The Tiger Within

Chapter 605

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:09 PMChapter 605

As they made their way through the crowd, Raina caught Hayden glancing at her and chuckleing . She felt heat in her cheeks, as she tried to figure out what was so funny . Subconsciously, she smoothed her dress and ran her hand over her hair, which was surprisingly tidy despite being a slightly different style . She couldn"t find anything out of place .

"Princess, your expression looks a bit… cross with me . " Hayden said, his voice was respectful but his eyes shined with laughter and amus.e.m.e.nt . His expression only annoyed her more .

"Well wouldn"t you be if someone was laughing at you?" She asked, avoiding his look, knowing his grin would be infectious .   Raina found herself giggling despite herself, but what she didn"t realize was his expression got deadly serious .
"You think I am laughing at you? Princess, you misunderstand . I am merely amused that the shadows chose me of all people to keep you safe . They left you in my care to return to The Princess . I am amused because it could have just as easily placed you with your guard, or The Shaman but it was me . " He explained with a gentle smile .

"Then why are you laughing?" She asked, not completely convinced . If anything had been learned tonight, it was Grandfather Mordakai was right . You could not trust a smiling face .

"Because I am happy, Princess, and the situation is ironic . " He explained taking her hand, his thumb pa.s.sing over the soft skin on the back of hers . Raina was surprised by the touch, but only for a second . She remembered how shifters took comfort in contact . She hadn"t understood that much, at least not till now .

"Princess . " A cold yet familiar voice called . She turned to See Kendrick, his hand on his blade as he stared down Hayden . His glare could peirce even the strongest soldier, and Hayden bowed his head . Slight hints of black fur on his hand, where it held hers .  
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"Kendrick!" Raina smiled as she ran to him and hugged him . The fear she had felt for the past two hours dissipating as soon as his hand came to rest on her head . She was safe, completely and totally .

"I saw those boys circling you and then you disappeared before I could get to you . "  Kendrick told her softly, petting her hair but his cold eyes never left Hayden . The boy was shaking under his gaze, the boy recognized him as the Prince of the Forest, The Fallen Prince, and most of all, champion of the Shadow King sent to protect them from the Dark Ones .

"I fell into the shadows, and they took me to him . " Raina explained as she pointed to Hayden who was barely breathing . It was like a young prey before a large predator .

"I see, Thank you then, boy for returning our princess . You will be rewarded . " He addressed Hayden who dared look up to find those cold eyes warmer now . Kendrick swept his niece into his arms and turned, carrying the Princess back to her father and mother .

Kyera looked nervous and so did Clovis but it would have been too obvious if they had gone searching for her . If the Dark Ones had servants here, hidden among the people, they would know Raina was missing . Right now, that was something they just couldn"t chance as Talis and Kendrick hunted for her with a handful of the Empress" guard and most of Mordakai and Mordren"s best men .

"Oh thank Father for sending you back to me . " Kyera spoke the moment Kendrick came into view and stood from the table, hugging her brother and her daughter in one swoop . Once she let go Kendrick set Raina down and bowed .

"It is my honor to be of service to my ill.u.s.trious little sister . " Kendrick purred from down on one knee . Kyera smiled, recognizing his attempt to keep this from being a rumor in the making . He was completely unaware that she didn"t care . The only person whose opinion mattered to her was her husband .

Raina hugged Kyera and grabbed her daddy"s hand the emotions in her little form that she had been controlling suddenly made her feel vulnerable and weak . Kyera wrapped her arms around her daughter and kissed her hair .

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