The Tiger Within

Chapter 627

Publishedat 9th of October 2019 02:45:08 AMChapter 627

5 Months since the fall of the king

The winter winds began to blow harder, and usher in the storm heads heavy with the winter snowfall . The storm dragons flew in the clouds, trying to halt them from dropping their snow here . Frantic wing beats and roars of pleading as the dragons forced the clouds to obey their will .

Ivory soared through the clouds twisting and turning to break clouds that tried to disobey the order to hold the storm . Her black twin broke through the clouds .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I can"t hold back the snow much longer . Where is that blasted healer?" Demanded Ivory, smoke billowing from her nostrils in the cold, winter air . Her frustration was beginning to rise as she searched the land scape .

"I don"t know, sister but calm down . Emotions only excite the storm . The younglings are already having enough issues controlling it . " Ember reminded her as he looked at the dragons calming and corralling the storm .

"Once the healer arrives we will not need to fight it anymore . " Ivory reminded him, her exasperation was clear . The younglings magic was almost spent and it took all of them to defy this cloud . Normally, the storm twins would lead it away but they could not risk it today .

Ember nodded and looked down the winding path from the mountain . There was a speck moving at speed across the snow . No native shifter would dare travel when the storm dragons were fighting so fiercely… there was no certainty they would win .

"That must be her . Send three dragons, and go yourself, Sister . I will control the clouds . " Ember offered as he began persuading the clouds himself, and Ivory shot off like a streak to a.s.sist the healer .

They arrived at the keep, only to be met by a frantic Clovis . "Healer hurry . There is something wrong with the baby . " He demanded grabbing her hand and all but dragging the elder woman up stairs .

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"What"s wrong?" The elder woman asked her tone calm and collected as they made their way to the birthing chamber .

"Nothing, Gothel . The lad has never seen a shifter birth and is worried . The Princess is through there . The baby is on the way . " A calm collected voice interrupted Clovis before he could begin speaking . Bryson put his hand on his Grandson-in-law"s shoulder and smiled at Gothel .

The older woman chuckled and nodded . She took her long gray hair in hand, twisted it into a bun and tied it in place . "Let"s see what I can do . " She went in the room and everyone else left .

"Okay… healer is here . Kyera is strong . Everything will be okay . " Clovis spoke firmly forcing himself to calm down .

"You better hope so, or get used to the idea of being dragon food . " Sansor teased playfully . The control and facade Clovis had managed to put on cracked as he heard his cousin in law"s words .

"Sans, do me a favor and shut up . " Myra spoke clearly, her 2 month old daughter, Lea on her hip . Sansor yelped as Ramsey hit hip upside the back of his head . Having been in Clovis" shoes less than 2 months ago, and remembering Kyera helped Myra through the birth he felt offended by Sansor"s tasteless teasing .

"She is a strong woman, much stronger than I am . Grandest Mother and Gothel are with her . You need to stay calm . " Myra told him, hugging Clovis rea.s.suringly . Clovis hugged her back gently . He smiled at baby Lea who grabbed at Clovis"s fresh grown beard . Her little hand too uncoordinated to actually grasp the thin hairs .

"h.e.l.lo, Miss Lea . " Clovis spoke gently and smiled at her . The smile wasn"t quite complete, but it was an effort at least . The baby seemed to appreciate it and giggled and smiled herself . That distracted Clovis who wondered if his baby would have a bright smile too .  

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