The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 6 – Jiang Qiao’s Cooking!Translated by Zehao

Chapter 6 – Jiang Qiao’s Cooking!Translated by Zehao


Ye Xuan indeed hadn’t eaten yet.

He hadn’t reached the Yuan Forming stage, a state where you no longer need to eat, and you can survive on the energy from the heaven and earth, so he still had to eat to sustain his life. Of course with this physique of his, he only needed one meal a day; anymore than that would make too many impurities gather in his body.


The more Ye Xuan ate the more delicious the meal tasted.

“Master’s cooking is really amazing!”

The meal made by Jiang Qiao was indeed very delicious.

He really couldn’t tell that Jiang Qiao, who had such a cold expression, could cook so well.

It had been a long time….

Since he ate such a delicious meal.


He was provided with  a room by Jiang Qiao to stay.

Late at night, the sky was filled with stars.

Ye Xuan sat cross legged on the bed, with a candle  by his side, as he looked at the little black book in his hand, and muttered to himself “So this is how to open the Qi Point. No wonder the disciples of the big clans and families train so fast. With a  proper cultivation method, cultivation ends up becoming much less troublesome.”

Before he came to the Greenwood sect, he was cultivating blindly, as he had no idea what he was doing. He was only able to open his Body Point because he managed to figure it out himself.

Now that he had received all the cultivation techniques up to opening his Mind and Soul Point from Jiang Qiao, his eyes had been opened.

Ye Xuan secretly thought “I still need to stick the diamond needle at the Immortal Point.”

Since he said it, he will do it.

He picked up the diamond needle and used the Nine Mysterious Diamond Needle technique to stick the diamond needle into the immortal point.

The cold needle entered his body.

That feeling of opening the Qi Point appeared again!

Ye Xuan’s eyes lit up.

The moment the diamond needle was stuck into the immortal point, that feeling would appear, and his cultivation speed was increased by several folds.

Last time he didn’t open the Qi Point because he didn’t have the method to open it, but now that he had it, how could he possibly give up the chance!


Ye Xuan clenched his teeth!

A power appeared in his body.

There was a lot of blockage in his Qi Point.

Ye Xuan’s power was like a sword, which cut through the blockade and charged forward. Gradually the blockage became less and less.

Ye Xuan could feel a invigorating stream of Qi cycling through his body.

There wasn’t a lot of Qi flowing right now.

“The Qi is finally flowing!” Ye Xuan felt an immense joy in his heart.

He know that once the Qi started flowing, it meant that he had opened the Qi point a little and that he would be able to fully open the Qi point. But this amount of Qi was not enough because he hadn’t been able to completely open the Qi point yet. Once the Qi point completely opened, the Qi flowing through his body would be more than 10 times stronger!

Hiss Hiss!

“Open for me!”

Sweat dripped down from Ye Xuan’s forehead.

A stubborn idea entered his heart as Ye Xuan could only think about opening his Qi Point.

More and more Qi flow appeared in his body.

Ye Xuan’s body suddenly quivered.

The invisible Qi surrounded his body.

The Qi began to flow throughout his body.

This was Zhen Qi!

“Zhen Qi!” Ye Xuan wanted to laugh out loud. Before he had the method for opening the Qi point and before he had the Mysterious Nine Diamond Needle Method, this Qi point had bothered him for a long time because he wasn’t able to open it.

But today Zhen Qi appeared at last.

Ye Xuan reached out with his fingers.

He could feel the Qi flowing between his fingers.

He wasn’t very familiar with using this Qi, so he looked at the book Jiang Qiao give him. He was very smart and had good perception, so after only a little time, his eyes lit up with comprehension.

He flicked his finger.

A Qi the size of finger formed.

He pointed at the tea cup on the table.

The cup moved slightly, and it suddenly floated into the air. He curled his fingers and the tea cup flew into his hand.

Ye Xuan intently watched all of this.

He pointed his finger again, and wherever his finger pointed the tea cup flew there.

Qi Point….had opened!

He really had opened the Qi point!

Ye Xuan clenched his fist as the Qi entered his body.

Ye Xuan suddenly thought “When I stick the diamond needle into my Immortal Point it allows me to cultivate a lot faster. If I were to stick a normal needle into my Immortal Point, would I get the same effect?”

The diamond needles were mysterious needles that his grandfather left him, and were very different from normal silver and gold needles.

He guessed that the medical Diamond Needles his grandfather made, evolved from the Nine Mysteries Diamond Needle.

Then, would a normal silver needle have this effect?

With that thought he slapped his bag of holding and a normal silver needle appeared in his hand. This silver needle was made with material of the lowest quality, without a sliver of Qi inside. It couldn’t even be compared at all to the diamond needle his grandfather had left him.

Ye Xuan held his normal silver needle and stuck it into his Immortal Point.

One breath.

Two breath.

“There is no effect!” Ye Xuan frowned slightly.

This meant that a normal diamond needle wouldn’t work, and neither would a normal medical silver needle. Only when a specially made diamond needle was stuck into the Immortal Point would that special effect of cultivation boost appear.

“I don’t know if sticking the diamond needle in the Immortal point would help me reach the Mind and Soul stage. The manual said it would help with cultivation, then would it affect Mind and Soul, Soaring, Yuan Forming, and the even higher Qi Sea?”

Ye xuan thought of a lot of things.

He must experiment.

Just like this the night pa.s.sed.


The morning of the second day since Ye Xuan joined the Greenwood Sect.

The mountain path leading up to the Qiao Yu Pavilion was very beautiful and birds could be heard chirping from time to time.

And at that moment footsteps could be heard as five youths wearing the Greenwood sect’s disciple clothing appeared. They were walking casually while chatting with each other toward the Qiao Yu Pavilion.

Looking at the strength of these five youths, all of them were people who had opened their Strength point.

A youth in black asked “Teacher ordered us to go to the Qiao Yu Pavilion to viciously teach a lesson to a brat named Ye Xuan. What do you guys say? If we go bully him and beat him up doesn’t that mean we are insulting master Jiang Qiao? If master Jiang Qiao were to blame us, what will we do?”

Jia Lang, who was standing in the middle, coldly snorted and said “Don’t worry. There won’t be any consequences, this is not the first time I have done this.”

“That Jiang Qiao has a conflict with the various elders in the sect. Based on what I found, it has been 4 years, and the various masters would give Jiang Qiao a disciple with very poor talent every year. Then they would send disciples to bully that disciple until that disciple leaves the inner sect.”

The youngest youth asked “Does this do any good?”

Jia Lang laughed and said “How could it not work? The various masters want to profane Jiang Qiao’s name so that no one would be willing to join Jiang Qiao’s faction. Eventually Jiang Qiao will be completely isolated.”

“Then what if master Jiang Qiao blames us!”

Jia Lang waved his hand and said “Relax, it has been 4 years and every year master Fang would send me to do this. During the first year, the kid lasted 3 days before I beat him up, he said no matter what he wouldn’t leave and would stay by Jiang Qiao’s side. But on the 4th day he was almost killed by me and finally left Jiang Qiao. The brats from the second and third years were smarter and both left after only 2 days.”

“If there is anyone to  blame, then blame it on the kid’s talent for being lacking to end up under Jiang Qiao! The kid didn’t obediently stay in the outer sect and had to come to the inner sect, he is looking to be disgraced!”

Soon the 5 of them arrived outside the Qiao Yu Pavilion.

Jia Lang symbolically said “Junior greets master Jiang, is master here?”


Ye Xuan was currently sitting inside the yard. When he heard this, he slightly frowned. He didn’t know where his master Jiang Qiao went, and he hadn’t seen her today at all.

“My master said I should at least last past today before we talk, could these people have come with ill intentions?”

With that, Ye Xuan got up and walked towards the source of the voice. He saw the five youths and said “What are senior apprentice brothers looking my teacher for?”

Jiang Lang licked his lips and asked “You are Ye Xuan?”

“Yes!” Ye Xuan became even more confused.

Jia Lang coldly said “We are looking for you, go!”

The moment Jia Lang shouted, the other 4 people attacked.

There were a total of five people.

The 5 of them had all opened their Strength point, they were as fast as the wind and as agile as a rabbit. With one step they jumped towards Ye Xuan. They were very well coordinated and in one breath of time they had blocked Ye Xuan’s escape.

Under this group attack, a normal disciple that had only opened his strength point would probably be already smashed into the ground and unable to move. But Ye Xuan was not such a disciple.

He saw that the five of them attacked him without saying a word, so he had already backed up.

Then remembering what Jiang Qiao said yesterday, along with his own a.n.a.lysis,as well as the five of them attacking him caused him to slap the stone table to jump on top of it and stare at them.

Jia Lang saw that Ye Xuan was able to move like lightning and dodge the group attack, and couldn’t help but say “This kid has some skill!”

The disciples that joined under Jiang Qiao all had mediocre talent at best and all of them had only been at the Strength Point stage.

In the past years, those disciples under Jiang Qiao would be slammed into the ground in one move and then get beaten up. Adding on some insults, the disciples would leave Jiang Qiao. However this Ye Xuan was able to escape their attack.

Jia Lang coldly shouted “A mere Strength point disciple, I want to see what kind of skill you can possibly have!”

Ye Xuan asked “Why are you acting against me?”

“Because you became Jiang Qiao’s disciple!”

The moment those words came out, Jia Lang’s group attacked again. They moved like lightning and charged towards Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan no longer held back, he pointed at a rock and the rock quickly flew into the air. He had already opened his Qi point, so controlling a large rock was very simple, and in a flash the rock appeared in his hand.

Looking at the people charging at him he took a step back and smashed the rock towards them.


The skinny youth who was in front was. .h.i.t by the rock followed by Ye Xuan thrusting him directly on his body. The power behind the thrust wasn’t strong, but he flew outwards and fell on the ground, unable to get up anymore.

Although Ye Xuan didn’t have much combat experience,

He was very familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body. He didn’t care about other stuff, but when he attacked, he would always aim for the weak acupuncture points. Although the attacks wouldn’t kill the victim, but they would leave him in a lot of pain.


Jia Lang was startled.

Ye Xuan was able to grab a rock from a distance.

This… clearly this was something only someone who had opened their Qi Point could do!

“You have reached Qi Point!” Jia Lang’s eyes widened with surprise.

“You realized it a bit too late!”


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