The Tiger Within

Chapter 108

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:28 PMChapter 108

There was a few long moments of shock as eyes shifted to Mordrin whose expression didn"t change . This wasn"t news to him . He had known the truth since the night of their wedding when she had admitted it with sad downcast eyes . A smile curved his lips as his gaze stayed on his wife and unborn child, it was clear how he still felt .

"Lord Shadow Veil, I am sorry to hear of this . I had no idea my daughter had caused such . . " He began but Mordrin raised his hand .
"No, Vella Luna and I had long ago came to a understanding . I could understand why she made the choices she has . Vella, continue please . I will always support my wife, regardless of any snakes in the gra.s.s . " Mordrin replied walking to stand behind his wife"s back and give her his support visually as well as mentally . The Emperor nodded slowly, honestly relieved to see his daughter"s admission didn"t put her at odds with her husband and their kingdom against Shadow Veil .

"You are very fortunate to have such a understanding husband . Speak . What happened?" The Emperor asked watching her face . His eyes seemed to bore into her but to his surprise Vella did not respond as though it phased her in the slightest .

"I did not want to marry Mordrin when it was first proposed though it was my mother and brother who brought this opportunity to me . I…" she turned to look at Mordrin and smiled before looking at the court . "I loved my husband even then . However i know from the past how dangerous the road to Emperor was . Close family and trusted allies can become snakes when faced with this much power . My brother only had me at his side and a new born baby to consider . I refused to leave as long as that danger was present . " Vella spoke more clearly than anyone had expected and shocked even her father to silence . The Queens looked over at her, shooting her glares for moments before suddenly looking shocked beyond all reason .

"Vella, how could you believe this? We would never be so underhanded . " Queen Kira replied her voice dripping with indignant tones . She turned to Vella who offered her smile that didn"t reach her eyes . The slightly lost smile slowly turned to a confused little o shape as if she realized the queen was serious . Then it changed further to a look of slight pain . She didn"t bother to curtsy to the Queen who once made her life h.e.l.l, but she did face her .

"I never said you would, My Lady First Queen . I said allies and close family . I am sorry if you misunderstood me . " Vella replied remorsefully casting her eyes away . "Afterall, I would never place baseless claims at the feet of a innocent . " The pa.s.sive aggressiveness to her words were low key enough that only Queen Kira and herself had any idea what she was referring to . The way her eyes flashed, Vella was sure she remembered .

"I see, your words were simply… concerning . I do not think any of our close family will cause such strife for any of the sons or their children . " Queen Kira replied apologetically . "I am simply tired and there has been so much in the way of bad feelings in the harem as of late…" She pointed out casting a sad glance at the Empress . The Emperor"s eyes softened as he saw the regret in his queen"s eyes as she regarded the Empress who still called the cold palace home . He was the only one fooled by those cunning eyes .

"I will not say you were wrong to think so if you have unrest in the Harem . Perhaps it is in your best interest of your conscience to heal those rifts . " Vella replied before turning away from her, slapping Kira across the face with her implications alone . Kira flushed slightly and nodded looking toward the Emperor for his words on this subject .

"I fail to see how this new information changes that he gave up his position in order to protect his sister rather than the kingdom . " Damar asked, his posture screaming of disapproval . His crimson hair and dark eyes piercing through Vella"s back . "All she has proven is she is unfit to be a princess of our kingdom . "

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