The Tiger Within

Chapter 35

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:41 PMChapter 35

"she never sleeps in . " Talis added instead, changing the subject . Verone nodded, honestly slightly surprised his brother knew this as well . It was normal for Verone who knew her better than anyone . Perhaps the boy had learned to pay attention to the goings on around the village .

It was true that one had to get up very early to get the drop on that tigress . Even the sun sometimes failed to concede to the moon before she rose . Often the rays of sunset would find her dancing with the wind and whip . In truth he didn"t expect her to be at her tent, and even if she was she would likely not be in her bed . It was just the last place to check before going to the Stained Land . If she wasn"t home, there was a good chance she would be there especially after all that had happened the last few days . Too bad he had brought Talis along . It was too late to shake the boy… he could only hope he was wrong . Bringing the boy there… he wouldn"t understand the solomness of that land .
However that hope was dashed when he saw no smoke curling through the center of the tent . Without bothering to enter, he pulled back the flap of hide making up the door . Inside the fire was dead, no coals smoldered in the circle . Her breakfast still sat by the table . With a heavy sigh his eyes landed on her bed . The furrs crisp and clean, no one had slept in them the night before . There at the head of the bed, nested on her pillow was a simple smooth stone . Fire scorched, and etched with paths that twisted and turned across the surface made it easily recognizable . Verone reached down and drug his fingers over the stone, tracing the four hearts intricately hidden at the center of the stone .

"Well now what?" Talis asked glancing around then back at Verone . Truth be told . He felt a little out of place . It was a strange thing to be in a woman"s room with her there… but worse so when she wasn"t . Like an invasion of her privacy .

"I know where she is now . Judging by all this she never came back in after i left her last night . " Verone replied leaving the stone where it lay on the pillow . He turned walking toward the door and offered him a soft smile .

"Should we go after her?" Talis asked, sensing there was more to his brother"s words than perhaps previously detectable . The look in his blue eyes was deep and concerned but tinted with a deep sadness . Instinct hinted that perhaps this had to do with the past that Kyera keeps so quietly . If it did, perhaps it was best not to follow her at all .

Verone shook his head "We should at least check on her . Chances are time has just gotten away from her . We may as well go on up . Worst comes to worst we can just head to the training grounds from there . " He replied leading him toward the door .

The brothers walked down a older path, one they both knew well . The road well worn as they entered the bazaar and headed for the north end . Merchants calling to each other and trying to entice the other Shifters to try their wears . Through the center of town, the pair pa.s.sed walking to the sentry who lay in Lion form at the trees marking the edge of town . He raised to four paws and stretched, eyeing the two tigers closely .

Verone felt his brother tense and shot him a glance . It was instinct on Talis"s part . He was far too young to remember the night a lion had wounded the Kin . There was bad blood between the tiger"s and the lions ever since the Lions tried taking Kyera away for their prince"s bride . In retaliation he had betrayed the Tiger kin and even his people now bowed their heads to the tigers . Deep regret for the rift that was torn between them . Very few Lions were part of the guard, and even fewer were sentries . One bad apple had ruined much of the barrel in the eyes of the Shifters . Even the wolf and the jackal felt disdain and distrust for the Lions and their pride .

"Heading up to the Northern hunting grounds . " Verone told him and nodded respectfully before shifting shape . After a moment"s hesitation Talis followed his lead .

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