The Tiger Within

Chapter 607

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:07 PMChapter 607

"Likewise . Princess, your daughter is protected by the Priesthood but it seems there are those who wish to separate her from you . We could return her but we can meddle no more . " He spoke directly to Kyera . There was an underlying note to his words of great sadness . The honor and laws of time bound them and Kyera felt am uneasiness in her heart .

"The laws must be kept, whether they be the old laws of your time, or the new laws of my own . " Kyera agreed, knowing how fragile the order could be .

"Indeed Princess, you are wise as your mother . " The Priest was unaware of the blunder he had made . Kyera felt a soft growl escaped her lips, despite her efforts to hide her displeasure . Clovis slid his arm around her waist .

"There is no such creature in my heart . " Kyera replied coolly . The Preist raised an eyebrow .
"She is the Queen Of the Shadow Dancers, whether you recognize her or not, she is your Queen Mother . " The priest tried to caution Kyera who smiled sweetly .

"The moment the Queen submits herself to father"s judgment or at the very least does her duty as queen, I will call her Queen mother again . Until then she is a disgrace, simply one I have chosen not to hate . " Kyera replied softly . Her truce did not heal her heart .

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"Kyera, we came to apologize to you . We can do nothing more and pray you will forgive us . " He whispered and bowed low . Her anger turned to unease again .

"There will be a death, one I will wish to stop but I can not . " Kyera concluded aloud and judging by the slight flinch from the man across from her, she was right .

"My Lady we had to choose between guiding Raina or stopping what"s to come . My son made the decision for us . " He replied still low in his bow .

"I thank you for taking care of my daughter . I will bare the consequences for her safe return . " Kyera rea.s.sured him with a determined smile . He nodded at her, knowing he was forgiven as were his men . They turned to leave but his son looked up at Kyera .

"Princess, May I address you directly?" Hayden asked and Kyera nodded .

"I recognize you, Priest Son Hayden . " Kyera agreed graciously . She hated all these rules of speaking and formalities, but they answered to the old law . She could not disrespect their rights to their traditions .

"Forgive me for saying so, but there is a traitor in your inner circle . Though the person may not intend their actions to be as such, they have spun a wheel that can not be stopped except by blood . " He told her, concern in his eyes . Kyera felt the truth of his words deep in his bones . There were things hidden from her, she could sense it in the air . The sensation almost toxic .

"No forgiveness necessary . Stay safe no matter what should happen young Hayden . " Kyera replied as the boy took her hand and bowed his forehead to it .

"I will do my best, Princess but I have my own Part to Play . " He replied gently, his words almost resigned to it . She recognized his look as one she had seen on soldiers who had their orders, but no intentions to obey them .

"Do as you must, first be true to you . Everything else will come in time . " Kyera replied before taking Clovis"s hand and guiding him back to the high table .

"Who were they? Traitor? What just happened, Kyera?" Clovis was lost and the torrent of questions came as soon as he gained distance between himself and the Order .

"They are Panthers, the lot of them . The Panther Tribe has 2 factions Order of the Shadows and Order of Order . The pair can only cross each other so far, by the old law . Because of those lines and restrictions they must choose their actions carefully . " Kyera explained as they took their seats again . Clovis frowned .

"They gave us vague warnings . Why didn"t they come out with it?" He asked and Kyera smiled as her eyes focused on the dancing people before her . A gla.s.s of tea had been placed before her spot after she left .  

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