The Tiger Within

Chapter 67

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:09 PMChapter 67

Kyera laid still under her eyes and let the cool air expand her lungs to full capacity again . A familiar scent draped like a blanket over Kyera"s senses . It was her . The smell she hadn"t smelt since she was just a cub . She tried to sit up, to locate the owner with her eyes .

The moment she spotted her, Kyera struggled to her feet . The beautiful white tigress with a silvering muzzle descended the stairs with such elegance she could almost pa.s.s for a tigress in her prime . Kyera was even more aware of each pained, shakie shift she had to make to stand .

A low growl rumbled deep in her chest as the Tigress paused at the bottom step, tilting her head . The little jewel settled on her forehead danced with the movement a mocking diamond in the eyes of the Cub she had thrown away . The elder Tigress eyes narrowed as she sniffed the air .
The Empress Dowager raised an eyebrow and picked up a resistant Raina . The little girl didn"t understand what was going on, but she didn"t want to leave her Tigress .

The older woman pulled her away firmly and stepped back, she knew posture well enough to know these two Tigers knew and did not like each other . The elder tigress straightened her head and stepped off the steps . Kyera hissed and took a step back . For every step forward Kyera took one back .

"MoonGlow?" the tigress whispered as if tasting the word, but to Kyera it was a curse . She hissed and turned running into the woods despite the cries of pain that fought past her lips . Kyera couldn"t handle seeing her . Not in the state shes in .

It would have been easier if she was wearing a collar or looked the slightest bit worse for wear . She didn"t . THAT CREATURE looked better than Kyera did after all these years . A tigress in her prime, seen as a beauty amongst her kin was a rough country b.u.mpkin beside that traitor .

"Moon! MOON!" cried Raina"s little voice after her . Kyera wanted to turn back to the child but she couldn"t . If she did they would fight . She couldn"t promise she would stop till blood spilt and stained that white coat red . The little one didn"t need to see that .

Even as she ran, Kyera knew she didn"t want the child to see her like that . Fearsome and angry, a killer . There was no doubt in her mind if she faced off against her mother… one would not leave alive . Not after all the pain and suffering she and her brothers had endured because she couldn"t be a mother to her children .


Back at the tea table, The Dowager Empress still held her great grandchild and rocked her trying to sooth her tears . Raina hiccupped as her father walked into the garden . She wiggled free of the Dowager Empress who allowed her free . The child ran straight to her father"s arms . He knelt down, gathering his baby close to him .

"Oh little Love . " he whispered his hand slipping into her hair and holding her little body close . Realizing his neck was being squeezed and tears wet his robes he frowned . "What hurts? Are you okay?" he asked his voice soothing but a slight bit panicked .

"She ran away…" the little one cried . Her voice caught in the heavy breathing of a little one who had cried too much to speak properly . She hid her face in his shoulder and sniffled .

Clovis looked at the Empress Dowager and raised an eyebrow . He was at a loss as to who the Princess meant . The Empress Dowager sighed "The Princes was returned to us, and her savior ran away when my Tigress came to greet her . She"s been inconsolable ever since . " The Empress Dowager explained watching Raina with tender eyes . The poor thing was shaking now as she controlled her emotions .

"Ahh… whoever it was bring them back . I wish to thank them… her… personally . " he replied gently rocking the princess holding her tight . The Emperor and Queens arrived moments later having followed as quickly as dignity would allow . It was unsurprising that Clovis hadn"t given a d.a.m.n about etiquette as he ran to his daughter .

"It might be a bit tricky . She"s a Tigress . Pretty badly wounded from what I saw . Going after her might be dangerous . " The Empress Dowager replied smoothly, raising to her feet as her son entered . Casting the Emperor a cold stare .

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