The Tiger Within

Chapter 78

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:59 PMChapter 78

"Rasha? Your sure?" Mally asked, her voice sounded panicked . Kyera sniffed the air then looked at the boy . The tint of green on his palm caught her attention . That acrid smell gave it away and a sense of urgency tickled in her stomach . The smell of putrid flesh rising in her memory again as she remembered the boy and the trap .

"Mally…" Kyera"s warning tone silenced her friend . Mally tilted her head curiously but nodded all the same for Kyera to take the lead . There was a time to shut up and listen, the expression on Kyera"s face hinted that this was one of those times . "take us to him . " she turned to the boy, her voice sounded a bit like a order as she turned and began walking the direction he had been going in long strides so to maintain her dignity .
The boy quickly turned to follow, nearly breaking into a jog to get ahead of Kyera who seemed to be following some divine direction . Her movements were with purpose as if she had been here a hundred times before, but in all actuality it was her nose following the trail . They were headed for the Winter Garden, a rather beautiful evergreen garden that never failed to have pretty blooms . However it was a area Kyera had not entered yet . Alot of humans often frequented if not to mention predators . There were some prey to hunt . She had not been strong enough to hunt the large game she sensed within as of yet .

The smell of metal and acrid flesh caught her nose, and the boy was no longer needed . The girls could see the wounded beast laying in a growing puddle of blood . Mally froze, having not seen this level of destruction to a living creature before .

The dark furred lion was laying on his stomach as if he had collapsed there, with no energy to move on . The b.l.o.o.d.y whole in his side fairly deep, and oozing black blood . His flesh looked as though it had been torn away by a great pair of jaws . Kyera scoffed in disgust remembering the teeth of the bear traps that were used in the woods . It was a similar wound here .

The two unskilled medics were trying to clean the wound with water but the lion roared in pain as steam rose from the wound . Kyera shook her head . "Stop, your activating the acid more and it"s burning through his skin . " Kyera warned them lowering to her knees at the Lion"s side heedless of the blood drenching her pretty dress .

Mally winced but did not correct her as Kyera ran her hand through the lion"s chocolate main . "shhhh wild one, I am here . " she whispered, allowing the shadows to form beneath her palm and pa.s.s into him, offering soothing energy . The lion laid back as she looked at the others .

"We have to clean the wound or the poison will do more damage . " one of the girls replied glaring at Kyera who touched the Emperor"s dearest pet so casually . Her whining was ignored by the tigress who had now moved into healer mode . They may as well have tried to argue medicine with a wall .

"Help me get him on his side . Mally, go find Aggie in the square tell her I sent you . Bring back 4 vials of antidote . Tell her the Poison we discussed has struck at the palace . " Kyera replied tossing her a jewel from her ear . "that should pay for it . "

Mally didn"t ask questions, she ran . Kyera continued soothing the lion as she looked over the wound . It was deep, but not fatal, the poison however would be . She began gently removing any dirt or gra.s.s in the wound, before reaching for her side . She froze and sighed remembering the fairy water cantine wasn"t there . It had been dropped when the net caught her . This was not going to be easy to do with both the remedy and the fairy water, but without the water it was going to be almost impossible . "d.a.m.n" she murmured as she wiped her hair from her sweaty face .

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