The Tiger Within

Chapter 568

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:47 PMChapter 568

"She said they needed the power of the G.o.ds to destroy humanity, the race in its entirety . Kyera, you and your brothers are all children of the Shadow Lord . I was stupid, and thought there would be no consequences to bareing him children . No less, I bore 5 demiG.o.ds into a world where their power would have to be hidden . I never dreamed anyone would come after us, we were just a small family in the forest . I had no idea that Keenan would develop his power so early, and show that girl . " Akira tried to explain, cursing the past as she thought of her eldest son . His warm and loving eyes, the brightness as he learned so intelligent and full of light . All she wanted was to protect that light .

"So it"s Keenan"s fault?" Kyera asked, Akira"s words had struck a chord deep in Kyera"s body . She remembered laying her brothers into the ground, and the pain of Keenan"s last moments . How dare she blame the boys for this…

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"No it was mine . " Akira replied and Kyera looked at her, shock in her eyes . That cold facade had shattered for a moment, defenseless in the face of her mother"s admission . "I should have prepared Keenan . I wanted him to grow up care free and I was so sure he would come to me first when the powers came . When he reached 6 and nothing had happened I figured he was normal . He was 10 when he showed her what he could do . His power was small, but it was enough . " She shook her head wiping her eyes as the tears came and poured over her cheeks . "I had to protect you and the boys . I talked them out of using the Shadows, but I had to give them something, Kyera . I became their agent . They sent me here, to warm my way into the palace as a beautiful tiger and eventually i would be used to help destroy the royal family from the inside out . " Akira explained as her mind shot back to the night she prayed Kyera would never find out about . Sending Lazren to kill little Raina had been the first step to the plan, but unfortunately that had failed .

"Inside out?" Kyera asked, her eyes flashed with realization as she looked around the room . "The others… the Shifter Kin trapped here, not all of them are trapped are they? Many of them are here for this plot . You… Oh G.o.d, what was their plan, Akira . What is your part to play?" Kyera demanded, her heart was cold . There was a really easy way to torture the Emperor and take away everything that he loved… just start with the…

"The children . We were suppose to start taking away the children . " Akira replied unable to look Kyera in the eyes .

"What? You were going to help them take the children? They couldn"t survive our way of life . " Kyera growled anger in her eyes . "NO child should suffer the punishment of the father . You helped write that rule, Akira . Your own blood wrote those words into existence . " Kyera reminded her and Akira looked down at the floor . She seemed so defeated and worn out compared to her powerful daughter .

"No, we were supposed to take the children"s lives . I did what I did to protect my children . They swore the five of you would be safe . " Akira replied and a dark laugh behind Kyera made her glance behind her .  

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"Yea, well, that"s because she set you up . She knew who you were, she knew who the kids were because she knew who fantasy was . It had nothing to do with Keenan . She got you out of the way so she could wipe out your children Akira, and eventually, once you suffered losing all five she would have taken your life too . " Kan replied coming to stand beside Kyera, and look at Akira with pity in his eyes .

"No, I"ve been here for years… she swore she didn"t do it . " Akira replied her voice trembled as she fought against the truth staring her down .

"Akira, see reason . She banished you using your children, and then set in to kill all of them . If it wasn"t for my attempt to save them that night she would have taken Kyera"s heart while she slept . Keenan died protecting his little sister, and I was forced to murder my own kin to stay alive and join you in banishment . Akira, my sister is one of the Dark Ones . " Kan growled as he explained, the blood of that night seemed to still stained his fur crimson . Akira shook her head turning away but found her hand wrapped in fingers that hadn"t reached for her since they were much smaller .

Kyera held her hand and met her eyes . "Stop . I need you to think this through . Is there any way anything he is saying is true? Akira… Mother Please . " Kyeara"s voice broke through the denial the older woman was trying so hard to cling too . Tears fell down her cheeks as she threw both arms around her daughter and held her close .

"I"m so sorry, Ky Mei . I"m so sorry . " Akira whispered and Kyera sighed deeply holding her back, she was struggling against the tears that wanted to fall down her cheeks . "I thought I was doing the right thing . "

"Our family has been betrayed so many times that its nothing now . We just… have to be more careful moving forward . Come, we must gather the council and stop this before anyone else falls to this madness . " Kyera whispered pulling away and offering her  mother a kerchief from her dress .  

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