The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 1 – Who is whose scenery!Translated by Zehao

Chapter 1 – Who is whose scenery!Translated by Zehao


Faint aromas of tea floated out from the Cloud View Tea house as the guests savored the tea in their cups.


Aside from the tea, there were also two young ladies sitting next to the window, creating a beautiful scenery.

Every once in awhile people would turn their heads to look at them, their eyes filled with admiration.

Among the two ladies, one of them was wearing a blue dress. Her black crystal clear eyes were filled with intelligence and radiance. Her eyelashes were long, her eyebrow was crescent, and her gaze focused.

She just sat before the window as her tea’s fragrance weakened. This tea had almost completely cooled down but her attention was obviously not on the tea.

Sitting on a lower floor was a young man and a middle aged man. The young man was about 16 or 17 years old and wore a cyan colored robe. However, because the girl was up high, she couldn’t see his features clearly

She saw the young man and the middle aged man talking but didn’t know what they were saying.

The young man just drank his tea and didn’t know that there was a young lady looking at him from above.

“Little Lian, what do you think….” The young lady in blue started to frown, but for some reason she stopped speaking half-way.

The pet.i.te girl sitting across from her giggled and said “My lady, what do you need?”

The young lady in blue sighed, her attractive eyes sparkling as she said “I’m asking you, how do you… make a man like you?”

Little Lian was putting a dessert into her mouth when she heard her young lady in blue ask her this question. She let out a laugh as crisp as a bell and said “Why would someone as beautiful as you, my lady, need to know something like that?”

“Why don’t I need to know?!” The young lady in blue’s calm voice was filled with inquiry.

“Think about it, with your looks any man who takes just one look at you would have their soul taken. Who dares to reject you, my lady. So you don’t have to worry about it at all.” Little Lian giggled.

Zhong w.a.n.gxue rested her chin on her hand, her gaze not moving as she said “If that was really true then I wouldn’t be asking you about it.”

“My lady…” Little Lian’s eyes widened as she looked toward the direction that Zhong w.a.n.gxue was looking. She found that at the direction Zhong w.a.n.gxue was looking there sat a young man wearing a cyan colored robe.

“My lady, you couldn’t possibly have fallen for him!”

Zhong w.a.n.gxue lazily leaned against the window, her cheek turned slightly red and replied “I don’t know.”

“Don’t know?”

Zhong w.a.n.gxue shook her head as she said with a bit of confusion “I asked you because I don’t know. Even if I don’t like him why can’t I make him like me?”

Little Lian felt something was wrong.

If a woman wanted a man to like her then it was a very scary matter.

Usually those shameless guys would do whatever it takes to get Zhong w.a.n.gxue’s favor. Now their young lady, fed up with their attention, wanted to make another man notice her.

“This…there are many ways!” Little Lian spoke while she ate her dessert “To be honest, no man would be able to reject you if you just start crying and throw a fit.”

The lady in blue didn’t reply.

Many viewed her as a scenery but she viewed the young man in cyan robe below her as a scenery…

She calmed down as she slowly thought about Little Lian’s words.

After a while Zhong w.a.n.gxue said “This method is a bit too vulgar.”

“Would this lady give me a bit of her time?”

Just at this moment a young man wearing a black robe walked up, servant girl following behind him.

The servant girl bowed as she placed the fragrant tea that she was holding onto the table.

The young man let out a dashing smile and said “This is high quality Cloudstep Tea. This is the type of tea a girl as pretty as you should drink!”

Little Lian glanced at the young man and thought that this young man’s method was really poor. He didn’t even look at the tea that her lady was drinking; it was several times better than his Cloudstep Tea. If she didn’t even drink a sip of that why would she want any of this Cloudstep tea?

Thinking about that, Little Lian casually said “Thank you for your consideration but my lady isn’t in the mood to drink tea anymore!”

“Oh, so you two ladies aren’t going to give me any face?” The young man in black’s expression changed. Although he was still smiling the meaning changed quite a bit.

It now contained a hint of coldness.

He came here with malicious intent.

It seemed the young man in black’s original goal wasn’t that simple.

Little Lian snorted and said “A little brat who only opened the first Point dares to mess with us. You should know your place!”

“You’re courting death!” The young man in black’s face darkened. He slapped his bag of holding on his waist, and a small green flying sword came out and charged towards Little Lian.

This place was only a place for workers to rest. If there were any casualties, no one would come to help.

Although Little Lian looked very cute, when she acted she wasn’t clumsy at all. At the moment the young man in black acted, her eyes narrowed and her two luxuriant fingernails lightly pinched the sword.


The sword broke and Little Lian’s finger pointed at the young man in black’s chest.

It was only a gentle poke.。

The young man in black’s body seemed to be constrained and then his body flew backwards.


Little Lian withdrew that finger, which seemed to be surrounded by an aura.

From the beginning to end Zhong w.a.n.gxue hadn’t acted at all.

The young man in black was startled. When he landed on the ground, he let out a frightened shout “You… you have achieved Soaring!”

The human body has five marvelous acupoints called the Five Mysterious Points. The first point is Strength, the second point is Body, the third point is Qi, the fourth point is Mind and Soul and the fifth point is Soaring!

These five acupoints are the most exquisite points on a person’s body.

After opening the first point, Strength, one would become very strong and would contain an endless supply of Strength Dao but even so it was only a small Dao.

The second point is Body.

Once the Body point has been opened then one step can cover the distance of ten. It would be hard for swords to harm one’s body, and the body becomes very agile.

The third point is Qi, a very mysterious point. It is said that once opened, the Qi in your body will flow freely and this Qi can be relied on to grab things from a distance, control flying swords, kill people from far away, or form sword Qi.

The young man in black was the disciple of a small sect nearby. He was fairly famous around here and no one dared to mess with him. But looking at the situation, the two girls before him were at the Soaring stage! The Soaring stage that allowed them to fly freely in the sky! His body shivered and he quickly ran away.

Little Lian dusted her hand, let out a snort, and returned to where she was.

Zhong w.a.n.gxue didn’t blink as she looked at the young man sitting below her.



There were quite a few people drinking tea on the first floor. The young man around 17 or 18 wearing cyan colored robe smelled the fragrant tea that could move one’s heart.

“What kind of medical Dao is it that if you cure someone, it is your duty, and if you fail then it is your fault. Uncle has taught you medical skill only as something to have, in the end strength is what matters the most! Look at all the tens of thousands of sects and families in this world. People who practice the medical Dao are still bullied.”

The middle aged man sitting next to Ye Xuan was his uncle. His voice was filled with sadness and helplessness.

The young man in cyan was named Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded “I understand uncle’s meaning. In the end, whoever has the larger fist is more powerful.”

“As long as you understand. However, our family’s medical Dao can’t be lost either. The face your grandfather lost back then has to be regained by you. You were born to learn medicine and are a genius in the medical Dao. Your comprehension is also very high. Now, only if your cultivation talent was better, then it would be perfect.” Ye Dayou let out a long sigh.

Ye Xuan understood in his heart.

While drinking the tea in his cup, he felt bitter in his heart.

In this world everything still depended on power.

Back then his grandfather practiced only medication and could be considered to be a Dao Doctor. A Dao Doctor was a t.i.tle for a top doctor that could even save cultivators.

Of course, cultivators weren’t afraid of mortal harms, since their bodies were tough and immune to hundreds of illnesses. But that was only hundreds of illnesses. If they were to really receive grave injuries, no spiritual pills could help them. At that point they would need a Dao Doctor to help them recover.

His grandfather had done a lot of good throughout his life and his medical skill had been said to be able to bring back the dead. Although that was an exaggeration, but his grandfather’s medical skill really was very well known and it was not just boasting.

His grandfather traveled the world back then. He didn’t save just mortals or else his skills would’ve been considered a joke. His grandfather had even saved those powerful cultivators that could flip mountains or split the ocean.

However, his grandfather was too focused on medical skills.

Back then, his grandfather, Ye Yanxing, was invited to a large sect to heal the daugher of  a powerful expert. That sect had a bloodline where children were born with a very special body type. Every three generations, someone would be born with the “Hundred Evils Body”. This Hundred Evils Body meant that a person contained too much evil aura but if that was just it, it wouldn’t have been a problem. The thing is if someone has the Hundred Evils Body even if they cultivate and become a powerful expert they still won’t live past 30.

Because of this Hundred Evils Body that powerful expert called doctors from all over the land to help cure the Hundred Evils Body of his generation. Ye Xuan’s grandfather was one of those doctors.

His grandfather Ye Yanxing never came back after leaving on that trip.

When his grandfather was sent back by the big sect, he was already near death. All his life force was consumed and there was no saving him.

But no one knew the exact cause of this.

He only knew that his grandfather told his uncle on his deathbed that if Ye Xuan’s skill ever reaches a certain point he must go back to that big sect and cure the Hundred Evils Body.

In addition to that.

There was one more thing.

The medical Dao is important but don’t forget about your own strength!

In this world it is still whoever has the bigger fist, wins!

His grandfather’s tone became very heavy on this sentence.

His family had a total of five people.

After his grandfather died only he and his uncle Ye Dayou were left.

As for his parents.

Ever since he was born, he had never seen them.

After his grandfather died, Ye Xuan and his uncle fell from the sky as they were kicked out of their home.

All of this…

Was because they didn’t have enough strength!

What medical ethic or quality, all of it was useless.

“It is unfortunate that your grandfather’s trust was misplaced and that he left the second half of his medical manual, that he spent his life on creating, with Jiangdong Liu’s family. Originally they were suppose to hold it and give it to us once your grandfather died but after your grandfather’s death they delayed it time and time again. After seeing we couldn’t do anything they went and hid the second half of the manual.” Ye Dayou’s face was filled with hatred.

“Little Xuan, you have to remember that uncle spent a lot of effort to get you that spot to go up the Heng Yi Mountain to try and enter the Greenwood Sect. Uncle won’t force you to fulfill your grandfather’s wish of curing that Hundred Evil Body but you must get back the second half of the medical manual your grandfather spent his entire life on making. Once you have become powerful in the Greenwood Sect you must go to Jiangdong Liu’s family and get justice for us.” Ye Dayou patted Ye Xuan’s shoulder.

“Uncle I understand!” Ye Xuan held up his cup, smelled the aroma of the tea and took a sip.

Ye Xuan understood that his uncle wished they could go right now go to Jiangdong Liu’s home to get back the second half of the medical manual. But while his uncle had the heart he didn’t have the strength.

This was the Medical Dao Manual his grandfather spent his whole life on creating.

The first half was in his hands and the second half was in that Jiangdong Liu’s family.

He was a genius when it came to practicing Medical Dao. At only the age of 16, he had already learned everything in the first half of the Medical Dao Manual and had completely mastered the techniques.

His grandfather used a total of 83 needles and the first half of the Medical Dao Manual contained the records of 34 needles!

Each of these 34 needles had a different effect!

And he could use these 34 needle as if they were a part of his own body.

Unfortunately, the creating of these 34 needles was very difficult and when his grandfather died, he left Ye Xuan with only 18 needles! 21 needles were at Jiangdong Liu’s home and as for the remaining needles their whereabouts were unknown.

“What?” Ye Xuan was startled.


Just at this moment a painful shout came from the first floor of the tea house. Ye Xuan and Ye Dayou looked over and saw a large man fall to the ground clawing at the cloth on his chest.


This large man clenched his jaws, his forehead was covered in sweat, his face was very red, and heat emitted from his body.

Ye Dayou asked “What’s wrong with him?”

“Looking at him, the fire energy in his body is too great!” Ye Xuan slightly frowned.

Just as he was about to walk up to see what was going on, he saw an old man wearing wearing black and white daoist clothing walking over.

“What is going on!”

Beside the daoist wearing black and white stood his medical boy. The medical boy opened his mouth and said “Consider yourself lucky, doctor Yuan just happened to pa.s.s by and saw that you’re in pain so he has decided to help you.”

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