The Tiger Within

Chapter 392

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:25:45 PMChapter 392

"There will be thirty to fifty rituals going on in the square…" she pointed out rather surprised at Kyera"s request . Their wedding could easily be lost in the sea of people .

"The ritual isn"t about being the only one happy, it"s about hearts meeting hearts in the depths of the darkness . Why should my wedding be any different? I want to be wed among my people, with my life mate . " Kyera replied, turning to take Clovis"s hand as he sat on the chair behind her .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"That is true, then I agree, but on one condition . " She replies sitting a little straighter . "I want you to perform your grandmother"s song, Forest Winds for the new generation . It has been too long since it was performed by a royal of her blood . " Crystalsa countered and Kyera fell silent . Her eyes focused on the matriarch for a long moment…

Kyera looked down at her hands fidgeting slightly . She knew what she had to say, but couldn"t bring herself to . The Matriarch took her necklace out of her gown, opening the locket, she removed a small orb glowing purple . Leaning down, she set the orb in Kyera"s hand . She knew what it was instantly, the shadow magic blended with it and swirled around her hand . Kyera looked up at Crystalsa like a child lost in shock and surprise .

"I made this long ago, from a shard of a shadow orb your mother left behind . I was able to channel my memory of Fantasy dancing for me one night . I hope it"s enough to teach you the dance . " Crystalsa offered, though in all honesty the dance was not the point, the point was in the orb itself . Sharing Fantasy"s memory with her granddaughter was more important .

Kyera took off her ear pendant and gently rubbed it against the furrs to clean it . She placed the mall crystal in a slot in the metal . The metal formed around the ball and Kyera put the earring back on . Unlike her father who could enlarge and read these at will, the earing was her only method to see what it held .

A image sprang to mind as she rested her head on her Grandest Mother"s lap . It was a garden, spring in full bloom . The sound of upbeat music, a song she hardly remembered but the melody she knew . There was a small stage and on it, was a woman .

Tall, willow slim and water soft she stood poised, her dress flowing around her like starlight, shimmering silver . Hints of green and brown hidden in the folds of the dress . A long strip of green cloth in her hands, a beautiful silken strand . Kyera watched as the woman lifted her eyes, the song became faster as her body moved to it . Her shoulders first, then her hips gently swaying to the music . Then she looked up, her eyes meeting Kyera"s Squarely . She couldn"t break eye contact from those golden eyes, just as deep as her own . t

The woman spun, the cloth danced in her hands as she used it like a streamer . Every move she made accented by the elegant and natural dance of the ribbon .

Fantasy . The word jumped unbidden to her mind as she realized it felt like a fantasy . Elegant, beautiful and the story within the dance of the wonder of the forest fae . She felt trapped till the song ended, Fantasy lowered to her knees and bowed her head before lifting her chin, giving her a smile and mouthing at her . "I love you" Kyera read the words on her grandmother"s lips clearly . For a half second she almost believed those words were meant for her, but then the orb deactivated . The memory complete . She remembered Fantasy died when Kyera had only been a few months old, a year at most . She had no memories of the women outside paintings .

"She was a beautiful dancer, just as you are, and a dedicated Forest Princess just as you are, Kyera . " The Matriarch whispered seeing the look in Kyera"s eyes as she came out of the trance . Kyera hugged her grandmother close .

"I agree to your terms . I love you Grandest Mother, so much . " She whispered into her ear and the elder hugged her back .

"And I you, my little lost cub… I love you too my girl, my little Fantasy . " Crystalsa whispered back while Clovis sat quietly to the side, unwilling to intrude on their moment .

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