The Tiger Within

Chapter 580

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:36 PMChapter 580

The smells of a late breakfast being cooked wafted down the halls of the Dancing Wind"s Palace . Mally had taken control of the maids and directed them to make breakfast and prepare the hall for a lazy day . In all honesty, the royals would need some sleep and with the guard increase they actually could . The task of taking care of them distracted Mally from the boy who had yet to wake up .

Kendrick sat on the roof of the palace, his eyes closed . His aura covered the place in an invisible blanket . Every muscle in his body was stone still as he surveyed the land around him . Nothing could move without interrupting the flow of aura, which closed around their forms and interrogated their intentions . No one so far had evil intent on the grounds .

He frowned as the gates opened and a ma.s.s of people entered . At least five people invaded the s.p.a.ce, and yet the guards seemed unworried . Kendrick opened his eyes and stood up, looking down from the clay shingled roof . The people walking into the yard were clearly shifters, wearing the traditional Green and Brown of the Forest Knights . He felt his curiosity peek and began climbing down from the roof . The shifters noticed him far before his feet reached the ground and stopped .
"HO there, Brothers . Why do you seek Princessa Kyera?" Kendrick called out as he turned to face these men . Most of them he remembered from childhood . He wondered if they would recognize him… most likely not . Father had aged his human body to his true age and they had buried him . The old wolf leading the pack however, seemed to scrutinize him .

"Kendrick?" Daxin asked tentatively, his eyes and nose would not deceive him . He knew the youth who had launched off the roof . Kendrick laughed .

"Yes, Daxin?" Kendrick asked and Daxin smiled . The others looked confused staring this man over .

"You were…" a man he knew as Lan spoke up . He wasn"t surprised, Lan had been one of his dearest friends as a child . He had even dated Lan"s little sister for a while .

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"I gave up my chance at reincarnation to rejoin my sister . The King on Moria"s throne is neither blind nor deaf . The plot of the Dark Ones threaten the balance of Moria as it does the destruction of our species . Sending a soldier back comes at a heavy price, but the one I was willing to pay . " Kendrick replied, his explanation was strange but sounded oddly plausible . If anyone would do something so… final it was the most decisive of the four brothers .

"Welcome back, Kendrick . We will be glad for the help . Praise be to Moria for her guidance, and thanks be to the man on her throne for his a.s.sistance . " Daxin bowed at the waist, his elderly body still strong, but showed signs of recent work out . It appeared as though he had been training hard recently .

"I agree . Now why were you…" Kendrick reminded when two people approached . He recognized as the Soft Paw General and his beautiful wife . Both appeared in enough distress to stop Kendrick"s words . "General, My Lady?" He opened the floor to them rather than asking his question . The attempt to stay polite was pressure both of them were feeling, their hearts wanted to scream and interrupt but dignity demanded otherwise .

"Kendrick did you see either of our sons? Verone or…" the mother began but her words faltered . Neither of them wanted to face that Talis was balanced on that edge .

"Talis… our sons…" The general finished his wife"s thought as strongly as he could but his own voice choked . Kendrick knew why they asked, and why the guilt they felt was so clear . One would rather believe their eldest dead than face their eldest child killer their younger child .

"The fate of Verone… you know within you he is alive . Lady Kyera would never lie about this and he left a mark as deep on her as he has on your family . I am sorry it came to this . " Kendrick replied, knowing it was best to face that one head on . That headstrong tiger had no idea what havoc he had created out of his own treachery, of that Kendrick was sure . Otherwise, how did the beast live with himself?

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