The Tiger Within

Chapter 14

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:32:02 PMChapter 14

Indeed the rosey smell of rosewood filled her nose, as well as Kiln gra.s.s, mandrake root and silver pine sap . The smells mingled and danced on a thin strand of steam rising from a kettle in the corner . Kyera chuckled, realizing that the brew was the antidote she had intended to make herself . This would cut so much time and give him a better chance to live, even if she took her time to leave .

"You are a lifesaver Wise One . " Kyera replied smiling and giving her a soft chuckle . The amount of tension in her body quickly lessened knowing now the chances nearly tripled for her success . Aggie pulled a box from under the cabinet, with a silver latch . She flipped the latch and opened the box to show 4 rows of vials, each stoppered with cork .
"I prepared a set to go . This should last you a while . One vial should be fine as long as they drink it all . If they don"t get better in about 6 hours then you can give them a second . Do not give more than two doses . It will have some very bad results . " Aggie offered and Kyera hugged her . There was warmth and grat.i.tude in her heart for this old woman"s kindness . "Have the trap springer crew carry a vial each if you can . " She advised pressing the box into Kyera"s hand . There was a certain earnesty in her eyes, a look struck a chord deep in the younger woman"s chest .

"Bless you, My Friend, May the shadows guard you well . " Kyera murmured into her ear before putting the box carefully into her bag . "how much do I owe you?" kyera asked pulling out her coin purse . She bagan counting out the coins discreetly, waiting for a number . The old woman thought for a moment .

"10 gold will be enough . I will have another batch ready soon . Please keep it on hand . " Aggie asked hopefully . This was important, not just business but for the good of the Shifting Folk . Kyera nodded and handed her the coins from the bag . Aggie nodded as Kyera turned to walk away, her dress swirling around her legs from the motion . Casting a look over her shoulder Kyera caught Aggie"s eyes .

"I will, Aggie . Also, tell Fayna I will see her soon . I missed her at the circle . " Kyera offerered her a smile but was met with sadness and tears gathering in the elder"s eyes . A deep unease raised in Kyera"s stomach as she turned back to face the woman . "Aggie?" gentle concern laced with fear in her voice . Something wasn"t right, Kyera prayed her instincts were wrong .

The old one took a deep breath and steeled herself against the words she must speak . "Kyera, Fayna will never again Grace the circle with her talents . My granddaughter was taken by the Trappers as a slave to huntsmen . " Aggie forced the words to sound as though she was once again offering her wares but Kyera"s heart was broken . Her soul howled with anguish as the loss of her dear friend . Instead of crying she controlled the raging torrent within .

"I am sorry Wise One . If there is anything I can do…" Kyera offered but let the offer stand . There was no reason to finish the sentence as the understanding pa.s.sed between them . "how did it…" she asked after a few long moments .

"The Hunters have a shifting beast who is helping them set their traps . She never saw it coming . It"s a rope net that hides camouflaged on the earth . The only hint of its existence is a rope, so thin its nearly see through except the way it glints in the light . Hidden in the shadows…" Aggie shrugged and Kyera looked worried . "There was no breaking the net . We had to leave her there or we all would have been captured . "

Kyera saw the pain in the old woman"s eyes and the shame in her words . As a leader, Aggie had to leave . Even with her own grandaughter"s life at stake the tribe came first . It always had, Just as Kyera shouldered the burden of the Tiger, Aggie shouldered the burden of the Leopard .

The scenario was almost too hard to believe, With Fayna being so agile, so well prepared and alert… it would be nearly impossible to catch her by traditional means . Even with a trap as such . Dark shadows found their way into her once bright eyes .

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