The Tiger Within

Chapter 373

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:26:04 PMChapter 373

The servants entered from two doors, one bringing pitchers intricately carved with snowflakes and fruits . Each had a different fruit ok the side as they were set on the table . Two other servants set plates on the table, both filled with fruits . The brilliant colored peaches and plums had a soft frosty surface and glittered in the natural light of the ceiling . The second set of four servants brought out a platter of meat, and another of oats soaked in broth . There were also two plates of small containers with lids on them . Once all the items were set down, the servants turned and walked away .

Clovis watched a bit surprised as the meal began . The servants didn"t fix the family"s plates . Instead they began pa.s.sing foods around and asking for things . It was rather melodious and sweet that he got lost watching, not putting anything on his own plate yet . Bryson raised a brow looking in his direction .

"Are you feeling alright?" Bryson asked pausing from his own meal . It shocked Clovis further that it wasn"t a jeer or condescending tease, there was genuine concern .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Uncle, Clovis has never really had a family breakfast like this . " Kyera pointed out coming to his rescue . Clovis nodded offering a bit of an agreement . Kyera turned and offered him the meat platter in her hands . He smiled and took it from her kissing her cheek before placing a couple strips of meat on his plate and sitting it back on the table with the other plates .

"Bryson, could I perhaps get the fruit platter?" he asked waiting to reach for it . Bryson gave him a playfully worried glance .

"I don"t know, are you gonna kiss me too, Lad?" Bryson teased and the table chuckled lightly . It was a kind harmonious sound, breaking the tension .

"No, these lips are reserved for my Lady wife . " Clovis replied and there was a sense of respect as he smiled . Kyera smirked playfully, but kept her silence .

Bryson pa.s.sed him the fruit platter in his hand . Clovis took it from him and nodded . "Thank you . " he took a few pieces of fruit  and continues the process of breakfast . Myla and Ramsey seemed to be in their own little world feeding each other fruits . There was a sense of intimacy between them that Clovis envied . He had his own little Vibe with Kyera, it may take time for her to get that intimate publicly .

He was shocked out of his thoughts as his teeth broke the skin of a berry on his tongue . The sweetly tart flavor washing over his senses making him smile softly . Looking over he notices Kyera watching him intently, empty chopsticks in her hand . It dawned on him he didn"t put the berry in his mouth . The surprise must have shown on his face because mixtures of surprise and hidden chuckling mingled across the table .

"Thank you, Love . " his tone gentle as he broke from the trance . Kyera smiled finishing the last bit of food on her plate .

"So, what do you plan for today?" Matriarch Christalsa asked curiously . She was taking her time to enjoy her breakfast of fruits and oatmeal .

"We plan to take Kyera and her Glove out on the wind to explore the snow . " Myla offered shooting a look at Kyera whose pale cheeks turned crimson . Clovis looked at her curiously .

"I see . Well be careful, after all it"s been windy lately . Make sure Clovis is given a chance to learn before you ramp it up too much . " Crystalsa reminded them gently . Kyera smiled and nodded .

"I was planning on the Storm twins . " Kyera offered and the Matriarch looked surprised .

"Are you sure? The Storm Twins are not best for beginners . " she reminded her but Kyera chuckled, taking Clovis"s hand .

"I trust the Storm Twins and to be honest Clovis has a lot more to him then what you see . " Kyera pointed out, having faith in him . Clovis smiled, feeling warmth infiltrate his soul through her . He nodded .

"Alright, make sure all of you wear the safety harnesses . No sleeping in the saddle . " Were the last warnings the Matriarch expected before she stood from her meal . Bryson grinned .

"Be safe, we would love to see you at the training grounds Little Kyzie" he teased before standing and walking his plate to the kitchens .

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