The Tiger Within

Chapter 136

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:01 PMChapter 136

Vella laid on the bed next to her mother while they talked quietly, hoping their voices would reach her . Clovis shook his head, honestly at a loss . All they could do was wait .

Mordrin moved first when there was a knock at the door . Standing and pulling it open he was surprised to see Her standing there . His eyes met this golden tones and he smiled softly, realizing exactly who the Warrioress was .

"Kyera ShadeMoon, it has been a long time, my dear girl . " he greeted with a tired smile and welcomed her into the room . Vella perked up sitting up to glance at the door, catching sight of the woman she had only heard of . "Sorry to hear about your brothers . They will forever be missed . "
Kyera nodded and curtsied to Mordrin, bearing the back of her neck to him . Mordrin nodded at her respectfully as he motioned her past . "Vella, Love, this is my Friend Kyera from the Bazaar . " he introduced and Vella nodded, trying to smile but the weight of the hour too heavy on her .

"Princess Vella, please stay seated . You are in a fragile state . I can work around you . " Kyera told her instantly rea.s.suring the princess . Vella nodded gratefully and settled back against the pillows . It was hard to get comfortable with the baby now a days .

"Lady Kyera, you made it . I just sent a messenger to find you . " Clovis decided to ask how they knew each other later . Now was not the time .

"Yes, well someone sent the fastest messenger I know to sniff me out . I came back as swift as I could . " Kyera replied setting her cloak on the chair . Raina tugged her hand toward the bed . "May I?" Kyera asked motioning to the Empress still motionless in the bed .

"Yes of course . " Clovis agreed and backed off to give her s.p.a.ce . Kyera began a through investigation while he explained what had happened . Untying the gown, Kyera found the place the wound had been and frowned deeply .

It was a perfect circle now that it had healed . The size had shrunk down to less than a pearl but was still visible . Even the st.i.tches did not hold the flesh closed . Something caught her eye and she turned to Vella .

"I need you and the Princess to go take a nap at the Dancing Wind Palace please . " Kyera spoke calmly and softly before looking at Mordrin . "please take your wife and the Princess out . I am certain I can handle this . " Kyera"s words were met with compliance as he picked up Raina and took his wife"s hand .

"Is everything alright?" Clovis asked anxiously . This was the first time anyone had been asked to leave . Kyera waited for the door to close to answer .

"Well it"s good and bad news . Bad news is there is likely a bit of internal damage that I won"t be able to undo, good news is I should be able to save her life . " Kyera responded as she took a thin blade out of her bag . She dipped it into the fire flame for several seconds while he watched in awe . This was a side of folk medicine he had never seen before .

"I will take it, as long as she wakes up . " he replied, almost too earnestly . This was the first good news they had heard . He knew he should question it, but he didn"t want to . Not when the verdict was positive for once .

She sliced through the thin strands of thread that held the whole shut . It opened a bit and a soft odor emitted from her hip . Water filled the wound and rinsed out black and red sludge . The rancid smell was enough to make both Kyera and the prince gag . A set of silver pins were then extracted from her kit .

"This next bit, I need you to stay still for . If I lose concentration I could puncture a bowel or a blood vein . " Kyera warned him holding a silver pin in her hand . Shadow magic poured from her as she slowly inserted the needle it into the whole . The shadows swarmed around The Empress"s body holding her still as Kyera"s needle sunk deeper into her body .

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