The Tiger Within

Chapter 576

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:40 PMChapter 576

The group outside the hall had settled down now, and things were finally starting to settle back into the routine . It was a day or two before the next heir game event, even with the ball having been pushed back as far as it was . After the palace wide manhunt, the guard had been doubled, though Akira and Clovis very much doubted it would do any good . No one could tell for sure who was on what side . He sent his own guard to keep a watch on the children . If the Dark ones made another move, he wanted to be ready for them .

Daxin and Half Eye continued their attentions on Talis, still trying to wake him from his deep slumber, while keeping Clovis aware of any changes . The girls were spending a great deal of time in the bath, not that anyone could blame them . Both were sore and tired from the night before . Neither had slept much and Clovis wouldn"t have put it past them to have fell asleep in the bath .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntKendrick stood looking out at the forest, and watching Clovis"s guards as he waited, not sure what to do . Truth be told, he was glad there wasn"t much to do, he was still getting use to being alive again . He could feel things he couldn"t as a spirit and it was… better . The feel of the wind"s bite on his skin, and the way every sense tingled and was focused in on the world around him . He felt it so much more deeply than he did in the shadow realm . Perhaps it was the sense of danger that made his human form so much more aware . The world had changed, but its overall feel was still the same as the day he had died . Knowing his brothers were gone wasn"t saddening for him . They would live again when they choose to, but for now he would enjoy it for all of them . He would act as the guardian of their sister on the ground .

"You seem pensive . " Akira whispered quietly . She was near him, but had said very little . When she first saw him, he had been surrounded by royals, and she couldn"t address him as son . It would have revealed her ident.i.ty as Kyera"s mother as well and it seemed she had no intention of doing so yet .

"I am, for many reasons . One of which is the death of my brothers . Everything that has happened sense . Mother, I know sister didn"t forgive you easily . I know she didn"t want to forgive you at all . " Kendrick was rather pointed in his words . There was a moment between them while Akira rearranged her thoughts .

"I didn"t have a choice . " Akira began but he looked back at her . There was a slight warning in his eyes, knowledge that she didn"t want explained .

"I know . . . that"s the only way Kyera would forgive you . " She visibly relaxed as he spoke, but he continued . "However, you and I both know your using that as an excuse to hide the truth and not lose your daughter as you did your sons"

Akira visually recoiled . "No that isn"t true, I thought I was protecting you . " Akira tried to explain and Kendrick chuckled darkly . While she fumbled with words to tell him the same events as she told Kyera he pulled the tunic off himself . The site of his skin stopped her in her tracks .

The skin of his chest was clawed and gnarled from the death wound . The pale, silvery skin spoke of his death and suffering loud and clear . Tears filled Akira"s eyes as she reached to touch the mark . He flinched away, putting the shirt back on .

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"Your choice made this a reality . My reality, and Father brought me back . Father . You remember him right? The all mighty G.o.d of death . " He reminded her rather needlessly . He knew his words hurt, but he didn"t care . "There had been another way to save us . You knew there was . However, because you didn"t tell him his children were in danger, you left us open to be slaughtered . "

"No, I couldn"t… I couldn"t ask his help . " Akira replied shaking her head . There were tears in her eyes and lies… oh so many lies .  

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