The Tiger Within

Chapter 47

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:29 PMChapter 47

Empress Evelyn waited patiently for Adie to take everything in . She was still young, and somewhat unaware of the darker corners of the Palace .

Adie had been the daughter of a General and his wife . Due to… conflicting personalities, Adie had found her place under the Empress" wing rather than at a military husband"s side . She was nearly the same age as Princess Twilia and Empress Evelyn had asked for Adie to become her playmate .

With Adie becoming close to Princess Twilia, Evelyn"s daughter, she had come to be adopted as the Empress"s personal maid soon after Twila left for the Shadowveil kingdom . As such, she knew some, but not all of the story between the Empress and the three queens . She had been loyal, and untouched by dark intentions since she started to serve . There was a pang of regret as she looked around her new palace .
"Adie, I am sorry you have to follow me here . I know it isn"t much, but we can make it our home . " Empress Evelyn tried to a.s.sure her . Partially to be nice and partially out of guilt . As the daughter of a general, Adie had never lived in or perhaps even seen a place like this . The younger woman laughed and then turned a beautiful smile on the Empress, her pretty blue eyes dancing with merriment .

"My Lady if you are happy, then so am I . Let"s get this place cleaned up!" Adie agreed enthusiastically, tucking her hair up into a bun and securing it with a jade pen . However, before she could begin cleaning Tears rose onto all fours tilting her head at the back room, just beyond the part.i.tion itself .

The outline of a man coming through the window could easily be seen . Adie grapes the handle of a old clay pot nearby by, testing its weight in her grip . It was heavy but she was certain she could throw it with some amount of precision .

Tears tilted her head and made a throaty rumbling sound… very similar to a chuckle . "Did this human girl think that if this person means Mistress harm she would have a chance to throw that pot before I attacked?" these thoughts only lasted a moment before the leopard caught his sent . It only took a moment for her to lay back down on her mat .

At that moment, the figure turned the corner, dressed in royal robes of sapphire blue . Angered eyes glance around the room, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a blur . Raising a hand he caught the pot and turned to look at her .

Adie shrunk back, biting her lip as she realized her mistake . Kneeling she placed her head to the floor and began to beg forgiveness . Clovis smiled at her, having always seen Adie as a sister more than a servant or a friend .

"Come now, Adie . I know I missed dinner the other night but there"s no reason to throw things . " Clovis teased setting the pot on the counter . Adie took a deep breath, her cheeks crimson .

"Your highness, I really didn"t know it was you…" she started to apologize again but then… she realized something . Her expression went from apologetic to indignation instantly . "Why under this sun or any other did you come in through the window!" her tone was triumphant and Clovis was taken slightly aback but laughed at her sudden change .

"I couldn"t exactly be seen waltzing into the cold palace unannounced without my "Aunts" throwing fits like children . So, I bribed a guard and came in the back . " Clovis explained with a shrug . Adie thought about this a moment… nodded to show her agreement, and went back to wiping down the empty shelf by the door .

"Now that you two are done with your little show, care to explain why your here, Clovis?" Empress Evelyn interjected, commanding his attention . Clovis" eyes softened and turned loving toward his mother . His eyes darting over her every detail to ensure she was alright . The dusty rags she was wearing caused anger in his heart .

"Why… what did those women do to convince my bubble head father to place The Empress, My Mother, here?" he growled a tone of protective worry apparent in each syllable .

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