The Tiger Within

Chapter 562

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:53 PMChapter 562

The meeting ended soon after Kyera gave her orders . She turned away from the gathered group . "Goodnight and… thank you . I appreciate the concern you all had when you gathered here . If I do beast before this is over, it will be more than just my family I will fight to save . " Kyera told them over her shoulder .

Everyone had something they wanted to say, a denial but not one of them could speak a word . She glided away from them, as quietly as she had arrived . From the back, she was almost unrecognizable to the proud Princess they had known a mere year ago . The same body stood before them, but the soul inside… was no longer the same . A child without a childhood, a lover with a faithless love, and a woman clinging tightly to the family she has fought for… but no sign of the Happy, brilliant Warrioress everyone had prayed she should be .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntKan followed her, staying close to her back as Shaman Half Eye led the way . The three were headed in the same direction . One to his patient, another to her dear friend, and then third to guard all three . Half Eye slowed his step and glanced over at the stoic princess . She glanced back at him, her eyes almost daring him to ask the question on his mind . He however, had never been one to back down from a challenge .  
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"You have no intention of going beast . " It was a statement, not a question . "However you are going to do something even more dangerous, aren"t you?" He asked finally letting the question fall between them . Kan felt the hairs on the back of his neck p.r.i.c.kle . To a shifter, there was nothing worse than going beast .

"You seem to already know that answers, be blunt . " She added her voice still cool and calm as the Empress facade she had worn earlier . They went inside the palace, bare feet making gentle sounds on the flooring . Half Eye sighed deeply .

"Princess all due respect but we both know what killed your elder sister and it had nothing to do with beating . She gave her mortal life to save them and became a demiG.o.ddess… a wisp of power in the trees . Do you intend to do the same?" He asked, his voice challenging and demanding answers .

"Yes . If it comes down to it . " Kyera replied honestly . The thought had crossed her mind more than once now .

"Kyera, there is one major flaw in that plan . You have more of your father in you than she did . You have made offerings, you have visited his land, and you have wholly accepted yourself as his child for good and the bad . Your sister ran from the truth and only accepted it in the moment of her death . She only had that whispers of power to give . Kyera, you feel the shadows pulse through hour veins . Are they but a wisp, or so much more than that?" Half Eye asked her knowingly . As if cued by his words she became acutely aware of the power rushing through her . She could feel the way the shadows melded with her aura and caressed her skin with their cool embrace .

"And?" Kyera asked turning her eyes on him .

"That power will be set loose, in a instant . It will either claim and consume every particle of you or you may not just lose your place in Mora . Child you could lose your place to exist at all . This… isn"t to be taken lightly . " Half Eye warned her cautiously . Kyera frowned softly as she realized that he was making an effort to save her . Did she appear that out of control?

"I understand half eye . I appreciate your care . " Kyera replied and offered a smile . The facade cracked and he saw Kyera for a moment . It was a split second, nothing more .

"Always Princess . " Half Eye replied . Kan opened the door to the makeshift infirmary . The room smelt of incense, water bowls placed on pedestals near the bed . Two dark colored candlesticks stood near the door, and one on the bedside table . Two healers I"m training stood talking to each other off to the side . Judging by their expressions at being caught, they were gossiping .  

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