The Tiger Within

Chapter 525

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:29 PMChapter 525

"Lord Bryson . " Clovis wheezed before being put down . He turned to Matriarch Crysalsa "My Lady Grandest Mother, I hope you are well?" He asked trying not to show his impatience . She chuckled at him openly .

"Enough with the pleasantries, child . Go . She"s on Ember most likely still asleep . " Crystalsa waved her hands at him and he flashed her a relieved grin . Suddenly he was off at a sprint toward the dark dragon who nodded in greeting . Before Ember could lower his wing, Clovis hooked his foot in the belt strap and climbed his way into the saddle without missing a beat . It was as if he couldn"t wait another second, but stopped short of slinging into the saddle . His knee was perched on the edge near her hair .

Sure enough, his wife was there, fast asleep between his shoulder blades . Her body was covered by a warm fur, but it had slid down to show her shoulders and delicate cheek . There"s a sweet sense of serenity on her face . He thanked whatever G.o.ds may be for her safe return .
He pulled the warm furs off of her tenderly . Clovis smiled tenderly and began gently undoing the straps that held her legs in place . She murmured softly in her sleep, starting to wake as he pulled her onto his lap . He held her close, not really caring if anyone was watching . One hand was around her shoulders supporting her and the other rest lightly on the baby . He enjoyed a few moments of her soft form against his own . Her golden eyes slowly opened and she chuckled looking up at him as her lips curved into a warm smile .

"I missed you . " Kyera whispered and he leaned down, kissing her warmly but undemanding, just tasting those pale rose lips . It was several moments before he let go of her, reluctantly .

"You had me worried sick . " He whispered kissing her hair "I love you . " He added though his body was screaming it . Every bit of his warmth and care embraced her in the warm glow of love . She smiled .

"And I love you . " Kyera agreed snuggling her face into his neck . Both love sick Dragon Masters were comfortable exactly where they were .

"Hey, you two can prove your love later . For now we need to present the kills so the ball feast can begin preparations . " Alexi called up with a bit of a taunting laugh . Clovis shot him a glare that should have withered him on the spot .

However Kyera seemed to agree since she pulled away from him . He let her go reluctantly as she moved to dismount . The dragon became deathly still as Ember lowered his wing so his lady could slowly make her way off his back . Ivory"s nose was close by so she could touch her as she walked down . This was not usually necessary, but her normally perfect balance was off . Clovis followed her down and wrapped his arm around her again, nesting her against his side .

Kyera yawned softly, covering her mouth with a delicate hand, the bracelet caught the sunlight and the colors sparkled . She offered a warm smile to the family .

"My apologies, the baby takes a lot out of my energy . " Kyera replied feeling that drain on her again . What was going on?

"Not at all, Princess Kyera . " Empress Vivian smiled tenderly at her . "Are you and the child faring well? What happened in the forest?" She asked honestly curious and Kyera smiled .

"I will explain, but for now should the hunt totals be tallied?" Kyera asked as she waved to Ivory . The Storm twins used their control over air and clouds to move the three large trunks of meat to the main circle .

"Each chest has 2 compartments . The first is for the furs and is held close to the lid . The second compartment is for the meat . Each kill has been butchered down into the meat cuts yielded by the animal . " Bryson explained as he handed each girl a key . The keys each had their name etched into the cylinder so no one could get the wrong chest .

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