The Tiger Within

Chapter 614

Publishedat 11th of September 2019 01:10:06 PMChapter 614

"But they were shifters . " Keen says obviously lost . Raina crawled into Kyera"s lap and hugged her .

"Keen, the Dark Ones are bad people .   Bad people want to hurt good people no matter what those good people are . " Raina told him as Kyera hugged her . Keen nodded slowly, looking down at his hands .

"No, the Dark Ones are not bad people, they are consumed by hatred for the race that deemed them as evil vermin . That war led many good people being burned in a pit of anger and leave behind a dark soul that wishes to destroy the Human Royals . That is why we can not let ourselves hate, we must learn to be understand and seek justice not revenge . " Kyera pointed out even as she felt that fire begging to kindle in her own heart . She resisted it, knowing that the fallen would not have wanted to see her burn .

"At any rate, Daxin and the Forest Knights no longer wish to serve along side the palace guard . " Kyera explained and Clovis laughed coldly .
"I can"t blame them . I am so sorry about Lazren and Mally . I know you were close to them . " Clovis whispered and Kyera smiled softly .

"So was he, and yet he took their lives like they were nothing . Even if he didn"t hold the knife, he killed any goodwill I had to end this peacefully . Grandest Mother I told you I would consider peaceful options . I think… that consideration is over . " Kyera looked to Crystalsa who sat taller in her chair .

"It will be a long war . " She warned and Kyera nodded .

"I will need to gather forces and train them . Obviously I can"t go to war like this . " She motions to her tummy . "That gives us 6 months to prepare . "

"Then so shall it be . " Crystalsa agreed and Bryson nodded . They would back her decision, enough good souls had been lost .

"I will send letters to some friends of mine . They might have men willing to help take back the Forest Gate woods . " Myra offered sitting a little straighter .  
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"Thank you, Myra . I… I think I will pray for guidance . " Kyera replied touching the stone on her ear . It hummed with power .

"Can I come, Mommy?" Raina asked and Kyera smiled .

"Of course baby . " Kyera agreed, kissing her hair . The mother daughter pair stood up from the table and curtsied together . "We will be at The Shadow King"s Alter . Be safe, even here can slip through the cracks . "


Late that Night

Kyera stood on the roof of the palace, looking down at the world below . The Icelands spread as far as the eye could see,  blanket of fresh snow . However, just at the edge of the horizon she could see the trees beginning to turn green . That was the edge of the Forest Gate kingdom . The edge of her forest .

She heard footsteps behind her, quite as feathers brushing over sand . Kendrick sat beside her, looking out at the view . He could feel her heart bleeding, the pain and the hatred he feared would come .

"Kyera, you can"t blame yourself . " He told her, well aware of the wheels in her head .

"Oh, can"t I?" She demands back . "I brought Cora there, I left Lazrin to protect the Empress, I left Mally there too . I made the decision to trust those people and look where I am now? Their stubborn hatred and fear killed 3 people who I would trust with my life . Talis is still there . Daxin is still there . My people are still there and if any of them are found out they may be thrown to the b.l.o.o.d.y wolves . It"s my fault . I never should have trusted this fragile peace . " Kyera growled as her body trembled . Kendrick felt it . The beast within Kyera was growing stronger . Her mind losing the battle for control .

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