The Tiger Within

Chapter 100

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:37 PMChapter 100

Four little fairies appeared in the air . Each one was ivory in skin tone and looked as though they were carved from the finest jade . Long streams of hair like water floating and swaying behind them as the flittered on little translucent wings . The sunlight caught on the thin flowy fabric of their dresses and glowed, casting pretty colors across the fairy"s body .

"Will you dance for us, daughters of the rain?" Kyera asked watching each fairy as they set the stones on a bubble which they seemed to sink into . The stones disappear beneath the surface of the bubbles into the fae realm beyond .

The fae seemed to think a moment and fluttered closer to Kyera and Raina . The smallest fairy, maybe 6 inches tall flew forward and the other three formed a diamond behind her . In perfect unison the swept a bow and seemed to wait patiently . Kyera chuckled .
"Ahh I see . . . " Kyera lowered herself to her knees and lifted her hand into the air . After several moments of concentration a instrument floated into her raised hands .

A long thin piece of wood elegantly carved with vines, flowers and a sleeping tiger came to rest on her thighs . Strings traveled the length of the Zither and wooden bridges crossed at a angle further up . Kyera smiled and looked at Raina, who was awestruck .

"Where did that come from?" she asked looking at the sky . Kyera chuckled .

"The Realm of Shadows . You were told I"m a disciple of the Shadow Lord, yes?" Kyera waited for her young friend to nod . "well music is how I please him as well as the earth below and sky above . " Kyera explained patiently . Her fingers traveled over the carved wood .

"but why bring it out now?" Raina asked tilting her head to the side . Kyera motioned to the fairies who were watching her with interest . They had not expected Kyera to be the one to play for them .

"It is hard for humans to hear fair folk music . So, in order to enjoy their dance they wish for us to provide the music . " Kyera explained and Raina looked a little sad .

"Oh… it"s okay . I don"t know how to play . " she replied a bit crestfallen but Kyera chuckled again . Her long elegant fingers pa.s.sed over the strings . The soft sounds of a sweet dark melody flowed from the Zither under her hand . She caressed, plucked and stroked as the strings gave up their voices .

The fairies were moved by the dark melody and began a slow graceful dance . Swaying and spinning while letting their bodies move with the music . Each fairy moving in sync with the next . Raina was mesmerized but was torn as well . The music was enchanting but the fairy dance was beautiful . She was lost in the display of art before her .

The song slowly came to a end and Kyera stroked the last note before smiling at Raina . "There is your first Fae Dance . If you wish to see another you will need to provide the music though . " Kyera replied gently as the Fae bowed to her . Raina smiled softly .

"I could never play something like this . " Raina said glancing lovingly at the Zither . She had seen so many played but never touched them . Kyera shook her head, all the things this child had been told she couldn"t do . . . it angered her .

"My dear Princess . Come here . " Kyera proceeded to move the Zither and place the child on her lap . Settling the Zither across her knees Kyera began teaching her to play . Her hands slowly showed the smaller ones when to pluck the strings, explaining in a soft patient voice what sound each string made and the meaning behind it .

At first, the little girl"s music made the fairies cringe and fly away . However, one little snow fairy fluttered closer letting her tip toes lightly rest on the Zither"s wooden frame . she watched as the girl"s moments became more fluid . Kyera began playing the strings while Raina watched her hands . Kyera began to sing .

"Come Little Fairy"s and Dance with me . Teach me to play the strings, teach me to play the strings . Come My little things, join me and teach me to play the strings . " Kyera played the quick playful little tune so simple and so sweet . Perfect to dance to . As she played the Snow Fairy began dancing across the strings following each of Kyera"s smooth movements .

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