The Tiger Within

Chapter 94

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:43 PMChapter 94

Mally smile and bowed, well aware of her friend"s discomfort . She shot a distasteful look at the Tigress before greeting everyone . Kyera bowed as well, slow and elegantly . "Greetings to the Emperor, long may he reign . Greetings to the Empress Dowager, a beauty as ever . Greetings to the First Queen Kira . " Kyera spoke to each in turn but careful in her greetings . Each showed a different amount of reverence . The Emperor nodded with a soft smile and waved to the chairs before him .

"Greetings to Lady Moon, and Beauty Mally . Please come join us for tea . " He welcomed them both . The pair took their seats and thanked him graciously . The Empress dowager was watching the pair closely .
"You may call me Lady Kyera if you like, your Majesty . Thank you for the invitation . I found it a great honor to have tea with you, and with the lady Empress Dowager no less . " Kyera acknowledged with a soft smile . The Dowager couldn"t help but smile at Kyera"s praise, particularly because she did not spare a second glance for the First Queen . The Emperor did not seem to notice, but his mother couldn"t help but feel a certain kinship with the medicine woman .

"Of course, we are pleased to have you, Lady Kyera . I hear you did us a great service today . " Queen Kira replied with a welcoming smile . Her words serving a dual purpose . One one hand to make the girl aware of her, but also to set her place at this table . Every inch of her screamed hostess as she tried to fill the Empress"s role . Kyera smile and nodded at her kindly, as if gracing her with a glance .

"Thank you, My Lady Queen . I only did what any true healer should . " Kyera replied humbly . A serving maid poured her a cup of tea and set in front of Kyera . "Thank you . " she whispered the maid seemed lost for a moment . She nodded and bowed, scurrying away from the table . Mally held back a sigh . She should have warned Kyera about this… but it was second nature to pretend as though the maids did not exist now . The Emperor raised an eyebrow and the Queen scoffed slightly .

"You are very polite, aren"t you dear girl?" The Empress Dowager smiled and proceeded to thank the servant who poured her own tea . She already had a good impression of the fair haired beauty before her . Realizing what she had done Kyera smiled and nodded at the Empress Dowager . If the old woman had not stepped in… she would have had a hard time pa.s.sing that off with dignity .

"Manners make me human, whereas the lack of them makes me no better than a beast . " Kyera reasoned, taking a slow sip of her tea . The Empress Dowager giggled softly, a soft sweet sound that caused the Emperor to grin as well . Neither noticed the look that Kyera shot at the tigress lying near the table .

"Delightful . Absolutely Charming . " She complimented happily . "Now then, I hear you know my granddaughter?"The Empress Dowager asked and the conversation continued a touch curiously . Kyera smiled, her face softening just a touch as she thought of little Raina . Of course they were unaware she had saved that child not once, but twice . However, Kyera was well aware of the Dowager"s care toward her young granddaughter .

"Yes, I met her in the village my last time in town . It was interesting really . " Kyera began to explain the tale of meeting the Princess honestly, and without embellishment . She had no intention of trying to impress them, she just needed the distraction and the Empress Dowager seemed to enjoy it .

"Brave is a fantastic trait, my dear . Your mother must be swimming in men for you to marry . " The Empress Dowager teased with a light hearted chuckle . What she didn"t expect was for Kyera to look away .

"My mother abandoned me when I was young . My brothers raised me best they could but they were murdered . So Shaman Half Eye took me in . " Kyera replied her voice soft and controlled . There was very little emotion in that admission but even the Emperor"s face softened as he looked at the young woman before him . His heart ached for her sorrows .

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