The Tiger Within

Chapter 412

"Kyera…." Crystalsa began to try and reason with her when another voice spoke up.

"Then will you accept Frost Dancer?" Bryson interrupted the matriarch who raised an eyebrow slowly. Kyera turned back to her uncle who looked rather confused.

"Uncle?" Kyera asked softly, the confusion showing on her brow as well. He sighed standing up and walking to stand before Kyera. His eyes met her"s filled with shame and regret.

"Grandfather. Kyera, you should be calling me Grandfather." He corrected her gently and Crystalsa smiled. The greatest weight she had ever carried was lifted from her shoulders. The night Fantasy had told her the truth, she had nearly cried from the sheer force of the realization of what it could do to her family. She had helped Fantasy escape but only to keep this news from tearing apart her sons.

"I… What do you mean?" Kyera asked frowning deeply.

"Kyera, the man your mother called father was her uncle. Akira Mei was my daughter, but her mother chose to have her take the Frost Born name because of what would have happened had anyone found out the truth. I was fourteen, and to be honest I was in love. Fantasy was amazing and my brother squandered her, she was wronged and I wanted her to know she was never alone. I fell in love with my sister in law and gave her a child, the child my brother refused to bare with her." Bryson began to explain as the words poured off his lips. She was struck, standing still and focused on her uncle.. No grandfather. If he was speaking the truth he was so much more than just a common uncle.

"I don"t understand.. You mean I am… I am not related to him? He… He wasn"t my grandfather?" Kyera whispered he could see a storm brewing in her eyes. Clovis put his hand tenderly on her hip, the warmth of that palm seeming to force strength into her veins.

"No, he wasn"t. He didn"t know that, but I did. I knew the day Fantasy brought Akira home. My brother didn"t pay enough attention, he was too focused on his new family to worry about the fact he had wronged Fantasy. He a.s.sumed all was well because though he cheated on her, she wouldn"t dare cheat on him. The fool didn"t realize how loving and pa.s.sionate that woman could be if you took care of her." Bryson frowned and shook his head as the memories pa.s.sed through his mind. So many things he wished he had said to his brother. NOne of them had ever had the chance to be spoken, but perhaps that was for the best.

"Your my Grandfather… truly? That is why you always.." Kyera started fitting the pieces together and he smiled softly.

"Yes. that is why I kept you close to Me, Sansor and Myra. You are cousins, but much closer than anyone truly knew. You may as well have been sisters. You belonged at our table, and my wife Rosalinda knew that well. Myra and Sansor"s mother was well aware that I loved Fantasy before Rosalinda entered my life. There was never any hard feelings because, let"s be honest, there was no reason for them." He smiled softly offering his hand to take hers. Kyera let him, seeing no reason to refuse as her mind worked at a fevered pace to make sense of what he had said to her.

"I… I see." Kyera whispered and in truth her mind barely wrapped around it but the tears in her eyes spoke volumes of the emotional turmoil built up in her heart. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.

"Can you forgive me for failing you?" He asked softly. Kyera let go of his hand and threw both arms around his neck hugging him. Bryson caught her, wrapping his own arms around her waist. He was mindful of her wound, even if she had forgotten it for the moment, he wouldn"t see it torn open further.

"There"s nothing to forgive… thank you." Kyera whispered into his ear and he grinned Kissing her hair.

"Will you take my name?" He asked her gently, his eyes filled with acceptance and understanding.

"Yes, my name is now Kyera Shade of the Moon, Princess of the Dancing WInds, The Frost Dancer." Kyera recited her name properly but it was quite the mouthful and she chuckled after. "Seriously though… no more surprises. My name can"t get much longer or it will be rediculus to say aloud." Kyera warned them and managed to steal a round of laughter from her entire familial clan.

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