gla.s.s of floral champagne imported from Paris.

"There"s no need to start from Jifu University. All we need to do is find the other exchange student. We can go to the university in the other province and get the student to cancel his or her placement. I"m sure the placement has been decided a long time ago and the university won"t be able to find a replacement so quickly. That way, Wenxi won"t have to leave," Zhao Yuan said confidently.

Chen Wanxin couldn"t help giving Zhao Yuan a thumbs-up. She threw a glance at Luo Yang and the latter immediately nodded and started singing praises of Zhao Yuan. "Your cla.s.smate is really clever!"

"Zhao Yuan, just think of the many great things we can achieve in the future if we work together from now on!" Chen Wanxin"s gaze lingered on Zhao Yuan"s unfathomable pupils. Under the influence of the alcohol, she became engrossed in his eyes. How could such a man not belong to her?

"You"re too polite with your compliments. I"m just an ordinary person. Since we all agree that we"re moving in the right direction, I"ll leave the rest to you." Zhao Yuan toasted Luo Yang and Chen Wanxin and drained his gla.s.s in one gulp.

"Zhao Yuan, Lin Wenxi will be in a very dire situation if he finds out about our agreement. I don"t know what I"ll do," Chen Wanxin said, smiling. She crushed a cherry until it burst, sending the juice flying everywhere.

"Whatever is it that you do, I"ll repay in tenfold!" Zhao Yuan sneered and walked away with large strides.

"Eldest Miss, you"re doing him an enormous favor. Boss Mo will have to act personally for this," Luo Yang said respectfully.

"Naturally I"ll convince him," Chen Wanxin said disdainfully.

"But what benefit will Zhao Yuan bring you that you"re helping him out this much?" Luo Yang asked.

"He"s the son-in-law of my Chen family. What benefit do you think he"ll bring?" Chen Wanxin smiled and carefully wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. She thought the fragrance of alcohol was particularly fresh and cool.

To Chen Wanxin"s surprise, Mo Qian swiftly agreed to her request.

"It"s strange how agreeable you are today." Chen Wanxin looked at Mo Qian astutely.

Very soon, she understood why. Lin Wenxi wasn"t an ordinary person.

"To think I"ve heard nothing about this at all. Had you not tell me, they"d really be able to fool everyone and make him an exchange student. Rest a.s.sured. I"m even more anxious to keep him here!" Mo Qian said.

"Then why would you be so desperate to tell me Lin Wenxi"s ident.i.ty? Didn"t you refuse to let Luo Yang tell me?" Chen Wanxin asked coolly.

"If you were left ignorant, you wouldn"t be able to respond in time if anything happens. Continue what you"ve been doing in university and guide that kid. If you make him suffer and turn him into a joke, that will be the biggest help you"d give me. Then it"d be much simpler to expel him. I want the reputation of the Lin family to reach rock bottom." Mo Qian watched Chen Wanxin attentively, a barely discernible smile on his lips.

Chen Wanxin shrugged with a calm smile. With a mischievous look, she said, "We"ll have to depend on my boyfriend then."

"You and your feminine nature! But it doesn"t matter. It"s indeed a fine thing for Zhao Yuan to be your ideal husband but shouldn"t you at least ask for your father"s opinion?"

"The person I choose will naturally be the best." Chen Wanxin then urged him, "Uncle Mo, hurry up!"

Soon enough, Luo Yang received Mo Qian"s secret order. Before he left, he carefully asked, "Boss Mo, aren"t you being a little hasty in agreeing so easily to Eldest Miss" request?"

"Hasty? If we dragged our feet, he might really leave! If he remains under our control, Lin Ziwei will have to be wary of us. If he"s not here, Lin Ziwei will be able act boldly and we won"t be able to keep things under wraps anymore!"

"Are they already on the move? Is Lin Ziwei"s chauffeur involved?"

"You don"t have to worry about it. I"ll find a way to deal with the one called Hong Xuan. And don"t you think that I don"t know about your feelings for Wanxin. I advise you to end them as soon as possible!" Mo Qian said.

Luo Yang rubbed his nose, feeling embarra.s.sment rise within him. Once Mo Qian began using his network, information on the other exchange student was swiftly obtained. The student was a merchant"s daughter who was overjoyed after finding out that she would be attending Jifu University. However, the girl was suffering from a certain disease and her heart was in a less-than-ideal condition.

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