The Tiger Within

Chapter 82

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:55 PMChapter 82

The two humans standing nearby watched in awe as as the fairy and the white haired maiden spoke in the twinkling tongue of fae and elf . The pair never cast a look at the other two, but the fairy was obviously begging to the cold, compa.s.sionless eyes of the slighted woman . The exchange of words only took a few moments, and each second Kyera seemed more like a n.o.bel woman in the eyes of the Second Prince . The last of it sounded like an order as the fae flew away . Kyera turned back to the lion gently stroking his fur .

"You will be alright, Wild One . Just wait now . " Kyera whispered rea.s.suringly, laying her forehead to that of the lion . The great cat"s eyes slowly opened and looked up at her, pain and trust seems to blend in those warm brown orbs . A soft smile creased her lips, rea.s.suring and sweet . Raina watched her, seeing the the red in Kyera"s hair for the first time . Confusion and worry inched its way into her heart, but then she saw it .
Raina"s eyes fell to the wounded lion and a shocked little O formed on her lips . The wound was mostly obscured by Kyera"s dress and her position, but the little that could be seen still looked painful . The child moved to the head of the lion and sat down, petting him lovingly . "What happened to Rasha?" she asked turning shimmering eyes on Kyera .

"Well," Kyera began to respond only for a woman"s voice to cut her off as though she had never spoken . It was annoying for Kyera, being as in the forest no one would cut her off, they had manners there . Here she was simply a captive in desperate need of escape, whether the humans around her knew it or not .

"That is a very, very good question . Why wasn"t I informed that something so tragic had happened?" The crowd around Kyera bowed or knelt depending on their station . Kyera was already on the ground and paid no heed to the Queen who entered the room .

She hardly cared at the moment, even if the emperor himself came, Kyera"s attention was more useful paid to the lion"s comfort than to the royals here . The only thing She did note that Raina flinched at this woman"s voice and her heart grew fierce . The inner tiger threatening to break free . Anyone causing a child to react in such a way was not a good person . "Send for the Emperor!" she demanded as if it hadn"t already been done . Two servants hurried away to do her bidding as Alexi shook his head quietly . They had sent for him a couple hours ago now, but affairs of state had held him at bay . Sending for him again and delaying his work would only extend his absence .

"Mother, it seems the Emperor"s Rashan was bit by a trap that was coated in poison . It seems someone decided to try trapping in the Winter Gardens . " Alexi explained watching as the apparently grief stricken woman walked over to the wounded lion . The emotion seemed hollow after the rush of Emotion he had seen from Kyera . It was a wonder anyone believed her .

"Oh dear G.o.d no, not our Rashan…" she cried loudly . Her body swayed and fell landing on the lion"s chest causing a gasp and whimper of pain . Kyera twisted her own body to keep the reckless woman from striking the wound or little Raina . However this action ended in a burning pain in her side, one that would most likely change to the pretty and unforgiving colors of a dark, deep bruise . "Doesn"t this woman have any sense?" Kyera wondered with a soft growl under her breath . Little Raina seemed less than surprised though her little eyes searched the Lion"s body at the sound of his pain . She looked helplessly at the Queen but didn"t say a word . There was nothing she could say as the tears fell from Queen Fae"s eyes .

"Fake tears . Vile, troublesome woman . Get away from him, he"s not dead yet . " Kyera thought rolling her eyes as the fairy landed beside her . She forced herself to meet the Fairy"s eyes and smiled slightly with approval . The Fairy held a skin of water in her hands, the top held shut by a drawstring . A second fairy, with fair red hair and freckled cheeks held the other side of the bag . She looked away abit shy as Kyera took the bag from the pair .

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