The Tiger Within

Chapter 479

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:24:18 PMChapter 479

Talis walked into the room and came to stand formally before his Princess . "Permission to speak and not be accused of being a intruder, Princess?" Talis requested and Kyera chuckled shaking her head . This was all in good fun, and she knew it . The tension of those serious moments was broken by the lighthearted teasing .

"Permission granted, little brother . " Kuera agreed as she adjusted the string on Heart String and made sure she was ready to go . "Though I am fairly sure I know why your here . " She added with a bit of a sly smile . He looked taken aback, and then smug .

"I am fairly sure you don"t, Princess . There"s no way this is a normal request coming fro…"
Before he had a chance to finish speaking Kyera interrupted him .

"You want me to ask Kan to join me on the hunt with Ryo supervising rather than you . " Kyera replied as she slung heart string over her back . Her long silver hair twirling in soft, damp waves around the weapon, the string nested between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s holding it in place .

Talis started at her in open shock . His jaw may as well have been on the floor . There was pure disbelief in his eyes which were about 90 percent pupil at this point . "How did… I just… huh?" He tried to ask but couldn"t find the words . Kyera smiled .

"You and I both know your not a fighter . You try, and you hold your own, but so do I . Though there is no one more loyal to me, that loyalty is what brought you here . During this hunt there is no telling who or what I might meet and it would be best to have the strongest fighter by my side . Unfortunately, the only fighter who can match me if not outright beat me in this area is Kan . He can also go with me undetected . " Kyera offered, pretty much laying his mind out on the air between them . Talis chuckled ruefully as he realized how easily she had read him .

"Wow, I am a open book . No wonder I am unmated . " Talis sighed a big defeated . Kyera hugged him .

"No, I have simply been there since you were little . You learned how to use this beautiful mind of yours from your brother, and your personality is a lot like mine . If it makes you feel better, I had the same thought, but for a different reason . " Kyera replied as she let go .

"Why is that?" He asked curious as to what reason he had missed .

"Raina trusts you, and you are faster than any man or creature in these woods . If something happens, I want you to take her to the Snowfall portal and jump through . Tell them you are carrying Kyera Frost Dancer"s daughter . Claim sanctuary as well, just for good measure . " She ordered, leading him down the hall back to her room . Ella scurried after them, not done with the lady but knowing better than to interrupt .

Kyera pulled a envelope out of the drawer of the desk . She opened it, read the letter once again and looked at several other legal doc.u.ments within . "This package will give you all the proof you need to hide there, and possibly give Raina a new, safe start . " She handed him the letter . Talis looked at her, unease filled his eyes as he felt the weight in his hand . Though it was only a few sheets of paper, it felt like it was a mountain in his palm . Before he could speak Kyera continued . "I know that no matter what your loyalty will always lie with the Clan, and it should . All I ask is you get Raina to my grandfather . They will provide her safe haven, and Mordakai and Mordren will take it from there . " Talis" eyes narrowed dangerously .

"Kyera, why does it sound like that is the final request of a Princess who is on their deathbed, or going to their death?" Talis asked raising an eyebrow at her . Kyera smiled weakly and met his eyes with a soft smile . There was a sense of concern in her eyes that worried him . He knew that look, she had it when she knew the outcome was out of her hands .

"Because if something happens, I want my family protected and the only way that I can ensure that is by leaving word with someone I trust . Talis . . . its alot to ask, but I have to ask . " Kyera finished, his hand caught in hers . He sighed .

"Your going to be fine, Princess, but if it makes you feel better then I agree . " Talis replied shaking his head slowly . "I would never deny you peace of mind . " He tucked the envelope into his tunic . "Now go ask the traitor to escort you . "

"I don"t think you or I ever dreamed we would be relying on him . " Kyera sighed as the mouse began weaving her hair into a loose side braid . The long silver strands refused to be tamed and fell in a rather messy braid, making her look even more like a wild G.o.ddess of the hunt .

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