The Tiger Within

Chapter 49

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:27 PMChapter 49

The sun"s rays barely kissed the tops of the mountains in the horizon as three tigers dashed through the terrain once again . The white and silver tigress leading the three, as they moved faster and faster through the course . Over rocks, under or through logs, and zig zagging between trees to improve their agility . The two behind forced to try and match her pace, despite her being quicker on her feet .

To Verone"s surprise he was truly having to battle with his little brother for his place . Talis was right on Kyera"s tail, following with acute precision that even Verone was not capable of . It was as if the boy was reading her mind, knew what tree they were going left around and wich log they were going over or through .

The three stopped, back at the start, all breathing fairly heavily from the run . Kyera turned human first, laying on her back in the the gra.s.s . The boys followed suite and joined her on their backs, forming a star with their heads as the center . Huffing and puffing being the only noise for several moments, punctuated with small bouts of senseless laughter .
"Talis… when did you… learn to read minds…" Verone"s words caught between breathy pants . His body not as breathless as the younger brother, but he was a bit winded . Talis shook his head in response .

"Didn"t . Read her body . " He tried to explain in the shortest possible sentences . Talis had known training with Kyera would be difficult but he never expected the first day to run him like this . Where was the humanity in this? Luckily he was able to cut some of the guesswork and predict her moves saving himself from unnecessary steps .

"Read her what?" Verone"s voice was suddenly very sharp . A small hint of distaste that his fairly tired brother was oblivious too . Just as he was about to swipe at the back of his brother"s head a cool sweet laugh caught his attention .

"He read my body language, Verone . I use my tail to balance, similar to a snow leopard . So if you pay attention to the tail positioning…" Kyera dropped the sentence with a grin . The boys were being just too much fun tonight .

"You can guess if she"s going up, down . Left, or right then just pay attention to the obstacles in the area . " Talis replied with a shrug . Kyera nodded and gave him a praising look . He had potential, so much potential!

"Very good . Granted your agility is good it needs some work . You don"t put the right amount of power into a jump and your still a little clumsy on going over things . " Kyera added the criticism to keep his head on the ground, but overall she was pleased with his performance . He could learn all along, but now he has proven he will learn .

"Alright . Well… ummm" he bit his lip and glanced between Verone and Kyera, something obviously on his mind . His eyes were deep like an ocean and just as wild . Kyera was fairly sure she knew what he wanted to ask, but intended to wait patiently for him to get the nerve . Unfortunately, someone had grown just as curious .

"Ky, what is he suited for?" Verone asked, knowing she had an answer by now or they wouldn"t be taking a break on the gra.s.s . Granted he wasn"t complaining, the break was fantastic . However, he was still curious and his brothers nearly frantic nods reinforced his question . Verone almost missed the glare Kyera shot at him as he noticed a rock by his hand and proceeded to inspect it to see if it was like all the other rocks under his hand .

It was .

Kyera smiled and shook her head, sitting up as she adjusted her dress . "Well your not a fighter . I mean you can . Your quick and nimble but… your heart isn"t in it . " Her point was almost too well received by the young one . One fist struck for the sky as he cheered loudly . Kyera couldn"t help but chuckle at the excitement in his face . "I take it you didn"t want to be a fighter?" She asked and he just laughed .

"Like you said before Ky, my heart isn"t in it . " No sooner than the words left his mouth, he knew he had done something wrong… . This time Verone didn"t stop himself .

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