[FN#199] i.e. the report of its being haunted.

[FN#200] i.e. by the Sortes Coranicae or other similar process.

[FN#201] The word shabb (young man) is applied by the Arabs to men of all ages from early adolescence to forty or even (according to some authorities) fifty.

[FN#202] i.e. recited the first chapter of the Koran seven times.

[FN#203] i.e. affixed the tughraa, the royal seal or rather countermark.

[FN#204] i.e. health and security.

[FN#205] See Vol. III. p. 225, note 1. {Vol. 3 FN#78}

[FN#206] A pile of stones or other land-mark, set up to show the way to travellers in the desert.

[FN#207] The eyebrows of a beautiful woman are usually compared to the new moon of Ramazan (see note, Vol. I. p. 71 {see Vol. 1 FN#26}). The meaning here is the same, the allusion being apparently to the eagerness with which the pagan Arabs may be supposed to have watched for the appearance of the new moon of Shaaban, as giving the signal for the renewal of predatory excursions, after the enforced close-time or Treve de Dieu of the holy month Rejeb.

[FN#208] Quaere fourteen [years old].

[FN#209] i.e. the abrogated pa.s.sages and those by which they are abrogated.

[FN#210] Koran iv. 160.

[FN#211] Traditions of the Prophet.

[FN#212] i.e. saying, "I purpose to pray such and such prayers."

[FN#213] i.e. saying, "G.o.d is most Great!" So called, because its p.r.o.nunciation after that of the niyeh or intent, prohibits the speaking of any words previous to prayer.

[FN#214] i.e. saying, "I purpose, etc."

[FN#215] i.e. saying, "I purpose, etc."

[FN#216] i.e. saying, "In the name of G.o.d, etc."

[FN#217] i.e. saying, "I purpose, etc."

[FN#218] It may be noted that these answers of Taweddud form an excellent compendium of devotional practice, according to the tenets of the Shafy school.

[FN#219] Obligatory as a preparation for the Friday prayer and on other occasions when legal purification is necessary.

[FN#220] i.e. saying, "I purpose to defer, etc."

[FN#221] i.e. with sand, earth or dust.

[FN#222] i.e. saying, "Peace be on us and [all] the righteous worshippers of G.o.d!"

[FN#223] i.e. saying, "I seek refuge with G.o.d from Satan the accursed."

[FN#224] i.e. saying, "I purpose, etc."

[FN#225] Lit. that the intent shall be by night.

[FN#226] At sundown.

[FN#227] Eaten a little before the break of day, the fast commencing as soon as there is light enough to distinguish a black thread from a white and lasting till sunset.

[FN#228] A saying of Mohammed.

[FN#229] i.e. retirement to a mosque for pious exercises, equivalent to the Roman Catholic retraite.

[FN#230] Two hills near Mecca.

[FN#231] On first catching sight of Mecca.

[FN#232] Places near Mecca.

[FN#233] At a pillar supposed to represent the Devil.

[FN#234] Or chief of the faith.

[FN#235] Koran vii. 66.

[FN#236] One of the followers of Mohammed, i.e. those who had known some of the Companions [of the Prophet] though they had never seen himself. The freedman [and adopted son] of Abdallah, son of Omar ben El Khettab, the most authoritative of all the Companions and reporters of the sayings and doings of the Prophet.

[FN#237] i.e. at a profit. The exchange must be equal and profitless.

[FN#238] Ablution.

[FN#239] Complete ablution.

[FN#240] Poor-rate.

[FN#241] Warring for the Faith.

[FN#242] i.e. saying, "I testify that there is no G.o.d, etc."

[FN#243] i.e. fundamentals.

[FN#244] i.e. derivatives.

[FN#245] i.e. the true believers.

[FN#246] i.e. death.

[FN#247] i.e. that which does not require to be cut with a knife. "Cut not meat with a knife, because it is of the manners and customs of the barbarians; but eat it with your teeth."-- Mishcat ul Masabih.

[FN#248] Or "being a Muslim."

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