The Tiger Within

Chapter 296

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:27:21 PMChapter 296

As the carriage rattled down the roads, there was silence in the forest . Shadows swirled and danced over the carriage hiding it from view as it carried their princess through the tainted lands . She slept quietly but the shadows didn"t lower their protections for her or her merry band . As the carriage reached the edge of town it slowed to a stop outside the gates .

"Your Highness, Your ladyship, we need to take it on foot from here . " Race Offered peaking in the door . Lady Kyera Stretched and yawned realizing where she was laying she blushed and Race turned away . "Sorry your ladyship . I will wait for you both out here . " He spoke quickly and stepped back giving them both the privacy the carriage offered . She sat up and ran her hands through her long hair .

"I am so sorry, Clovis . I must have been more exhausted than I had expected . " Kyera offered though he smiled at her warmly .
"Kyera, I put you on my lap to keep your body from growing stiff against the carriage wall . Please, don"t worry about it for sure . Let"s get going . " He offered seeing the darkness had recently taken over the sky . It was early evening but the dark took on a new meaning for him . Knowing there were enemies of the crown hidden somewhere in those trees .

"Thank you for your consideration, Prince Clovis . " Kyera replied gratefully as she climbed down from the carriage steps . Oslo and Race not far away . Their eyes scanning the forest so Kyera didn"t have to, though she did anyway . A general"s habits hardly dulled over time .

"Clovis . I think I much prefer my name to a t.i.tle . " He replied agreeing with their sentiment . Kyera offered him a smile and glanced about . The city was quiet, Kyera knew by instinct it was because they knew the streets weren"t safe at night . There was no magic to protect the villagers once the light fell and no longer pa.s.sed through the guardian crystals that were placed throughout the cities highest buildings .

"Alright, Clovis . Stay close . There"s a good chance my people have watchers out and they won"t recognize you, being with me is your only protection most likely . " Kyera offered and shifted forms . Suddenly he was standing beside a Large black and white bear, a black snake and a ginormous wolf . He felt really tiny . Moon at his side really made him feel better .

The three guards moved around so that Kyera and Clovis were at the center . They moved together and slid between the shadows and deeper into the city . The wooden hall that signified sanctuary wasn"t too deep into the lower area . The first guard she saw cause them traveling group to freeze . Kyera lifted up onto her haunches so the moonlight glinted off her silver fur . There was a nod of understanding and whispers pa.s.sed as the watchers warned the waiting of her arrival .

Kyera walked closer to the doors and Snake stepped out of the way so she could approach the fence gates first . Clovis stayed at her side as she put a paw on the door . She looked back at him, making sure he was ready . The fourth prince smiled softly placing his hand on her shoulder as she pushed the gate open . The small courtyard between her and the temple doors .

A figure stood tall on the roof, then turned to face them . Clovis reached for her dagger but Kyera"s hand moved to stop his hand from pulling the weapon . "Don"t . " She whispered before moving forward . The figure turned and jumped off the roof, landing nearby .

"Kyera?" The voice asked and Kyera nodded walking forward several feet . He was squared off looking them both over . His eyes were pa.s.sing between the faces around her . Narrowing in on the Fourth Prince .

"Talis, it"s me . " She replied gently . He stepped forward .

"You brought him here?" He asked almost accusingly . Clovis went to speak but Kyera raised her paw to quiet him .

"I have my reasons, are you willing to listen?" Kyera asked challenging him with her gaze and voice as one . Her position protective but strong, all she needed was his response .

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