The Tiger Within

Chapter 553

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:02 PMChapter 553

There was no hint of the beautiful Warrioress they all knew as Princess Kyera . The thin chain around her neck, and the ear cuff the only things resembling the Princess Kyera that they had expected . She wore a pelt across her back, two great paws over her shoulders as she walked to the Empress Vivian and stunned Emperor . She met their eyes and gripped the paws and slung

the great beast off her back . Laying at their feet was a mountain lion larger than even the moose . The soft pelt of the pale white fur was stripped with pale blue patterns . "A Frostfang Lion as proof that I can protect as well as feed my people . " Kyera spoke gently, her voice more regal as she bowed to the Royals .

A mix of emotions pa.s.sed through the room as she approached Clovis who took his wife"s hand, and smiled . He was shocked to see her this way, perfect . Every inch of her was beautiful and glowed . However, her guards both looked less than pleased . They cast a glance at one another but stayed near their royal family . There was silence for long moments as everyone took in the four kills at the Empress Vivan"s face .
"This evening, we are gathered for the Hunt Ball . This tradition is meant to prove the beauty of the Empress . She must be a mother to her people, a provider for their needs . All of these princesses brought forth meat from the kill . They have proven they can indeed be the mother"s to our people . However," Empress Vivian paused for a moment as the applause continued . Once it died down, she began to speak again . "Only one Princess has brought forth not just the most sizable kill, but also the most vicious . It is clear she is indeed a good choice as a leader, and Empress . The Belle of the Ball shall be Fourth Princess Kyera . " The Empress waved her hand, sweeping her arm at Kyera and Clovis .

Kyera swept a deep beautiful bow, her head bowed humbly . Empress Vivian settled the wreath of vines on Kyera"s hair, and then there was a pause . "The Medallion, Emperor?" Vivian asked raising an elegant eyebrow . His eyes widened as he realized he didn"t have it .

"If I may, Dethroned Empress Evelyn did not return said medallion . It was considered stolen when she left our lands . " Queen Kira offered, her venom clear as she spoke .

"I dare you say that again, you b.l.o.o.d.y wench . " Growled Mordakai his hand already on his sword as he stepped to Evelyn"s defense .

"Mordakai, it is quite alright . I am sure that Kira misspoke . " Evelyn replied as all attention turned on her . Many of the guards and even lords and ladies smiled knowingly, pleased and aware of the humble nature of their true Empress .

"Oh did I?" Kira asked raising an eyebrow . Kyera stayed bowed, her knees were starting to ache and she was struggling to keep herself balanced .

"Yes . You see, I was the Belle of the Ball when the last Hunt Ball was held . The medallion is given to the Belle, not to the Empress . " Evelyn explained, and her eyes shot to Kyera for a moment . It was clear she could see Kyera"s struggle .

"You abdicated your throne, and abandoned your right to be the Emperor"s wife . You should have left the medallion as well as the Empress Crown . " Kira replied carefully . It was clear in her eyes she was trying to air some of her anger .

"No, I am afraid not . It was given to me as Belle of the Hunt, and is not intended to leave the Belle until the day a new one is crowned in her place . " Empress Evelyn rose to her feet and walked forward . All eyes were on her for each unstable step . The Emperor"s expression was complicated . Eve didn"t even give him a glance . She was focused on the woman on her knees struggling to keep her balance .

She carefully brought the silver chain out of her dress and lifted the necklace over her hair . It was a beautiful Crest that shone in the fire light as if it was alive . She settled it over Kyera"s head so the Crest hung over her chest .
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"I am proud to have you as my Daughter in law . " Empress Evelyn spoke clearly as she offered Kyera a hand, helping her to her feet . Kyera smiled gently at her mother in law .

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