The Tiger Within

Chapter 90

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:47 PMChapter 90

The man looked grim . His long brown hair pulled back into a single knot on the back of his head . Black eyes skillfully investigated the earth beneath their feet . He could even see the ants bringing home little bits of tree for their nest . "Well it seems the Target has summoned a few dignitaries to come to dinner . One of which being your brother in law, sir . " He reported and Clovis froze . Seconds went by without any reaction . He wasn"t sure he had heard his spy correctly .

"She Couldn"t be that stupid… Could she? Wait . . . " Clovis began to laugh heartily, rubbing his temples with his thumb and forefinger . The Shade Prince would be a welcome guest… but he was also the one allie that could all but guarantee the throne .
The Kingdom of Shadow Vale was very much its own little world . The previous Emperors had focused solely on battle prowess and if anyone crossed them or slighted them it would result in a blood bath . They had no use for politics, or rather the had their own brand . Try to make nice for half a second at the first sign of trouble destroy them and take over their kingdom as a warning to others to leave you alone . This turned out be be an affective strategy because after the small, 400 mile square kingdom tripled its land in less than a year, other empires decided this was a fight they wanted no part of . Shadow Vale Princes married within their own country and kept to themselves . As long as you didn"t mess with them they had no trouble with you . That all changed just a touch when Prince Mordrin took a fancy to Princess Vella . How Shadow Veil seemed to be creating small connections here and there, and subtly protecting the Emerald Fae Wood Empire .

"My brother in law will never agree to meet with her or either of my brothers . " Clovis said aloud shaking his head . The guard sighed and handed him a envelope that once bore the imperial seal . The prince"s eyes darkened . "why does that have my mother"s crest?" he began reading it and anger burned in his eyes . "that"s her game then? Prove me unfit by my mothers own words eh?" he picked up his brush and drew a few quick characters in the corner before sealing the envelope .

"I will send it out right away, My Lord . " the guard hurried away as Clovis sat back in his chair for several long moments .

There was a time, not so long ago that all he had wanted was this garden, his daughter, and the ledger and duties within . Now he wanted more but to get it… he needed a wife . Preferably someone like his Vella . Beautiful, talented, sweet and in love with her husband not the t.i.tle . He was proud of the life his sister led and wanted the same for himself and for Raina . . . he almost had it . Then Raina"s mother abandoned them both . Him to despair and their daughter to her death .

"Feya, if you have something to say come out of the shadows . You lost the right to observe me long ago . " Clovis warned, seemingly speaking to the air . As if she had always been there, a woman stepped out of the doorway and approached the prince .

She was elegant and dressed gloriously . Long crimson fabric with silver and gold needle work shimmering in the late day sun . Her hair tinged with gold where some of the darker brown sections caught the light . She smiled at him, her crimson lips that once made him sigh slightly parted . She didn"t wear any makeup, he suspected it was because she knew how much he hated it . Her delicate hands adorned in jewels peeked out from the long sleeves .

"You have grown more perceptive…" she complimented her voice like gentle, seductive willow . He watched her speak, remembering long nights of her laughter .

"Once a snake bites you, one becomes more wary . " He replied, his voice una.s.suming but his eyes boring into her hand as it stroked the wood . He would have to burn the desk .

She shot him a softly pouting look . Her plump lower lip raising slightly, just enough for a elegant innocent look . "Come now Clovis, I am not here to talk about the past . I am here to discuss the future . " Feya purred at him and Clovis" eyes darkened .

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