The Tiger Within

Chapter 603

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:11 PMChapter 603

The shadows engulfed their precious charge and swallowed her whole, rescuing her from these idiots who challenged the Princess"s protection . The touch of the forest folk should never overstep the protection of the Shadow King"s vows . As it were, they formed a safe funnel to whisk her away settling her in a place that was safer than her current situation .

Raina, unaware of the considerations of the Shadows, found herself in total darkness, a slightly unnatural feeling that was warming at the same time . The scent of Kyera was heavy in the air, relaxing and soothing as she felt the warmth of light through her eyelids . Her body landed on something, not something stone either . A warm chest, and a pair of hands grabbed her arms swaying dangerously as if to stay teetered on some unknown edge . Raina quickly realized it was a ledge, and she was on something… or someone"s lap .

She looked up into the rather surprised face of Hayden . It seemed he had cut his hair, and it now fell in almost wild spikes around his face and ears, a bit messy but after all, he wasn"t on duty . A stick from a sugar sculpture was poking out the corner of his lips as he looked down at her . Her back was against one of his legs, which apparently, he had been sitting with bent up to rest his arm on . Her weight was resting on his thigh, leg extended and swinging loosely off the edge of the wall .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Princess?" He asked raising an eyebrow, his hands still on her shoulders as he balanced the pair of them . She could hear the music from the dance not far away .

"H-H-Hayden?" She asked and confusion knit her little eyebrows together .   "Mommy said the shadows would lead me back to her . " Hayden looked at the depth of the shadows around him and chuckled . That made alot more sense, granted why the shadows had burdened him with the young princess made him quite curious . He was only 3 years her senior and yet… Oh well .

"The shadows work in mysterious ways . They probably took you to the safest servant of shadows in the area . Knowing your mother she is with Clovis and around your "family" and I use the word loosely . So obviously, here with me was safer than there with them . " Hayden replied trying to take this new development in stride . He carefully shifted under her, so the pressure of the wall ledge wasn"t putting his leg to sleep .

"Oh Goodness, I"m sorry I was in shock…" She whispered as she tried to scoot off his lap . She then saw the drop below, a long fall and gasped clinging to his hand . Hayden laughed and hugged her as she began to panic .  

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"Princess, stop moving . Let me . " He scooted out from under her and stepped backward, off the wall onto the stone floor . He took her around the waist and helped her down . "See, no harm done . "

"So high…" she whimpered and he smiled at her .

"I know, but it"s the best view in town . " Now that she was down and not worked about falling, she followed his gaze . The forest spread for miles, she could see the tallest trees flirting with the clouds . She could see the storm twins swirling around each other creating designs in the clouds . It was… breathtaking .

"Wow…" she was awestruck . He chuckled .

"Now let"s get off this roof before we fall . My apologies for my rudeness but I need to take the liberty of holding your hand again, Princess . " He took her hand and led her down, safely from the rooftop . "Watch your step" he warned as she took the ladder to the ground .

"Thank you . " Raina sighed deeply, glad to be back on the ground .

"No, thank you Princess . You did much better than most girls, and most actually climbed up there . " He teased still holding her hand . They both realized that at the same time and let go .

"Well I need to find my Mom…" Raina pointed out and he nodded .

"Let me escort you . If you walk back alone and get lost I will never hear the end of it . " He told her and she nodded . The pair walked in companionable silence through the crowd .  

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