The Tiger Within

Chapter 847

There was new life and excitement in the Frost Lands as news of the new born baby spread. The mother is well and alive, the baby healthy and pink. In accordance with tradition, the name and gender of the baby was still a secret. Besides the Matriarch, the mother, and the father no one would know those intimate details of the royal born. At least, not until the royal mother felt well enough to stay awake.

This tradition had been made when Roland, the first son of Matriarch Crystalsa had been born. His father had been away on official business when he was born, and the news of his child"s birth had come from the mouths of others. He had returned to the court and made the declaration of his child"s n.o.ble name. 
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This had led to quite the embarra.s.sing ordeal as Crystalsa informed her husband their child had indeed been a boy. Then, Belinda became Roland and they heard no more talk about the mistake. There was, perhaps a stable messenger punished for spreading false rumors once the words were traced to their source.

From then on; the father and mother were first to know, and then when the mother awoke from her post birth sleep, the people would be told. Many bets had been placed, and cakes and feasts prepared to celebrate the newest royal arrival. It had been 9 years since they had celebrated a royal birth. The people were itching for some fun.

However, no one was quite as impatient as a 8 year old little girl pacing in front of the birthing room doors. Kan, Kendrick, and Talis were all with her. Kendrick whittling a bit of wood, catching the shavings in a trash can, while the other two played cards on the floor, watching their charge wear a whole in the stone.

"Careful where you place, Princess. That stone is about worn smooth and you might slip." Kan teased her good naturedly. He had taken on the role of tormentor since Talis was her knight in shining armor.

"Come sit down Raina, she has only been asleep for a few hours. Your mother"s body is tired." Talis reminded her gently. His words were much more convincing as she huffed and walked to Talis"s side, dropping to the floor unceremoniously. There was little call for all that frilly behavior when it was her and her guard. They were more family, anyway.

"I know, I just want to meet my sibling and see Mom. It is difficult being left out." Raina pouted as she leaned over to watch Kan"s hand as he played cards.

"Hey now, no signaling this time little cheat. I know it"s all in good fun but please, give me a sporting chance." Kan growled softly, but even to Raina it seemed more like playfulness than an actual warning.

"Okay, I won"t. I just feel bad because your such a fantastic player." Raina replied batting her adorable big, blue, girly eyes at him. Kan glared back knowing full well what she was playing at.

"NO, wait a second, that may work on half wit pretty tiger there but not me. Your adorable charms are nothing compared to your mother, Princess and I resist her fine." Kan tried to bluff but Kendrick and Talis both raised a brow. Kan pointedly ignored the mocking smirks aimed in his direction.

"Oh really now? Who exactly, was on duty when Kyera went "dashing" through the snow, in the middle of a hunt while her belly was similar to an Ursa major just before hibernation?" Kendrick asked as he cut a particularly long strip of wood from his masterpiece. It was starting to resemble an animal"s head at the end of 4 inch long stick that was slightly thicker at the base.

"Or better yet who said yes to "Oh please? When have I ever been reckless while flying? It"s only a few snow clouds."" Talis asked, mimicking Kyera but in an overly sweet way.

"That"s not fair." Kan replied indignantly, trying to rescue himself from this joke. "Clovis said yes on that flight too."

"So you are both whipped by those cute little Princess Lashes. That"s nothing new." Talis chuckled and the other two couldn"t help but laugh at the look on Kan"s face.

"Here, Princess why don"t I teach you to play." Kan suggested with a wicked grin. Talis went a bit pale. Playing cards against the Princess was a double edged sword. On one hand, he could win… on the other hand… he could win. That was both positive and negative which left him feeling tormented as he listened to Kan start teaching Raina. Talis began to pray for salvation from the Shadow King. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(sorry for the lapse in posts. I"m doing the best I can here. hopefully 4 chapters sat, after I finish my homework)

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