The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 3 – Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle!Translated by Zehao

Chapter 3 – Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle!Translated by Zehao


Zhong w.a.n.gxue smiled and said, “We met once before!”

Ye Xuan thought for a while and remembered that about ten days ago he met a girl but she was wearing a veil at the time. However the veil didn’t cover her face completely so he could still remember a bit of her appearance.

At that time Zhong w.a.n.gxue was wearing a red dress with a green scarf.

He couldn’t see through Zhong w.a.n.gxue.

Although Zhong w.a.n.gxue had her face covered with a veil when they met, he could still see her pale complexion through the veil. He still remembered worrying about her.

After all, during that time among the people he cured, Zhong w.a.n.gxue’s illness was the most serious as it had something to do with her const.i.tution.

“I didn’t think that after taking your veil off you would be so beautiful. Has your illness gotten better during this time?” Ye Xuan smiled.

Zhong w.a.n.gxue quietly said, “Mhm, much better!”

Ye Xuan secretly thought “Then what is wrong with her now?”

Something was wrong.

When he cured Zhong w.a.n.gxue back then, he could clearly feel that he had removed the root of the cause.

Could she have relapsed?

That should have been impossible! He was still very confident in his medical skills.

“Well…” Zhong w.a.n.gxue was startled by Ye Xuan’s question and almost revealed her own lie. She quickly smiled and said, “Maybe it’s that strange illness acting up again.”

Ye Xuan frowned and without a word he grabbed Zhong w.a.n.gxue’s hand and checked her vitals.

This vital check took 30 to 50 breaths of time.

The more Ye Xuan checked the more he felt something was wrong.

Her pulse was normal, her cheeks showed a natural red glow, and there was nothing wrong with her Qi movements. What illness was there? She couldn’t possibly get any healthier than this.

Ye Xuan calmly said, “Your breath is normal, so you’re physically fine. Your Qi is flowing properly without any confusion so your cultivation is fine. Since both your physical health and cultivation is ok you are not sick!”

Little Lian was eating a piece of desert, she stared at him and shouted, “Not sick? Then why was my lady in so much pain earlier!”

Ye Xuan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and said, “But…I really can’t find anything wrong with lady Zhong w.a.n.gxue. Maybe it is because my medical skills aren’t good enough to see what is truly bothering lady Zhong w.a.n.gxue.”

Little Lian pouted. She was very unsatisfied.

Zhong w.a.n.gxue placed her hand on Little Lian and said, “Since he doesn’t know there is no need to make it hard on him. Oh, since we have met twice already it must be fate. You already know my name but I don’t know yours yet.”

Ye Xuan thought about it and remembered that last time he had gotten Zhong w.a.n.gxue’s name but because he left in a hurry he didn’t leave his name.

Since they met again, it did seem that their fates were intertwined.

So he truthfully said, “Ye Xuan!”

“Ye Xuan…” Zhong w.a.n.gxue muttered to herself, her expression very attractive.

“Since I don’t have any way of healing your illness then I’ll take my leave.” Ye Xuan said his goodbye.

He clearly understood in his heart.

That Zhong w.a.n.gxue didn’t have any illness at all.

Not only was she not ill, but the Qi in her body represented that she was far stronger than he currently was. How could she have any illness?

As for why Zhong w.a.n.gxue called him over, Ye Xuan couldn’t figure it out either.

She liked him?

That was not possible!

“You messed it up!” Zhong w.a.n.gxue’s eyes were filled with blame and said, “Not only did this ‘hero rescues the beauty’ failed, but we also made him lose a lot of face.”

Little Lian stuck out her tongue out and said with a smile, “My lady, you couldn’t have fallen for him just because he rescued you once?”

“That’s not it!” Zhong w.a.n.gxue looked out the window.

Ye Xuan had already left. She picked up the already cold tea, drank a sip and said, “I don’t know myself if I like him, but it can be said I have good feelings towards him. As for you saying I have fallen for him because he saved me, dad has sent me countless guard since I was little. Would I fall for every single one of them?”

“Then what is the real reason!” Little Lian’s big eyes blinked. Her curiosity had been piqued.

Zhong w.a.n.gxue wasn’t sure of it in her own heart. Her eyes showed doubt and she said, “He is different from other people! I don’t know the details which is why I want him to like me first.”

Little Lian was eating her dessert, thought for a bit and said, “My lady, how about we try the ‘beauty rescues the hero’?”

“That can work too!” Zhong w.a.n.gxue’s eyes lit up and she nodded.

Little Lian suddenly tilted her head as she thought of something and said, “But…”

Zhong w.a.n.gxue said, “But what?”

Little Lian seriously said, “We have already left for a while so we need to return soon. The sect head is killing himself over trying to cure your strange illness and is ready to pay a big price to invite that Cleansing River Dao Doctor family. When you return this time and the sect head sees that your natural born illness is cured he will probably be so happy that he can’t stop smiling! As for this Ye Xuan, as long as he doesn’t leave this White Sky Divine Empire then we can find him no matter where he is.”


After leaving the Tea House, Ye Xuan followed his uncle and casually found an inn to stay in.

That evening.

Ye Xuan sat by himself on the bed. In his hand was a book releasing a faint green glow and on the book were four words “Divine Medical Dao Manual”.


Divine Medical Dao Manuel was something his grandfather spent a lifetime to make.

Ye Xuan was fully absorbed in the Divine Medical Dao Manual.

Ye Xuan secretly sighed, “I have already learned everything in the first book of the Divine Medical Dao Manual. In these past few years I have read quite a few medical manuals already but none of them are as profound as grandfather’s. Unfortunately, the second half of the Divine Medical Dao Manual is being held by Jiangdong Liu’s family.”

Just having medical skill wasn’t enough. He also had to make himself stronger!

If he only had medical skill, how could have go to Jiangdong Liu’s family to get the second half of the Divine Medical Dao Manual?

Using reason to convince them?

That would be a joke!

“Tomorrow I’ll be going up the the Heng Yi Mountain to the Greenwood sect!” Ye Xuan thought about it and unconsciously reached the end of the medical manual.

Every day he would read the Divine Medical Dao Manual once.

Although he had long since learned everything in the first book, he had other ideas. After all the medical dao created by his grandfather was his grandfather’s in the end.

If he could completely master the first book then would he be able to use that and make his own second book?

This was not the first or second time this idea had entered his mind.

Ye Xuan muttered, “Medical Dao is focused on the human body! The needles my grandfather created are really mysterious!”


Just at this moment Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the last few words of the first book of the Divine Medical Dao Manual.

If you read these words horizontally there was nothing strange about them.

But if you read them vertically…

“Two pages in one!”

Ye Xuan thought in his heart “This should be a coincidence!”

But prompted by curiosity, Ye Xuan placed his finger on the last page of the book. His two fingers pinched slightly and found that this page was exactly the same as all the other pages.

He pinched again and found nothing strange.

Ye Xuan shook his head and said, “I think I’m overthinking it!”

His grandfather had given Ye Xuan the medical manual when he returned almost dead and didn’t say there was anything wrong with the medical manual. It was only a medical dao manual. How could there be anything strange in it?


At the moment he released his finger, a ray of golden light appeared.

This golden light was blinding and in an instant blocked Ye Xuan’s point of view.

“What’s going on!”

Ye Xuan used his hand to block the golden light and after the golden light disappeared, he looked back at the medical manual only to find that on the last page the corner had turned gold.

Ye Xuan’s eyes widened.


There really was a hidden page on the last page of the first book of the Divine Medical Dao Manual?

Ye Xuan placed his finger on the golden corner and pulled lightly. The corner was pulled quite a bit and he pulled again as a golden page appeared before him.

The material of this golden page was not ordinary. At least, with Ye Xuan’s knowledge, he wasn’t able to figure out what it was.

He had never seen such a well crafted and intricate page.

He had owned the Divine Medical Dao Manual for a long time and didn’t realize that there was a hidden page!

“Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle!”

Ye Xuan stared at the golden page. The five words “Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle” were only two words off from the last needle mentioned by his grandfather in the first half of the medical manual.

He seemed to have found a secret that had been before him for a long time!

“Nine Mysteries Diamond needle technique. Diamond needle technique!” Ye Xuan frowned “Could it be that the Diamond needle wasn’t created by my grandfather but branched from this Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle?”

The more he thought about it, the more shocked he became. This golden page was hidden in the last page of the Divine Medical Dao Manual and his grandfather had never told him about it. Ye Xuan felt that it was not that his grandfather couldn’t tell him, but that he didn’t dare to tell Ye Xuan.

When his grandfather died he only said that Ye Xuan shouldn’t forget his own strength. Could that have been a hint for his younger self?


What kind of mysterious object was this Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle?

Ye Xuan didn’t miss a word as he slowly read the page.


“Absolutely impossible!”

The more he read, the more shocked he became.

“The medical dao first requires one to understand the body. Then, if one would gain full understanding of one’s own body first while learning medical dao, then won’t one benefit greatly from it?”

This was what the Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle technique said, “The Nine Mystery Diamond Needle is made from Diamond and is originally meant to be used on yourself and not on others. Of course if one wants to learn the Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle technique then one must be either a genius at the medical dao or an already well established doctor.” Ye Xuan muttered to himself what was written on this page.

This was still not the most important thing…

The most important thing was…

What was written after that.

“Using the method recorded on this page to stick the Diamond needle on your own ‘a.s.signed Immortal Point’ then it can help with cultivation?”

Seeing this, Ye Xuan slapped his bag of holding and a thin golden needle appeared between his fingers.

A Diamond Needle was a medical treasure.

This was one of the 18 needles his grandfather gave Ye Xuan when he died.


Ye Xuan suddenly thought of something and said “What acupuncture point is the a.s.signed immortal point?”

He could easily find all the big or small acupuncture points on a human body with his eyes closed but the immortal point was one he had never heard of before!

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