The Tiger Within

Chapter 539

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:16 PMChapter 539

The roast rabbit was already expertly mixed with the filling as Kyera sprinkled and dashed seasoning into the large wooden bowl . She tossed and mixed it as the Melania engaged Lalia in a conversation about their home coming .

"I was surprised to see how affectionate you were when we got home . " Melania commented winking at Lalia, her voice teasing . Lalia giggled and blushed a bit .

"Yes well once the issue with the Empress was solved our evening got even more affectionate . " Lalia hinted with a bashful grin . Kyera chuckled, well aware she was boasting her pride in her husbands love .

"I am happy for you . Its obvious he missed you very much . " Melania replied politely . There was a note in her voice that made Kyera raise a brow . Did she not see it?
"It didn"t look like we were the only ones whose husbands couldn"t keep their hands off them . " Kyera commented as she peaked at Raina who was helping her cousins work a meat roasting spit . Once she was sure her father had it under control Kyera came back to their discussion fully .

"Oh? You think so?" Melania asked glancing over at her husband who was laughing at something Bryson had said .

"Honey, he helped you off the carriage and defended you to the Empress . A man doesn"t go against his grandmother out of obligation . Offering to take your punishment? Do you think Bastil would have done that for Feya?" Kyera asked raising an eyebrow . Melania looked down, focusing on preparing the leaves as Kyera moved behind her own station . The girls began carefully filling and folding their own little leaf pouches .

"Kyera has a point . He can"t take his eyes off you tonight either . Everytime I look over he"s looking away because you looked up to look at him . " Lalia pointed out with a chuckle . Kyera smiled and giggled as well . Melania blushed and flicked her eyes his direction to find him turning his head… or was it wishful thinking .

"Made you look . " Lalia teased and Melania shot her a look, embarra.s.sed that she had been caught peeking .

"We have a relationship built on respect . He"s a warrior . " Melania whispered and Kyera raised her eyebrows as she rolled another packet and put it over the fire to join the other 20 on the rack .

"Warriors often have both the best blessing and curse in relationships . Iron control, and respect but the counter of a.s.suming and preparing for the worst . " Kyera told her as she pulled the finished packets off and layered Lalia and Melania"s finished packets .

"Oh? Worst?" Lalia asked honestly curious now . Kyera seemed to have insite that neither palace girl had ever had before .

"Yes, I would wager your father arranged your marriage?" Kyera asked and Melania nodded .

"Yes, we wed right before he went to war . " Melania replied and Kyera nodded .

"Oh? I see . So in his mind your a present . " Kyera shook her head slowly and Melania frowned . She wasn"t a toy to be given away .

"I am not a possession . " She replied a bit defensively and Kyera smiled .

"No you aren"t, but you also didn"t choose that wedding . His duty didn"t allow him to disgrace you by refusing your hand . However, his warrior"s mind knew you did not love him . He had to have an heir, but his honor refused to take your choice to love away . No matter how he cares for you, he will control it . " Kyera tried to explain this but honestly she was struggling . Explaining a warrior"s heart to someone who wasn"t raised with the same codes .

"But… I do love him . " Melania replied softly and felt her heart squeeze . She avoided looking toward him .

"Then try showing him some affection . " Kyera replied "Take a chance . Steal a kiss . " She suggested, leaning forward so her voice couldn"t be overheard . Melania blushed and Kyera smiled as they heard the children laughing . Kyera turned to see Clovis and Damar playing or rather wrestling with the children . The two boys and Raina teaming up on the father"s causing the brothers to team up tickling and playing with their kids . Alexi has scooped his daughter up and is tickling her teasingly, but out of reach of the skirmish on the ground .

"Oh goodness what are they doing?" Lalia giggled at the complete disarray of the court yard as well as the nervous servants . This was a site they hadn"t seen before .

"It is called playing . " Kyera replied and Lalia shot her a glare . "Oh come now girls . Just because your royals doesn"t mean you aren"t a family and that they aren"t fathers . "

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