The Tiger Within

Chapter 573

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:42 PMChapter 573

"Actually, I need to introduce you to the true hero of the eve . My brother… Kendrick . It turns out he was taken by the Dark Ones when our brothers were murdered . He heard of their plot to kill the children and came to our aid . " Kyera smiled as her brother glanced at her . When had she learned to lie so well?

"My pleasure, Empress Vivian . " Kendrick went to bow and found himself wrapped in a tight hug . He froze and had to refrain from attacking the woman on instinct . Kyera gently pulled the Empress back .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Kendrick is not free with touch…" Kyera explained and Empress Vivan smiled softly at her, there was embarra.s.sment on the older woman"s face . Kendrick stepped back and smoothed his pants, the fact that he was naked from the waist up was suddenly very apparent to everyone in the room .

"Sorry, when I found the Princess and had to kill her a.s.salents my tunic was a bit… unnerving for the Princess . " Kendrick apologized and he gathered every dashing bit of charm he possessed and threw it into a devilish little grin . Where as his sister was a dangerous beauty with a innocents in how she affects people, he knew exactly what one of his smiles could do, and used it to his advantage .

"Not at all, Someone please grab something for him . It is chilly out here . " The Empress barked the order but before the order fully left her mouth Kyera was already handing her brother a tunic . He slid it on without hesitation, it fitting rather well . She then went to wrap a blanket around little Raina who was now soothing Mordakai that the bad men were dead .  

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"I need to look after my sister, your grace . " Kendrick bowed and she nodded, dismissing him to do as he pleased . He slid his blanket off and wrapped it around her .

"You need to stop being a mother hen and take care of that little thing inside you . Raina is safe, everyone is happy . Now go lay down and rest . I will look after your little family while you take care of you and the baby . " Kendrick chided her and Clovis turned to see who was talking to his wife like that . Then his eyes bulged out of his head for a moment and he slapped himself .

The noise caused quite a few people to look at him, including is wife and her brother who were rather concerned . Kyera looked ready to chew him out for it, but she didn"t .   "Kendrick? How… What?" He began to ask and Kendrick smiled .

"All will be explained in good time, Brother in law . For now, shall we just say I"m home to take care of my family . " Kendrick smiled and tousled Raina"s hair . She looked a little annoyed but then again, she quickly got over it . Her hair was a mess already, it didn"t matter if it was a little messier . In truth she looked a total mess but no one could care less . They were just happy she was home .

"How about this, us girls will go get a relaxing bath in the hot spring, and you two boies figure out how you want to increase protection at the palace? Sound like a deal?" Kyera asked knowing very well the changes that this night was going to make to their little slice of heaven . "But first, Kendrick, I need to introduce you to the rest of the family . " Kyera added her gaze floating over to Crystalsa who still seemed to be watching them cautiously .

"I thought we were banished…" Kendrick whispered, following her gaze . He remembered his mother"s bias against the Frost Royals better than Kyera, who was just a cub when it all happened .

"No, the man who banished us is long dead; and Great Grandfather accepts us as his own, as does Grandest Mother . I think it"s time you met them . " Kyera smiled sweetly and took her Brother by the hand . He smiled back indulgently, and followed where she led .

Clovis watched her go; surprised at just how happy his little wife appeared to be . There was something joyous and child like where the incredible sadness had once been . He couldn"t help but smile as he swept his daughter up into his arms .  

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