The Tiger Within

Chapter 16

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:32:00 PMChapter 16

"We will not lose our pray to a mere woman . Even if she is the Demon…" and before he could finish the sentence the blade had sliced through his throat . Gurgling sounds were all that was left of his final words as she let him fall, lifeless to the dirt . His companions watched both turning on her as 4 more dropped down from the trees .

"Give us the girl or die Shade b.i.t.c.h . " growled a survivor . Tankin had never met Kyera before and didn"t know her power . Without a word Kyera wrapped the girl in her cloak using shadows to secure her in a protective force behind her . The child was awkwardly settled against her back, with the cloak covering her .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"i don"t want you to see this little one . As long as you cant see them they can"t get you with me here . " Kyera a.s.sured the child who was shivering behind her . The Princess was just old enough to understand what was going on but too young to know what to do but follow this woman"s orders . She then took position to protect the child . Experimentally moving, she ensured that every time she moved the child was carried by the shadows to stay at her back .

"If you want her take her from me then . Otherwise let me return what you have taken to her father . " kyera challenged, pulling two long blades from her sides, hidden in the dress . The jackals laughed, a eerie sound in perfect harmony as the first launched toward her followed by several more within seconds . It sent chills down the onlookers spines and the child whimpered . Kyera pat her back gently rea.s.suring her .

Kyera chuckled and kicked the first in the jaw, knocking it away from her with a bit of force . Her sword swung slashing at the next . Blood splattering into the air as she caught flesh and ripped forward, not caring as long as the creature howled .

It jumped back blood pouring from the gaping wound in his shoulder . 2 turned forms to jackals and leaped, but she ducked . Jerking aside Kyera spoke a word and a shadow wall knocked the creature aside . Without pause another leaped into the fray, thinking to take her from behind only for the sword to swing round and slice deep into the jackals neck .

Kyera began to grow concerned . She was not out matched, but she was outnumbered . Without a.s.sistance she would likely fail but that didn"t stop her from falling another beast with her sword . These creatures broke the taboo, hunting children for the folly of the father how dare they! She would not let them off . None of them .

Unbeknownst to Kyera, a group of guards led by a man on horseback watched as she took on that pack . The magic of the shadows and her powerful swords play putting on quite the impressive show . She was protecting what wasn"t hers to keep, and yet she did so stunningly . Not a single blow came close to the baby as she twisted and turned sometimes taking hits

"Now . " he said softly, lips curling into a smile . Long black hair pulled back, high on his head so the prince circlet could settle under it . Only 4 inches of silver showing at the front above his burning green eyes . His chiseled features were handsome but fairy like . Unlike most the men in this line, he was not exceedingly masculine .

To accompany hie strong jaw and firm stance was a daintiness . Sharp eyes, and a quick wit but a less powerful physical strength . He was built to be a man of words, not of fists . Not that it mattered much, a son of the emperor needn"t be good with a sword if he could make quick decisions and guide the muscles of his army .

Watching her begin to tire out, and a Jackal"s swipe land on her shoulder . The little warrioress fell forward and his heart stopped . She caught herself with her arm and rolled, the shadows swirling the child across behind her again by the force of the winds . Kyera growled in anger as pain shot through her body .

After watching for a opening, the Prince raised a black leather clad arm . Archers took their ready . His fist opened fingers to the sky . Aim . And as his hand closed: they fired .

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