The Tiger Within

Chapter 56

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:20 PMChapter 56

The golden power had infiltrated every place there should have been shadows in the main temple, turning the comfortably dim world into a solar flare of brightness, painful to mortal eyes . It was hard for the creatures of the night to see, and now that the mistress of this power was gone, the shadow"s mercilessly wiped it from their home . Taking back its place beneath the tables, and in the corners . Slowly the Temple came back to its original state .

Ping and the Lord helped it along, each freeing and rejuvenating the spirits whom had fought against the gilded tide . Though he had the best of intentions, the Master"s anger and worry made him a bit imposing even for his own subjects . More or less the gold that had prevented him from lending a helping hand .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntKeric ran into the main halls, a look of worry and dread on his face as he skidded to a stop in front of his Master . The wolf held a leather bag around his neck, and a sadness in his eyes that made even Ping fear the worst . Ping stepped forward and tilted his head, ears laid back against his head, sadness in his eyes as well . "Did you…" He began to ask and Keric laid the leather satchel at the Master"s feet .

With a slow steady breath, The Lord of Shadows picked up the leather bag . The warmth radiating from it sent chills through his body . "Keric…" The Lord began but the wolf looked away stubbornly, his tail down .

"My Lord, all do respect . I"ve done my job . Go upstairs and see for yourself . " He replied before walking toward the shadows without casting a glance back at the Master or Ping . The fox was torn between wanting to follow his friend and go with the Master . Both seemed to need him now, but one more than the other . With a heavy heart and a long glance at the Master, Ping argued with his duty and his heart .

"Ping . Go . " The Master replied before taking the bag and heading up the long winding staircase . He knew there were several things that could be in that bag . Yet, he had a uneasiness sitting on his chest like a weight restricting his breath . The sensation causing his hand to clench tighter on the leather straps .

He remembered opening the bag with his son"s souls encased . Each one had been welcomed home to the shadows with tears of sadness for the sister left all alone . Knowing it was their destiny to die did nothing for his broken bleeding heart . "Sons…" He whispered as he opened the door into the study .

Four spirits took shape from the shadows at his side . Two from each side of him following him with concern, but hidden in the dark . The shapes slowly took the forms of tigers at his side . Each slightly bigger than the last till it reached the oldest of the four . He stepped forward and brushed his head against the Lord"s hand before escorting him to his chair .

"Father, Is it?" The smallest asked, unable to hold his fear . The eldest closed his eyes, waiting for his father"s answer .

"I don"t know, I wish I did . I know something happened . I could hear her screams…" He trailed off and set the leather softly on the table . The four brothers looked at eachother and the smaller three nodded at the eldest . He closed his eyes and slowly, the shadow became more solid . A man of flesh and bone stood before the desk .

Stormy black eyes set into a pale face . White hair fell in long strands brushing the floor by his feet . Shadows in swirling shades of black forming a robe over his now tangible flesh . "Father?" He asked softly, the worry lines on his forehead causing the scar across his skull to wrinkle . The Master sighed and nodded .

"Keenan… go ahead . " The Master replied looking down at the dark stone texture of the desk . Trying to focus on it while his eldest son opened the leather satchel .

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