The Tiger Within

Chapter 21

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:55 PMChapter 21

Kyera watched as he slid the sleeve of the dress all the way up to the shoulder, revealing the bandage she had fashioned over the clawed skin . His eyes flashed dark and her sense of fight or flight kicked in . She knew he was angry, but she hadn"t wanted to worry him . In all honesty he had been so worried about the kid that she didn"t want him to feel bad for not following her to town .

"Ky, I won"t ask again . " Verone warned her his eyes flashing with emotions a mix of pain and anger as he looked over the bruises and began inspecting the other arm . The defensive wounds played across her skin as his instincts started piecing together the puzzle before she began to explain .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I had a disagreement with several jackals who thought they could challenge my authority and live to tell the tale . " Kyera replied with a shrug . She ignored the deep set ache that motion caused . Truth be told these wounds were fairly minor . Yes a few hurt like h.e.l.l and one or two she was pretty sure were going to scar but that was the nature of the beast .

"Why would Jackals cause you trouble?" he asked ma.s.saging along a few of the bruises to loosen the muscles . He could tell from the number of wounds and marks that she was outnumbered . Several of the bruises trailed over her shoulder and once her hair was gathered to the side he could see they traveled down her back .

"They were not looking for trouble with me . They moreā€¦ stumbled into it . They were about to start a battle that we couldn"t win . " Kyera began to explain . She left nothing out, knowing she could trust him . After all, if anyone would have her back, she knew he would .

"Battle? They would have started an all out war . Touching the little princess would have brought us back to the light again, the blockheads . " Verone growled, he had seen the damage that had been done, the slaughters of their kin at the very end of the last war . Kyera had been a newborn, and wouldn"t remember most of it . He however, remembered the village being torn by war, and blood bathing the paths . A village of 150 Tiger kin became a ruin of 60 in less than three days . He was only 3 at the time, but there are somethings even that young of a mind can not escape .

"I know . That"s why I stepped in . We would be destroyed completely this time . " Kyera added soloumly . Verone nodded, his anger was slightly soothed as he saw how tiered the lady was . Her eyes were warm but the pain in them was clear enough . There was exhaustion in her, and it was no wonder as to why . Nearly 24 hours had pa.s.sed since she had slept . It was time for the pair to head home .

"Kyera, I think we need to go get some rest . Tomorrow there will no doubt be fall out from the Jackal clan . We can"t risk you being tired . " He pointed out and slipped her cloak around her shoulders . She nodded .

"I agree . I didn"t have another choice . You know how important the laws of the council are . " She pointed out, as if trying to defend her actions . He nodded slowly kissing her forehead before taking her hand gently in his . He lead her out into the night .

"Better a disagreement within and a culling of those who will challenge the peace than for man to hunt the woods till each and every one of our kin are dead . " Verone replied soothingly leading her home . "The council would have agreed with your decision . "

When the war had ended a council met deep in the forest to discuss their future . Rules were made to protect them and keep them from provoking the humans again . The elders had been wise and decided to hide themselves away in the deepest parts of the forest and hide their abilities to protect the youth who were still alive . The war left an age gap and now, almost all the elders were gone, and Kyera"s Generation was left to rebuild and keep the laws they set in place .

The rules of the forest were simple, and clear . Children did not pay for the sins of hte parents . Shape shifters were not to attack humans or Kin without being attacked first . They could never return home once they reveal their ident.i.ties to humans unless they never left the forest again once they returned home . The most important rule of the forest, at least to her, was Never Betray your Kin .

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