The Tiger Within

Chapter 227

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:28:30 PMChapter 227

"Do what? Kill me as you did my brother? All over those filthy royal brats . " She spat and Kyera forced herself to remain cool and collected as she stood still .

"Aggie, please summon the guard . " Kyera ordered still not letting go of the woman . She knew that the control of the situation was focused on her . The four men still capable of standing moved back watching her closely . The two fighters who had joined Kyera in the fray smiled . It was a relief to see two old friends here .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"You wouldn"t dare send us to those monster"s court . We will die you b.i.t.c.h . " She roared bringing Kyera"s attention back to Bina . The girl was struggling as Kyera"s hold only strengthened showing no sign of releasing her . "I can"t believe Verone Died for you!"

There was a change in the air then, Shock flashed in Kyera"s eyes seconds before Bina was forced against the wall, the knife still at her throat . A growl of pain and heavy panting escaped Bina as she tried to control her anger and endure . The feral beast in Kyera clawed to free itself from its cage .

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW!" Kyera screamed into her face . The anger and pa.s.sion there was clear . Broken remains of her heart seemed as though they were imprinted on her eyes . The sorrow poured from her body almost suffocating Bina . Bina chuckled and tried to shove her back . Having lost control of her knife and emotions, Kyera was vulnerable to her words . By preying on her biggest fear, Bina gained a sense of control .

"What? Didn"t you know? Kan came back for you… but Verone loved you . He didn"t betray you as you have him . Walking around like a lover to this… . Sc.u.m . Playing mother to that child because your own was useless . You"re just pathetic, Kyera, Or should I call you Akira Mei?" She taunted to Kyera"s face . The tears that gathered in the tigress"s eyes and her body shaking like a leaf screaming of how close she was to losing it . Every atom of her being screaming to change form . She wanted to tear Bina"s throat out with her own teeth . She wanted to feel her blood staining her white .

The kin in the now gathering crowd watched nervously, most knowing that look . It was so similar to the look of one who was in danger of losing all control .

"Kyera!" cried a very small little girl"s voice and Kyera"s attention was pulled away from Bina"s taunts . Raina was standing in the doorway, shock and fear in her eyes . This was a b.l.o.o.d.y scene of injury and for a child like Raina… more than she could understand . The beast calmed seeing its cub, forcing back those desires .

"Its okay Raina, Princess please go back inside with Ella . Get Granny a gla.s.s of water . " Kyera coaxed her grip loosening slightly . She had never wanted the child to see her like this . The blood on her blade was almost a accusation of violence . This was NOT how she wanted Raina to solve issues .

"I… Okay . " Raina agreed nervously, the concern in her little face was like a needle in Kyera"s heart . The split second of lost concentration resulted in a searing pain in Kyera"s foot, her knee being knocked to the side sending her careening to the floor . Bina leaped on top of her and several hard blows rained down on Kyera"s face . She managed to bring up her arms and block the majority of the blows before they were redirected at her chest and upper body . Raina"s terrified scream getting nearer shot adrenaline through Kyera"s system .

Clovis threw his arm out and caught his daughter in his embrace, unwilling to let these Monster"s near his child . He tried to push to his feet and pa.s.s her off to Ella when a arrow soared into the huddle . Bina screamed in pain as the arrow tip sunk into her shoulder . Kyera shoved her back with all her strength pinning her down .

"Where did that come from!" One jackal yelled . The four standing realized there was only one choice . There were too many Shifters here that would jump in if this became unfair odds . Bina and Kyera were considered a fight of honor, but if they tried to help…

They turned booking it to the woods . One of the 3 on the ground managed to force himself to his feet and flee as well, casting a forlorn look back at Bina on the ground under Kyera"s hand . There was no way to help her escape so they had to save themselves .

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