The Tiger Within

Chapter 267

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:27:52 PMChapter 267

Alexi saw a new side of Kyera that he hadn"t quite expected . A surprisingly ruthlessness to the little healer that made him all the more intrigued in her . Clovis frowned as he saw the shy expression on Kyera and how uncomfortable she obviously was in this situation . She wasn"t one for causing trouble though she didn"t shy away from the truth . He couldn"t help but feel he was wrong to throw her into a lion"s den .

"I see . Lady Ramira, I am sorry but I was not aware congratulations were in order . My father did not inform me we were arranged to be wedded . " Prince Clovis spoke clearly as he turned to face the woman whose cheeks turned bright read . There were in the crowd as they witnessed her embarra.s.sment . However, Clovis was not finished . "Do you know when he set the wedding for? After all, I must not be late to my own wedding since I was late congratulating my bride . "
Ramira spoke softly, too soft for any human in attendance to hear . She looked down at the ground m.u.f.fling her voice even more . Clovis waited, making the silence even more brutal was his loving smile, yet his eyes were cold as ice . There was a dissatisfaction his his eyes that cut her to the core .

"Daddy, I don"t want her as my Mommy . " Raina said seeming very unhappy now . "She makes Kyera unhappy . " The young princess said obviously feeling her opinion should be taken into account . Grandpa had made it clear how much her opinion would matter this time . This woman was NOT what she considered Mother Material .

There was another round of laughs as the elite watched Ramira be dressed down by a child . Not deemed a mother figure by a seven year old because she made a tutor unhappy was definitely a demeaning experience and a real humbling one at that . She glared at Raina who felt the chilly look and moved to Kyera"s side, stepping behind her skirt just enough to feel the safety of her presence . Kyera stood tall, her hand resting on the young princess" head .

"What do you mean, Princess Raina dear? You and I get along well together . " Ramira tried to salvage the relationship best she could but Raina was having none of it . The child shook her head and Kyera frowned . "Stop being difficult . Come here and I will take you out to play in the gardens with some fresh cakes tomorrow . " She tried to quietly bribe the child but again it didn"t work . Her tone was too sharp and made the hairs on Kyera"s neck stand on end .

"I think that is quite enough . You are making it very hard for Princess Raina to feel as though she is safe here . I suggest you give her s.p.a.ce and the respect a princess deserves . " Kyera corrected before Empress or Clovis could intervene . Motherly instincts to protect her young kicking in instantaneously . The two women glared at each other .

"You act as though you are the child"s mother . " Lady Ramira replied, trying to trap Kyera into making the same mistake she had made . Perhaps that would remove some of the heat . The Empress waited curiously to see what Kyera would say whereas Clovis held his breath . What would she say to that? Would she respond? Would it be positive?

"I wish I was that lucky . Princess Raina needs a mother who can be supportive and understanding no matter the moment . The woman who takes care of her must also take care of the nation . She has a large burden on her tiny shoulders and I trust her intuition . If she thinks you are not mother material, I will have to side with her against any who try to force her choice . " Kyera replied meeting the woman"s eyes with fire in her heart . Little Raina beamed with pride as Kyera showed her true support for the young one . Her confidence was redeemed and she stepped out from behind Kyera"s skirt .

"Who are you to lecture me?" Lady Ramira growled and the Little girl stepped forward .

"Who better to stand up to you at my side than someone who believes in me?" Raina demands holding herself tall and proud as a princess should .

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