The Tiger Within

Chapter 536

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:19 PMChapter 536

The palaces were alive with whispers and the bustle of preparations for a hunt ball . It was only a day away after all, and the Princesses were home safe and sound . There was so much reason to celebrate, even the announcement of a new royal child to be .

Raina, however, was unconcerned with all these announcements as she dashed through the forest, Talis on her heels . She knew where she was going . Honestly, the child knew she was supposed to be in cla.s.s but she had no interest in their teaching . She had gotten bored fast .

They were covering the stars and their meanings . This was a subject she found fascinating, the issue was Daxin had covered this months ago . They were not sharing anything new . These men might be the best tudors in the country but they couldn"t light a candle to Daxin"s teachings . So, after answering the questions on the quiz on her table, she left the lecture . They hadn"t stopped her so she went to train .

She had been training with Talis when the dragons pa.s.sed over head . He had persuaded her to wait a while before seeking her mother out . There would no doubt be a lot for her to deal with when they arrived and Raina agreed she didn"t want to overload Mommy . Now however, was a different story . Mommy was sure to be home and that"s where Raina was headed, her tiger guard on her heels .
The servants at the Dancing Winds palace bowed as she entered the yard . Raina remembered herself and settled down to a fast walk as she glanced around the yard . No sign of Mommy, so she moved inside . Her father was at the desk in the garden, Raina could see him through the window .

"Daddy, where is Mommy?" Raina asked a bit too impatient to search on her own . Clovis chuckled at her impatience . He was shocked it took this long for his daughter to look for them .

"She is resting in the garden . " He replied and Raina walked out the doorway looking around curiously . She spotted Kyera and the worries she hadn"t even been aware of melted away .

Kyera was sleeping beautifully in the soft couch in the gardens . She was relaxed against the cushions . Raina snuck over cautiously and tucked the blanket in place around Kyera . The movement resulted in a sleepy tigress partially opening her eyes and yawning . Then, without hesitation, leaning forward, wrapping her arms around Raina and then pulling her back onto the couch .

Raina giggled as she happily snuggled with her mother . "You worried me . " Raina accused her softly . She didn"t have to be a Princess right now . At the moment, she was just a little girl with grievances against her mother .

"Yes… so I did . However, you impressed me, my little Warrioress . " Kyera"s voice was soft and sweet as she spoke . Her hand gently combed through the long black strands of Raina"s hair .

"Hmm?" Raina looks up at her and Kyera gently guided strands of black hair behind Raina"s ear and taped the purple jewel she found there .

"If you were not wearing this, things could have gotten messy . People would have been hurt . As long as My Daughter wears the Amethyst of the Protector there is hope . " Kyera whispers kissing the child"s forehead as she shifted a bit more awake now .

"Kyera, You haven"t slept long . " Clovis reminded her but she shook her head .

"I need to see if Kan has returned . " Kyera replied wrapping both arms around Raina and hugging her properly . "A Princess"s duty…" she looked at Raina who smiled .

"Is never done . " The child replied proudly and Kyera chuckled . "Oh and more dragons arrived . " She added remembering the site of the three she had seen earlier . Kyera frowned .

"Dragons? Kan took Finra… did the storm twins follow?" She turned to Clovis who pointed out into the gardens . Kyera spotted both Ember and Ivory snuggled under a tree fast asleep . "That"s a no . Well, Raina care to go with me to greet our guests?" She asked and Raina nodded standing up obediently . Kyera rose as well .

"Be careful . I am going to continue my work . Remember Raina hasn"t met dragons before . " He added carefully . The storm twins had kept their distance from the child up until now . She had seen them but only in pa.s.sing .

"I will take care of her . Don"t work too hard . " Kyera replied as she took Raina"s hand . Talis was sitting by the door waiting . Tigers exchanged wordless glances, and Talis became human at their side .

"I will escort you?" He offers and Kyera nods .

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