The Tiger Within

Chapter 344

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:26:32 PMChapter 344

"That being said, the decision has been made . " Queen Fae replied nodding in triumph . The Emperor would never go back on a promise .

"I am sorry for your trouble, Lady Kyera . I will see to it you are compensated for your pains . " The Emperor spoke, unable to find a way to back down gracefully he pushed ahead hard unaware of the thin strand he snapped .

Empress Evelyn took her circlet from her head, and set it on the table . Clovis frowned knowing exactly what his mother intended by this action . It had been years in coming, it was just a pity her legs were lost before they could make this choice . He took his mother"s chair and pushed it down while the rest of the royals watched .

"Since you have no use for a Empress, and my daughters choose to call Shadowveil home, so shall I . Goodbye Roderick . Kira you finally won, Empress . " Evelyn"s voice broke and Kyera took her hand the pain washing over her as well .
"Eve you can"t mean . . " The Emperor stood moving to come to her . Kira grabbed his sleeve .

"She is doing what she believes is best, but is also abandoning you and our country . " Queen Kira spoke softly to remind him but Kyera heard it well . She laughed .

"The Emperor Abandoned and neglected her and her children . I hope you enjoy the throne as long as you occupy it . " Kyera added smirking as the warning hung in the air .

"You speak out of turn, Kyera! I have never chosen any above my Empress . " The Emperor Roared and Eve shook her head .

"If that was true, then why do your Queens sit in the Empress"s rightful place? Why was I alone for so long? Our love grew cold and I suffered because I loved you and strived to keep that ember burning . You allowed their touch to smother my ember . I hope you understand I will never betray my people, but I will not stand by Emperor who is more worried about his bed than his kingdom . " Empress Evelyn replied and looked up at Clovis and nodded . "If you ever realize where you went wrong, I will be in Shadow Veil . "

"Mother and I are going . I will return for the Heir Games . Until then my family and I will be safe from your games . " Clovis added before following Kyera out of the hall, leaving the Emperor at the table broken in shock .

"How could she . . . feel that way?" he whispered honestly shocked and unable to force himself to go after her . She had made it clear she wasn"t going to change her mind .

"She is unreasonable . Her and her ungrateful son will come home after they realize they can"t control you . You are a strong Emperor unbent by their tantrums . " Queen Kira soothed him . He sighed looking up at her .

"My faithful Queen . You would never desert me . " he whispered softly .

"All due respect, Kira but you calling Clovis Ungrateful is a joke, and not a funny one for that matter . " Alexi spoke with a bit of disgust in his tones .

"There was no respect in that, Alexi . Fae I suggest you control your son . " Kira replied cooly . Her tone carefully controlled .

"Father, it is your choice . Do you want to know the truth or do you want to keep living in the lie?" Alexi asked, his expression full of challenge . The Queens both glared at him in complete annoyance .

They were his wives but… he had lost his Empress, his son, and his granddaughter . It killed him to lose them . If there was something he was missing… no there couldn"t be . He couldn"t be missing so much . THen again could he be? Both sons standing up together made him think it through .

"If there is something you belive I should know, then speak . " The Emperor replied and Alexi laughed .

"No, Father . I think, this time, you will have to decide you want to know . Until then, you will only deny and try to reason away the things I have to tell you . Good evening, Emperor, Queen Kira, and Queen Fae . " He bowed careful to emphasise Queen on Kira"s name .

"Empress Kira, Second Prince Alexi . " Kira corrected him and The Emperor shifted uncomfortably . Technically, until Empress Evelyn returned the t.i.tle was her"s by right .

"I will call no woman Empress than My Empress Evelyn and G.o.d willing Empress Kyera, not you nor my mother . " Alexi replied coldly before turning to walk away . His words were like a cold slap across the face of both Queens, and The Emperor .

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