The Tiger Within

Chapter 7

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:32:09 PMChapter 7

Kyera tilted her head to the side, looking the earth over between her and the pair . Dashing across the s.p.a.ce, body blurring like softened clay and smooth ivory skin replacing the fur she came to rest at his side . Her eyes found his and she smiled rea.s.suringly before allowing looking down at his wound . Anger flared in her heart as the gruesome wound was revealed to her . Pain pierced her chest, knowing the damage was deep, possibly permanent if he didn"t get proper treatment . No young one deserved this, years from now he would walk limped and there was little that could be done . All because of some hunter"s greed . She wished for a moment she hadn"t killed that creature so quickly .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThe skin was torn from the jagged tooth like serrations of the trap . Blood and shreds of flesh hanging pitifully from the arm of a once proud warrior . The bone didn"t seem to be damaged much, just a few nicks nothing that couldn"t heal with time . The muscles however were mangled and detached from each other, unable to control the paw hanging limply at her mercy . Kyera handled him with care, tilting the paw softly as she looked into the wound . The blood seeming to darken and curdle in a unsettling way However as she looked, there was something off . Kyera"s nose twitched at the acrid smell wafting up from the wound . It overpowered the the metallic smell of blood and pain . The reaction of foreign liquid with blood was hard to miss as was the smell of dying flesh . Necrotic or acidic, something was coating this wound .

"What the h.e.l.l is on that metal?" demanded Kyera as she picked up the offending trap . With both hands she pried it open, snapping the metal in two as she did so . Anger nad adrenaline forcing the jaws apart, then to bending the joint to finally snapping it like a elderly dry tree against the fierce winds of the winter chill . The metal jaws were sharp and jagged, interlocking like teeth of a wolf . The chain was wrapped around the base of a tree and hidden with mud and dirt, now broken from position . Little needle tips peaked out from behind the thick teeth . Flipping it over, A growl ripped from Kyera"s throat .

"Not sure, all I can really tell is it stems from those little gla.s.s bits . " Veron pointed out his own distaste clear as he tried to sooth the wounded beast . The tiger"s growl and eyes filled with mistrust warned him of the danger here . Too bad the boy had to be from a different village . At least if he was from home he would know they were no threat . "Calm yourself, I"m Veron . This lovely lady is Kyera . Let her help you . " He said meeting eyes with the boy . Kyera ignored their conversation as the boy replied to him . THe pair going back and forth as she further inspected the trap that had caused this deadly mess tonight .

Empty gla.s.s vials attached to the needles on the inside . Each had a faint green liquid residue in the tips . Much of the liquid had been forced through the needles and now left in the fleshy wound . Veron poured more water into the wound and Kyera frowned . There was a subtle smell of burning and bubbling in the wound . The Tiger roared in pain as the water rinsed through the wound, turning black as it splashed to the ground .

"Stop, its burning through his skin . We need a antidote but I don"t have any in stock . Let"s get to the Shaman* and hope she has some on stock . " Kyera replied looking at Veron who frowned . The quiet thought that pa.s.sed between them was not a pleasant one . She tore her dress, tieing a truncate** around the bleeding wound .

"We don"t have much time before the necrossis sets into his bloodstream . " He says picking him up, forcing the tiger so his body lays over his back the paws folded across his chest so Veron could carry him . Kyera nodded, standing and sniffing the air again before turning to a tiger once more . She began to lead the way across the forest floor .

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