The Tiger Within

Chapter 87

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:50 PMChapter 87

"I . . I don"t know…" Mally stuttered honestly at a loss . She had no idea Kyera"s training had progressed like this or how she knew what poison it was . There was nothing she could think of to say that wouldn"t sound like she was trying to cover for herself . . . The Queen scoffed .

"You don"t know what to say because you never dreamed you would be caught! . " she said triumphantly . "you betrayed us!" she added walking closer to Mally, fire in her eyes . Before she could raise her hand to slap her however, a soft voice interrupted her, a stark contrast to the anger of QUeen Fae and the confusion and fear of Mally .
"I am afraid the Queen is out of line . " Kyera said cooly, raising to her feet now that Rasha"s breathing was beginning to quicken . The stress around him was hardly good for such a wounded animal . Annoyance once again bubbled in Kyera"s heart . This Queen did not know what she was doing .

"Oh? Do you think so?" The Emperor asked with a cool edge to his voice, but Kyera was cool and collected . Even in the blood stained dress she looked strikingly like a G.o.ddess… or a G.o.d . His mind flicked for a brief moment to the painting of a G.o.d in the Palace Temple near the Statue of the Fallen .

Kyera nodded, wiping her hands off on the towl . She curtsied to the Emperor before, brushing her long white hair back over her shoulder . His eyes followed her hands like carved jade moving the silken strands . Her golden eyes met his and held them with a sweetness but also a fiery confidence . Alexi sighed and stepped back, knowing he was about to learn more about this little healer .

"Your Majesty, Mally did not know what the poison was . I did . She also didn"t know where to get the antidote . Anyone who was here will tell you I sent Mally to find Aggie . I did that because Aggie is my partner . She sells my remedies as well as her own . " Kyera explained, her head held high . There was no shame or meekness in her eyes as she watched his reactions, but there was respect . Her first effort was to clear Mally, she had spent far to long here creating this persona for herself . This Queen would not be the one to take it from her .

"I see . That doesn"t clear up how she had the antidote and how you knew what it was . " The Emperor pointed out and Queen Fae grinned . She would punish anyone who got between her and that b.i.t.c.h, Mally . They both expected some sort of reaction . However, Kyera nodded slowly in agreement .

"She must have drug poor Mally into this . You must punish the cruel person, My Lord . " Fae purred into his ear, but received a slight warning glance . The Emperor had noticed Kyera"s response, as well as the respect she had shown by not talking over the Queen who had spoken out of turn . Kyera sensed it and knew that Queen Fae had tried to cause trouble too much lately and was pushing her luck by continuing to fan the flames . Kyera knew that slight chill very, very well . She had seen it in the bazaar between husband and wife often enough .

"I am in training under the Shadow Shaman, Half Eye . He was first a poison Master, Miss . We have noticed poachers using this poison in the woods . Aggie made a antidote for me to use with our woodland friends . We have had to keep it on hand at home . I sent Aggie word that I would be coming this way soon, so naturally Aggie made a fresh stock for me to pick up . " Kyera explained and Aggie smiled softly, though slightly shocked .

Kyera had never admitted being so close to Half Eye before… perhaps this would be their salvation . Very few people didn"t know the old Shaman from his days of glory . He had never faced a disease he couldn"t cure, and many Emperors, dignitaries, and Generals had sought him out for his healing power . He took very few apprentices, one every 25 years, which made him even more illusive . No one knew where his house in the forest was . If Kyera was one of his… the Emperor would have to take notice .

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